Don’t Follow me if:
- You believe in Reverse Racism, Misandry, Cisphobia, Heterophobia, or Reverse Ableism.
- You are truscum or a TWERF/TERF
- If you don’t believe acephobia and arophobia exist
- Don’t believe Ace and Aro people can identify as queer
- Hate neopronouns or think they harm trans people
- Would misgender a person on purpose under any circumstances
- Think Transtrenders exist (think that some people are faking their transness)
- Don’t believe in Non-Binary Genders
- Hate Otherkin
Cause trust me we won’t like each other.
Me: (scopophobia warning for a drawing of me if u scroll down)
Name: Misha or Micah depending on how I feel genderwise
Gender: Gyaragender - which means that I am non binary, fluid, and cannot pinpoint what my gender id is. (dfab)
Pronouns: Ce/Cell/Cell’s/Cellself (ex: Ce pet the dog. I will send nice messages to cell. Ce has a cute face. That rad blog is cell’s. Ce is going to make a cool hat for cellself.)
they/them/their only if you have lots of trouble with pronouns or english.
Age: 19
Sexuality: Pansexual, Panromantic
Race: Black (mixed race)
I’m just your average intersectional feminist, queer, nonbinary princex. I’m generally nice, so long as you aren’t a bigot we’re cool. I like talking to people so feel free to message me anything at any time. I’m really into music so suggest me artists and such if you like. I also really love science so send me random science facts (as long as they aren’t gorey or violent).
Also I have mental illnesses. Depression, Social Anxiety, General Anxiety Disorder, and Psychosis.
I’m autistic.
- Able Bodied
- Dyadic
- Allosexual
- Thin
- Lucy Liu
- Brienne of Tarth
- Sansa
- Beyonce
- Natalie Dormer
- Laverne Cox
People I hate: (this list is a work in progress)
- Martin Freeman
- Steven Moffat
- Tyler Oakley
- John Green
- Laci Green
- Perez Hilton
- Benadryl “Radish Face” Cucumberfuck
- Katy Perry
- Stephen Colbert
- Tina Fey
- Jeff Davis
- Dan Savage
- Lady Gaga
- Pharrell
- Ereri Shippers
- Truscum