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[–]a_pale_horse -11 ポイント-10 ポイント

Israel is not going to go away.

Well yeah, not with that attitude.

[–]BitterBubblegum 12 ポイント13 ポイント

Well yeah, not with that attitude.

After so many rockets, suicide bombings, kidnappings, wars with Arab countries, wars with Hezbollah, etc - Why do you still think that one day the Israelis will be defeated?

[–]gprime 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Well yeah, not with that attitude.

You do realize that expression of such sentiments just lends legitimacy to Israeli opposition of Palestinian statehood, right? And I say this as a guy who sits on the extreme right of the Israeli political spectrum. If the Palestinians as a whole thought like the OP, even I could begrudgingly get behind Palestinian statehood. But people like you keep me from ever being willing to support it.

[–]a_pale_horse -1 ポイント0 ポイント

I'm not in the business of begging people who have their boots on others' throats to remove them. If it takes that much handwringing and self-deprication to make you consider even a small concession, it seems like you're bound for disappointment - then you can just throw up your hands and say 'but there's no-one to negotiate with!' and continue to hurt and kill a whole population of people without troubling your conscience.