beep boop Hi im taylor. Sometimes I blog cute stuff. I have a nice butt too. I hate stupid people, if you're stupid please don't ask me things.




Meet the faces of the “I’m Sorry” campaign, a group of Christians who go to Chicago’s pride celebrations every year to apologize for their past hateful actions against LGBT people. The group started in 2010 and has since moved to other cities across the world. This is what love looks like. (via the Advocate

this rubs me in the completely wrong way i dont like any of this
i dont like the whole ‘look!! we’re good guys!!!’ vibe here…

"sorry i benefited and continue to consistently benefit off cruelty, violence, mistreatment, abuse and murder of minority ppl!!! im really sorry i advocated for and encouraged the awful things that happen to you because of who you are!!! sorry lol i was kinda rude :P i have a rainbow on my shirt now!!! please forgive me so i can peacefully go back to my life of Not being a permanent target!!!"

Wow this is some fucking bullshit. Some people are genuinely trying to help and you guys respond by telling them to fuck off. So do you actually WANT people to hate you or is it an accidental thing?

(Via dirtboy Source: gaywrites) 82,434 notes | 5:00pm 7 Jul 2014


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