
ザハ・ハディッドの五輪スタジアムより東京には「バオ バオ」が相応しい

2014年07月10日 19:45 JST
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日本のトップブランドの イッセイミヤケ が展開する BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKEがクリエーターと開発する企画 BAO BAO PARK EDITION。

過去には、あの東京の有名なファッションアイコンであるスプツニ子とのコラボを果たしたこの企画。そこから6月に待望の 4度目のコラボとして最もユニークなライン、「Distortion」が販売され、そのデザインを見た世界中の人々の間でバイラルに話題になっている。過去、現代、未来をも描くこのデザインは、来る東京オリンピックの影響で世界の人々の興味を更に引くのではないかと思う。

With a continued slew of hit accessories and offshoot lines to his name, Issey Miyake is on a roll these days. Or should I say, on a triangle these days. His biggest hit is the line of geometric bags called Bao Bao, and the newest edition is jaw-droppingly cool. In fact, I hardly ever have the joy of seeing Japanese fashion pop up on mainstream English news blogs I read, but there was Miyake's new futuristic "Distortion" origami bag hitting viral levels around the web.

What is it about this particular bag that has viral globe-stopping properties? What does that have to do with Japanese design, and its future? And that thought led me on a joyride thinking about the Olympics, Zaha Hadid, Kanji, cursive, kimono, tailoring, and more...


The "Distortion" bag is part of a special edition "Park Bao Bao" series where an artist or creative collection is given free reign to design their own Bao Bao. Last year they had one of my favorite contemporary Japanese/British artists Sputniko! do a moon-themed pouch- it was going to be hard to topple the buzz around that. But in came N&R Foldings, a design unit comprised of Rodrigo Solorzano and Naoki Kawamoto who specialize in "folding" design. Their Bao Bao is a DIY origami piece that you fold and snap together, that is so primitive in idea but so far-flung futuristic in execution, you wonder if it's not just a totally wishful 3D rendering of a product.

What is it about this bag, and the award-winning Bao Bao bags as a whole that is so enrapturing? For us as westerners it certainly is because it's unlike something we get to see in our culture. From the other side, a Japanese cultural perspective, it's not *quite* as exciting. That is of course, because the "origami" technique is so ingrained, it's like being excited about a dress resembling a cheerleader uniform (which conversely, in Japan, is something pretty new and very trendy right now).

今回コラボしたアーティストは、ロドリゴソロッサーと川本尚毅の二人組が立ち上げた、N&R FOLDINGS。バオバオは(もっというと、イッセイミヤケ社が)折紙などの日本にある平面の文化と、最新のデジタルなもの造りの手法を組み合わせるデザインを提唱することで知られる。今回のコラボバッグ「Distortion」は、BAOBAOの従来の三角形とは異なった変形のも三角形が使われているということだけでなく、それが敷き詰められたシートを、使う人が一からくみ上げ2Dが3Dにゆがみながら変容していく様を楽しめるという点でも、とても新しい。


イッセイミヤケは"歪んだ"バッグを作り出し、世界的に賞賛を得た。なぜ海外にまで評価されたかって?それは、シンプルな日本のデザインでありながら、同時に未来的だから。他のデザインと比べて、日本のデザインの特徴は折紙、漢字、着物に代表されるように平面的で直線的。ミーシャが文化服装学院に入学して最初に習ったのは、日本の伝統的被服である着物が、立体的である西洋の服に比べていかに平面的で、直線的であるかということだった... また、漢字を書くようになってからアルファベットを心無しか漢字みたいに角張って書いてしまうことがあるのはきっと漢字のもつ直線性に影響されているから...


Zaha Hadid's proposal for the new National Stadium in Tokyo for the 2020 Olympics ザハハディッドの提案するスタジアムのレンダリング

From a historical standpoint, Japanese design is flat and straight, while typical Western design is curvy. When I first started studying at Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo, the very first lesson we learned was that "kimono is flat clothing, meant to be folded to the body, and western clothing is curvy, meant to be tailored to the body." It shows up in the writing as well, where the modern chinese "Kanji" are drawn in straight-line strokes with very few curves unlike our Roman alphabet (On a personal note, my own roman alphabet handwriting has gotten very sharp and pointy since learning Kanji).

As for Issey Miyake, his entire repertoire is built around turning Japanese "flat" design into ingenious products for fashion and accessories. The fact that something as simple as the Bao Bao bag line can still look so fresh and exciting today, had me thinking that is would be perfect to implement in the Tokyo Olympics for 2020.

Just a stone's throw away from the Miyake boutiques they will be building a new stadium, designed by Zaha Hadid. Hadid is renowned for her futuristic designs, just like Miyake is, but hers are inherently curvy, swirly and undulating. It is the antithesis to Japanese design. The stadium will be built in the heart of Tokyo (and right next to my own abode, natch), among the traditional Japanese houses and temples, like Meiji Shrine, with their blocky Japanese designs. I am a HUGE Zaha Hadid fan and find her architecture incredibly exciting. But I still wonder if it's the way to go, and how Japanese people actually feel about the design of this stadium, and how it will come to represent their city. Or should I say *my* city as well (I pay taxes, fair enough). Personally, I think a Bao-Bao designed stadium with a geometric self-retracting folding roof would actually be so much more of an amazing design befit to Tokyo.

This is all my own pie-in-sky dreams and musings, of course. And maybe I really just want to be able to say my bag matches my stadium.


BAO BAOに話を戻すと、バッグのデザインは日本的で直線的であるのに、同時にとても未来的で、だからこそ世界中の話題をさらったというわけ。


Issey Miyake Official Online

-Misha Janette
-Asst edits Karen Shimada