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Writing things in the girl i babysits coloring book oops

Writing things in the girl i babysits coloring book oops

  1. writtenheartaches reblogged this from manhatinglesbian and added:
    So you would rather have some creep kiss you in your sleep…
  2. cosmocalled reblogged this from manhatinglesbian
  3. libbykeppen reblogged this from kiran4equality
  4. manhatinglesbian reblogged this from stephendiazdelgado and added:
    Explain to me in detail how i’m poisoning her mind by writing that. Go ahead. Even though she will never know i wrote it...
  5. marinefaerie reblogged this from rock10zxa
  6. kiran4equality reblogged this from wild-card-queen and added:
    She should never be allowed near that child again.
  7. uzuisafuckingpansage reblogged this from justiceleagueforjustice
  8. justiceleagueforjustice reblogged this from this-is-cthulhu-privilege and added:
    they always have been —batman
  9. hillariousthatsnotfunny reblogged this from khaleesi-ofbooty
  10. stephendiazdelgado reblogged this from manhatinglesbian and added:
    Poisoning the minds of children by vandalizing a children’s book with your bullshit. You make me fucking sick.
  11. shiver-me-chinbers reblogged this from fuck-social-justice-blogs
  12. chariserenee reblogged this from impalas-and-apple-pies
  13. caliemilee reblogged this from ironicdavestrider
  14. rape-and-pillaging-the-internet reblogged this from manhatinglesbian and added:
    This is sick. You shouldn’t be in charge of kids
  15. sarahsriot reblogged this from hearts-on-fire-bones-igniting and added:
  16. silverkitsuren reblogged this from meezdeez7
  17. hearts-on-fire-bones-igniting reblogged this from a7xnerd
  18. gal-gh0ul reblogged this from cxntfxckshxt and added:
    Those patriarch bastards.
  19. cxntfxckshxt reblogged this from gal-gh0ul and added:
    This is called book rape and is 100% proof that the Illuminati are behind Disney and are brainwashing 3 year olds to...
  20. sagiebear reblogged this from jschexxy
  21. meezdeez7 reblogged this from rock10zxa
  22. jschexxy reblogged this from denyselfandfollowchrist and added:
    The fact that it needs to be explained that these things have nothing to do with feminism and consent is embarrassing…
  23. lastcleveridea reblogged this from misspennygoodman
  24. thunderrhapsody reblogged this from rock10zxa
  25. rock10zxa reblogged this from shovelblade