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[–]aktufe -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

Peace never came before Hamas existed. Peace won't come if Hamas disappears.

Until Israel relinquishes what it took, there will never be peace.

[–]Mintyhalls[S] 14 ポイント15 ポイント

My point is that Hamas' actions are completely counter productive and only hurt the Gaza people. They entirely created this crisis. The rockets achieve nothing.

Until there is pragmatic Gaza leadership there can be no hope for peace. Perhaps they won't change even with pragmatic leadership. But with the current leadership, we're going to have a familiar cycle of violence, a few years of calm, and then more violence, and that pattern repeating forever.

[–]cherak 0 ポイント1 ポイント

They entirely created this crisis.

No they didn't. They responded to a crisis created by someone else. There is no evidence whatsoever that Hamas had any hand in the murder of three Israeli adolescents. Hamas acted in the way that they did because hordes of Israeli state actors and citizens went fucking apeshit and mobbed Palestinians physically and politically. Hamas did not start this, nor did they have any interest in starting this.

[–]Mintyhalls[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

They responded to a crisis created by someone else.

Okay then, they responded very badly to a crisis and helped escallate it.

Hamas acted in the way that they did because hordes of Israeli state actors and citizens went fucking apeshit and mobbed Palestinians physically and politically.

And instead of trying to calm those fears they fired rockets into Israel. Nice going guys.

[–]cherak -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Look, this isn't a schoolyard, this is geopolitics and it's a horrific game. How do you suggest they, the organisation most hated by Israel for protecting the autonomy of Palestinians, calm the fears of any Zionist? - the State of Israel wants them and their grandmothers dead and left unburied.

After saying, clearly and openly, that they were not responsible for the murders of the three Israelis, this was literally the only port of call available to them that did not involve either concession or, worse, weakening of the organisation and by extension the Palestinian national liberation movement (since, as I've said elsewhere, they are the only organisation capable of affecting change in Gaza, and this is because they have both mass support and heavy arms). As with every defensive fight that Hamas has participated in, they will fight until at least status quo ante bellum can be assured.

If they helped escalate it at all, it was always going to escalate. Sorry that doesn't accord with your untenable, impossible notion of peace. It is on Israeli security forces and the neoconservative sections of the Israeli people to stop inciting violence against Palestinians for whom Hamas fight in self-defense.