I like nice seafood dinners.

Is there a sexual orientation for people who hate men but are technically still sexually attracted to them?

  1. italiandriving reblogged this from dorotheemantooth and added:
    Someone finally said it!!
  2. jaxryder reblogged this from aceattorneysforsocialjustice
  3. whattodowithlizz reblogged this from titanicdisnified
  4. titanicdisnified reblogged this from colorsofsocialjustice
  5. daymanftw reblogged this from colorsofsocialjustice
  6. thor-is-better reblogged this from tuxedoandex
  7. tuxedoandex reblogged this from dorotheemantooth and added:
    You seem to have forgotten that you yourself said you were sexually attracted to men… Should I explain further? Or can...
  8. ashrooms reblogged this from shepcom
  9. manliestlordofcrabs reblogged this from aceattorneysforsocialjustice
  10. danysdragonbabies reblogged this from dorotheemantooth
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  13. whitegirlkellyrp reblogged this from creepypyramid
  14. dorotheemantooth reblogged this from tuxedoandex and added:
    You actually believe a person needs to have sex with a man in order to not be a virgin anymore? Oh child, I’m so sorry...
  15. creepypyramid reblogged this from askthesoullessatomaton
  16. askthesoullessatomaton reblogged this from dorotheemantooth and added:
    ((Yes! It’s called “fuck off”))
  17. justadunmer reblogged this from listener-blue
  18. zorrinos reblogged this from aceattorneysforsocialjustice
  19. roombetweentheworlds reblogged this from aceattorneysforsocialjustice
  20. transfuturist reblogged this from colorsofsocialjustice and added:
    People who hate the objects of their desire may be termed “frollosexual”
  21. steve-the-duck reblogged this from listener-blue
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  23. justwestofweird reblogged this from aceattorneysforsocialjustice
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