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[–]Shillyourself 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Boston was as much a false flag as these things get.

Did people get hurt? Maybe. It's not really relevant.


The highly public nature of the attack. Insufficient evidence made public to pursue the accused. The martial law exercise to capture these kids. The gaping holes in the timeline and very mixed reports. Convenient death of one brother and injury to the throat of the other. Federal murder of a known witness in Florida. Accidental deaths of those agents.

This kid will get a kangaroo court trial if he gets one at all.

edit: This comment was one of the first comments in this thread. It had 30+ upvotes. It has since been downvoted to hell with the onslaught of top post brigaders. This sub is doomed.

[–]twitchedawake 11 ポイント12 ポイント

Did people get hurt? Maybe.

Are you kidding me?

[–]average_shill 2 ポイント3 ポイント

You forgot the "it's not really relevant" part. Because it isn't. I'm not saying no one was injured that day, but that's just a distraction. The brothers clearly weren't carrying the backpack containing the bomb..

[–]Shillyourself 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Your kneejerk reaction is exactly what is intended.

The injuries or deaths are not relevant to the miscarriage of justice.

Your failure to acknowledge this fact and lean solely on your emotion is precisely what will give way to an authoritarian state that does what it wants in the name of public safety.



    [–]Shillyourself 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    I am not even going to entertain the argument that "you knew people."

    It's ludicrous and irrelevant.

    You seem to be arguing against a faked bombing.

    I'm saying it doesn't matter.

    The complete and utter disregard for due process is what you and all Americans should be mad about.

    You getting upset in an internet forum only provides further evidence to how naive and emotionally malleable Americans have become.