Nuzzled right in between Egypt and Sudan lies Bi’r Tawil a 2060 sq km unclaimed territory that was the result of a colonial-era border discrepancy. Bi’r Tawil is one of the last remaining unclaimed territories in the world—that is, until a Virginia man took it upon himself to trek out there and lay claim to the territory himself. His purpose? To fulfill a promise to his 7-year-old daughter that she could be a um is it just me or is the princess-ification of girlhood like…. way worse these days than when I was a kid?
I mean, playing princess is cool and all but for real….. let’s encourage our girls to be something other than princesses. Like encourage them to aspire to be someone who like actually does something.
guy was doing something nice for his kid, shuddup. thats that being mad at someone for making you a cake when you didnt have one.
someone made me a cake?
Look, make your daughter the princess of your backyard or something. Do not fucking claim land that has NOTHIGN to do with you, land that is “unclaimed territory that was the result of a colonial-era border discrepancy” when you are a MIDDLE AGED AMERICAN WHITE GUY GIVING YOUR LITTLE WHITE AMERICAN DAUGHTER THE TITLE OF “ROYALTY” OVER COLONIZED LAND WTF
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WHEN WE SAY: WHITE, MALE, CISHET, CLASS PRIVILEGE, and it’s on the tip of your tongue to SCOFF, please remember...
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#also people need to STOP CLAIMING OWNERSHIP OF LAND FUCKS SAKE yeah I mean I’m just after seeing versions of this post...
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A dad fullfilled his daughters wish. Let her be a princess for fuck sake.
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Our society encourages girls to think they are little princesses because if women grew up thinking they were queens that...
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This is why teachers and people who work with youth groups are dealing with kids who freak when told no. Parents give...
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i am really surprised tumblr didn’t jump on that sooner like surely all you fine, torch-waving anti-ism folks looked at...
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Reblogging as much for Thayat as what she said. Finally someone who reads Tamora Pierce!
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