
Signal boost this. Don’t forget Guinta.

Last I saw, he’s still alive


Signal boost this. Don’t forget Guinta.

Last I saw, he’s still alive

  1. privilegestatus-checked reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    Looking at all of your other posts, I am almost certain you are a troll, but I’ll address this anyway, just in case...
  2. chunkymilk reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr
  3. sleeplessgiant reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr
  4. heavyaudiodistorti0n reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    He’s still alive and received a Medal of Honor you dumb piece of shit
  5. umbra-witch-bayonetta reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    i cant stop laughing
  6. thaclbees reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    dude he was never stationed in iraq and is in college at least pick an ACTUAL dead guy
  7. sadistkin reblogged this from sandalgaze and added:
    Christ on a bike, these people will do anything to justify their deluded fantasies.
  8. k-almighty reblogged this from kingmelanie and added:
    fuck you he’s a dragon! lol
  9. kingmelanie reblogged this from larrysbootycall
  10. aces-and-anime reblogged this from suddenlyatpeace
  11. suddenlyatpeace reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr
  12. cuttingrass reblogged this from larrysbootycall
  13. thats-mama-luigi-to-you reblogged this from larrysbootycall
  14. larrysbootycall reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    ……..you realize this guy 1. never identified as dragonkin 2. is still alive 3. he was not deployed in iraq, he was in...
  15. sandalgaze reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    To the dumbass who made this: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/military/2010-11-16-medal-of-honor_N.htm “WASHINGTON...
  16. thesarcasticreptile reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    … i’m not buying it
  17. mrjdarkangel reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    No, he’s still alive. He was at a book signing in Vicenza, Italy at a post exchange last year
  18. dungeons-and-draugr reblogged this from mrjdarkangel and added:
    I’m not in the military but I have an inside source. Please keep this post specifically for remembering this brave man,...
  19. fr33forever reblogged this from dungeons-and-draugr and added:
    WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IS INSANE. This person is still alive! //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvatore_Giunta He was...