You know what I hate? Cis gays saying “I just love cock” or “vaginas are scary” or “but I mean how can you not love pussy?” or “ew, penises are gross” when they’re referring to men and women. They often literally call men penises and women vaginas and I’m just like, can you not? That’s just really, really gross and needs to be halted. You do realize women can have penises right? And that not everyone with a vagina is female? Like? And then what about atypical genitalia? Ones that can’t be classified as strictly a penis or strictly a vagina? What then huh? If you’re a lesbian, then you’re attracted to women, or at least mostly-women identified people. A gay man shouldn’t find vaginas “scary”. And never, ever, ever call men “cocks” and women “vaginas”. Just don’t.
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