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[–]lushbeeYorkshire 30 ポイント31 ポイント

Go on George, tell the sleazy bastards what's what.

[–]pingbear -29 ポイント-28 ポイント

Go on, redditor, you lap this banal, inconsequential shit up like a pig in heat.

[–]sitting_behind_disk 8 ポイント9 ポイント

Really hope your wife never got pregnant, you're literally a fucking moron and we don't need another one running around like a spastic that you are.

Uncalled for? Maybe, but then so was your bollocks comment slating someone for voicing an opinion.

Edit. What? Haha, Pingbear gave me gold. Amazing. This man has more money than sense. I stick by my first statement, he is a spastic.