all 143 comments

[–]jshap70 198 ポイント199 ポイント

They think that all women only look at attractiveness because that's all that they look at in women, so they assume it's the same.

[–]Beeenjo 41 ポイント42 ポイント

One of the greatest things that's helped my love life was to "lower my standards". It's not a bad thing. I'm decent looking, but I'm not Channing Tatum. I'm a 6-7 on looks, so I aim at the same level. Right now I'm dating someone who is a 10 on personality, and it's so much more attractive to me than 36-24-36.

[–]ya_tu_sabes 118 ポイント119 ポイント

lower my standards

What's funny is that in reality, you were improving your standards - as in, stopped focusing on the purely physical and looking at the actual human being in front of you.

I've always hated this whole "standards" concept. Why the hell would anyone feel the need to rank anyone on a scale anyway? It's just messed up!

[–]Beeenjo 21 ポイント22 ポイント

That's why I put it in quotation marks. :) Maybe it's part of growing up, but physical attraction just isn't as important to me anymore. There has to be some physical attraction, but it's not what a good relationship can build off of for me anymore.

[–]ya_tu_sabes 13 ポイント14 ポイント

That's why I put it in quotation marks.

Yeah, and boy was I glad to see that! :)

There has to be some physical attraction, but it's not what a good relationship can build off of for me anymore.

Absolutely, it's a great hook but ultimately, that's not why you stay.

[–]GivePhysics 16 ポイント17 ポイント

Someone told me long ago the best dating advice I've ever needed, I'm going to follow it with some other advice I found a couple weeks ago that I've been batting around.

  1. It's not about finding the right one, it's about being the right one. There's a lot that can be said about this, to me it meant that I needed to work on myself. I needed to work on my confidence, go back to school, work on my career path, start working out and taking better physical care of myself. It took YEARS. But along the way I found the girl I'm going to marry. Other women don't even matter compared to the lady I found.

  2. We judge ourselves on our intentions. We just others on their actions. Basically, actions count, words do not. Saying, "I'm a good candidate for a relationship," is insignificant bullshit. Instead, a person should be doing things, going places, doing things for the person they're interested in. Be a good person, a man of action. Follow through.

[–]PotatoMusicBinge 1 ポイント2 ポイント

An interesting thing I've found as I get older is that I'm more comfortable using my own definition of attractive. If I find someone sexy now I don't even consider what my friends think of her, whereas when I was younger I would worry about "impressing" people with my dates.

[–]YaBoiTibzz 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Highly doubt it. Most of these guys are desperate and would gladly go out with a woman whose appearance is only average, or maybe even a little below.

[–]tealparadise 3 ポイント4 ポイント

:/ I feel like once you're on an internet forum called "foreveralone" you can't even expect average. Average people are too busy going about their actual lives to stop and try to mop up a mess like that.

[–]breesuschrist 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Not necessarily. I'd say I'm pretty average, and I knew guys like this in high school. I would blatantly tell them that I wanted to date them, and of they didn't want to date, then I would just bang them. They never took the "hint" and kept bitching to me about my "shallow" beauty queen friends that wouldn't give them the time of day. So yea, they can't be too desperate. And they are completely delusional.

[–]ispeelmydrink 1 ポイント2 ポイント

High school relationships are bullshit for a lot of reasons, though. They have very little to do with what makes an adult relationship work.

[–]aoe412 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Looks are not the only thing that hinder FA people. You can be good looking, and still be FA if your social skills are sub-par, which is what the majority of the people on that subreddit have trouble with. Some complain about looks, but I've seen a far greater majority complain about their social skills.

[–]DragonsOfUganda 1 ポイント2 ポイント

It's not like they can help thinking that way. As an FA, it has a lot to do with confidence, and anxiety. Many have social disorders. Many of us don't JUST look at attractiveness.

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

That's how it really came off. There were a few who were like, "I just want someone to hold me". In the same sentence though they would add some of the really ridiculous stuff I ranted about.

[–]Emydura 57 ポイント58 ポイント

I got absolutely destroyed for trying to post some encouragement in there once. I suddenly realized how self-pitious, entitled, and angry those men are. For health reasons I may never have a partner and will probably die alone. I have no family, all this lead me to making the mistake of approaching that sub thinking it would be a comforting place. I was wrong. I'm a true forever alone, and sometimes I weep from loneliness, but I would never consider treating a human being the way they treat people. They are alone because of their behavior, because when someone like me comes along in need of a friend they set on them like rabid dogs intent to destroy.

[–]sofa_ 14 ポイント15 ポイント

I doubt you haven't heard this before, but seriously: No matter what's the matter health-wise I'd be very surprised if it was truly the damning disadvantage you fear. There really are people who are able to look past those things and see someone awesome, and are able to handle the obstacles it might present. There aren't a terrible lot of them, unfortunately, but I encourage you to keep an eye out. Chances are you'll run into one sooner or later and gain a most stalwart friend, maybe even a lover.

[–]Jluudles 12 ポイント13 ポイント

It's a chain of negativity and, simply put, easier to blame on other people than to own up to it and start doing something proactive. I've honestly never dated in my life, but im chasing the other 2.3 billion awesome things (like dancing yay!). The key is to never make excuses when you can bust a move.

You make a good point and in the end, only they can change themselves.

[–]tealparadise 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Exactly. My last relationship was... gosh, 4 years ago at this point and it wasn't even serious. But I literally never think about it until it's brought up by shit like this online.

I've got better shit to do!

[–]TheShadowKick[🍰] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

I used to be a regular at /r/foreveralone, then I realized I don't even care about dating anymore because I'm doing so much other stuff.

[–]LittleRaven101 35 ポイント36 ポイント

Well, the good news is what you see on that sub is probably the very worst angle these people could possibly present. A lot of it is probably thoughtless angry online venting and that's ok - we all have to vent sometimes.

But is true that a lot of people (male and female) get caught in negative feedback loops, largely of their own making, and drive themselves into very dark places as a result. It's tragic, but there's not much you can other than try and avoid being caught in the maelstrom yourself.

[–]Grifty_McGrift 45 ポイント46 ポイント

I truly feel sorry for any woman who ever posts there and actually is open about being female. This is what I imagine it looks like.

[–]rqnadi 44 ポイント45 ポイント

No women who post there are torn to shreds because they all believe that women can just go out on the street, point to a random guy, and bam they are suddenly married and will never be alone....

[–]CurrentlyIncognito 5 ポイント6 ポイント

I have a friend who thinks exactly this.

[–]symeoo 7 ポイント8 ポイント

I'd imagine they just stick to /r/foreveralonewomen

[–]AlucardD80 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what would happen, I've wanted to look on that sub but some of these subs are like "I've never heard anything about r/insertnamehere but I wonder they can help... Ten again it could be a horrible place and idk if I wanna go there." That's how I felt about offmychest but it's decent(is that how you spell it, looks wrong) in here

[–]InvalidUsernameAgain 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Yeah you spelled decent right.

[–]tealparadise -1 ポイント0 ポイント

It's sad that I don't even have to click that link anymore.

[–]TheShadowKick[🍰] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I've seen women post there. It usually goes without comment.

I don't ask about the PMs. I don't think I want to know.

[–]soIamanewbie 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Wow, I just went there to see what you meant. A very sad subreddit...and I truly don't believe anyone can be forever alone. Sometimes people get stuck in depression and just can't seem to realize that it is them and not others. But that is a SAD place. Hugs OP.

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

So it wasn't just me seeing that? I thought I was crazy at first, which is why I kept reading it for SOOO long. It's like, the more I read the redder my face got. I'm never, ever going back there.

[–]cantblowmyself 14 ポイント15 ポイント

I have a friend that is 50 and has been single his entire adult life except for a couple of brief relationships.

His entire adult life he's been attracted to women in their early 20s with athletic builds. And he still is. And he wonders why he's still alone. I mean this causes him real pain and torment.

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] 10 ポイント11 ポイント

I have 2 friends who are in their 20's, and I think they would fit the FA category pretty well. Never kissed a girl, never dated, etc...

They are both about 5'3" and weight about 400 lbs each. They don't dress well (perhaps due to hard time finding clothing?) and they don't shave regularly so they look pretty gross. They always get attracted to incredibly attractive women, usually who have a boyfriend. They are invisible to them and they don't understand why.

[–]InvalidUsernameAgain 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Disregarding their weight, people like to be with people who have similar interests. why would an athletic, run-every-morning, health-food-eating, woman want to be with a guy who enjoys playing video games and staying inside most of the time? It's a matter of compatibility, along with the element of attraction.

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

I won't disagree with you at all. I think you're onto something there.

And how can people legit complain about being alone when they don't leave the house? I know that isn't 100% of them, but there were people who talked about that too. It makes no sense.

[–]Eponia 6 ポイント7 ポイント

I won't lie and say that I don't care about looks but personality is way more important. I've met plenty of good looking guys that I just wanted nothing to do with after talking to them for more than ten minutes. I've dated guys that weren't very good looking and found myself very attracted to them after getting to know them because they were so much fun to be around.

My boyfriend is a good looking dude in my opinion, but he has scars on his face from his severe acne when he was a teen, they're pretty bad and he's very self conscious about them but I seriously don't see them anymore unless he starts talking about them. And he still has cystic acne, but I don't care. If anyone is so shallow they they won't be with a person because they have bad skin or bad teeth or they're a little overweight or not tall enough or some shallow bullshit like that then they're not worth your time.

But if you're a dick who acts like women everywhere owe you something because you're miserable being single, then you're not worth their time either.

[–]mewfahsah 6 ポイント7 ポイント

I wish TRP didn't exist, it's like forever alone, but the assholes who can muster up something to talk to a woman degrade them psychologically until they're pretty much a slave to their partner.

[–]DualPollux[M] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Going to have to ask you to replace the mention of that sub with TRP if you dont mind.

[–]mewfahsah 0 ポイント1 ポイント


[–]DualPollux[M] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Much obliged. Approved!

[–]mewfahsah 0 ポイント1 ポイント

No problem. Is removing the link just in an attempt to reduce the traffic to that cess pool?

[–]DualPollux[M] 2 ポイント3 ポイント

No, its that they track mentions of their sub using Metareddit, or, just use Search and tend to flood any community discussing them.

[–]Derp1121 0 ポイント1 ポイント

The reddit police? I'm super curious who they are now. Can you pm me a title?

Edit found out who it is. Gonna check it out very cautiously.

[–]AnotherDawkins 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Yeah, stay away from that black hole.

[–]undertheaurora 9 ポイント10 ポイント

I nearly joined that sub when I first joined reddit a couple of months back. I was like: "Sweet! Other people that enjoy solitude and don't think a relationship is the be-all-end-all."

I figured I'd see posts like: "Retirement planning on a single fixed income with no children for support" or "Tips for making housework more efficient solo style."

I noped out of there quickly.

I'm okay dating, I'm okay being alone. If I meet the right guy for me, I meet the right guy for me, if I don't that's cool too!

Either way I learned a valuable lesson that day: do not take names of subreddits at face value and proceed with caution.

edit: a word!

[–]Gorilladonkeypunch 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Interested to know, is there a subreddit that actually delivers the things you just mentioned?

[–]cinnamonbunn -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Maybe /r/personalfinance? I've seen people asking about single living on there before.

[–]eyesareitchy -1 ポイント0 ポイント

do not take names of subreddits at face value and proceed with caution.

To be fair...its named after an older meme. They (We...?) didn't name it.

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Yeah... there was none of that to be seen. It was 100% negative, and they link the suicide stuff in their sidebar. I went from feeling sad to upset to infuriated.

[–]MaybeALoserForever -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

By suicide stuff you mean links to buy a gun, right?

[–]jimd92 2 ポイント3 ポイント

So they have significant problems and no significant other? Shouldn't they just have normal problems?

[–]ByronicAsian 3 ポイント4 ポイント

The vast majority of the sub is self depreciating. Have no idea where you get have of that scribe from.

[–]yiab127 8 ポイント9 ポイント

Look at many of the comments here, referring to "those people"; "these men"; "they". Way to dehumanize 33,870 people based off of a couple of posts. Is it any wonder some people are so bitter?

[–]MEXISHIT 8 ポイント9 ポイント

I go to /r/foreveralone because it's one of the only place where people can understand where I'm coming from. It's one of the only places where people on reddit don't give me predictable advice:

  • go to the gym!
  • dress nice!
  • fake being confident

Look, I'm an ugly piece of shit and I know it. People noticeably change their attitude towards me when I ask them even a pithy question about schoolwork like it's taking all of their mental fortitude to not run the fuck away. I do go to the gym four times a week and run everyday. And please note, I do this for myself and I don't expect anyone find me attractive based on that. I also learned fake confidence, but, you know what, nothing will fix my hideous face. I have been told this my entire life to varying degree by both men and women of all ages. Nothing I do will change that no matter how physically fit I am or how nice my clothes are. I can't change it. It sucks being in university where everyone else is gorgeous and having a good time, but you know what, I deal with it. All I want for an hour is a place where I can belong to and pen of those places happens to be foreveralone, because everywhere else on reddit basically makes fun of me and says how much of a burden I am on people for being "creepy" for any action I take.

The pity coming out of your comment makes me feel more like the worthless piece of shit that I am now.

Look, I'm sorry my pathetic life frightens you and you have to look at creeps like me everyday. I can't change that without shutting myself in or taking myself out. I know as a woman it's fucking scary to even walk past some ugly piece of shit like me, but please know I'm just trying to get by. I have never expected women to date me in my life, and I will certainly never hit on you, because, let's face it, 9 times out of 10 you'll probably never even notice me anyway. (Hell, I don't think all that theredpill or seduction shit would even work for a shit guy like me. It might even make me more of a piece of shit.) So please remember, some ugly people like me don't want to hit on you, they just want to get by in life.

That's it.

Sometimes I think reddit makes me more depressed because not a single day goes by where I have to read how much of a loser I really am in one subreddit or another. I wish people on here would just stop with this us vs. them mentality on here that it hurts that we all bicker. I get enough of that in real life. Speaking of other subreddits, one time I browsed amiugly and noticed how beautiful you people really are. I wonder what it would be like to be attractive and wanted for a day. But that day will never come to me. So please, let me have one moment out of my shitty day where I won't be judged by other people who are far, let's face it again, better looking than I will ever be.

So call me a creep, a loser, a fedora neckbeard, Elliot roger, and throw medical jargon to diagnose me on the internet as a certified loser today, but tomorrow please go back to pretending I don't exist. Once again, I'm sorry terribly sorry I had to burden you online as well.

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

I'm sorry if you feel like a worthless piece of shit, but last night reading FA I felt like a worthless piece of steak. Seriously, some of the posts there sound like a guy trying to decide on which cut of steak to "hit on" based off what he can "afford" based off his appearance.

My EX husband was a FA until I dated him at 26. Never kissed a girl before me. I pursued him because I thought he had good relationship potential. I left him because he was an asshole. Not because he was ugly, had terrible adult acne, or because his skin was the color of a pig. Nor because he wasn't tall enough, rich enough, or because his teeth were crooked. Not because he had a deformed penis (yup), bad breath, drank too much, or was obsessed with porn and strippers. I left him because he didn't know how to respect or treat women, and that's the #1 problem I see when I look at that posts.

I won't call you a creep or a loser, or try to diagnose you. If you are constantly talking about being friendzoned, rating women on a scale of 1-10, then rating yourself to figure out which woman you should try to hit on, going after chubby girls because you think you have a better chance with them even though you aren't attracted to them, or never leaving the house and complaining about how you are alone, then I'll call you a misogynistic jerk.

I'll now return to my ivory castle where there are only attractive people getting laid. /s

[–]ispeelmydrink 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I left him because he was an asshole. Not because he was ugly, had terrible adult acne, or because his skin was the color of a pig. Nor because he wasn't tall enough, rich enough, or because his teeth were crooked. Not because he had a deformed penis (yup), bad breath, drank too much, or was obsessed with porn and strippers. I left him because he didn't know how to respect or treat women, and that's the #1 problem I see when I look at that posts.

You sound delightful.

[–]Derp1121 0 ポイント1 ポイント


[–]HarryManilow 3 ポイント4 ポイント

To be fair, some of what you're saying is exactly what these FA types are so upset about. they see unattractive people with dates and friends and apparently happy lives and can't figure out why they can't have that too.

[–]completely_apathetic 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Eh... I don't know if it's fair to judge how others react to mental and emotional pain if they're not actively hurting anyone.

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

Yeah, but this was me venting, getting my anger offmychest, at how incredibly offensive they were.

[–]SwansonSamsonite 10 ポイント11 ポイント

I think you misjudged that sub. It says "A subreddit for Forever Alone" not "A subreddit for Ugly Males Who Can't Get Laid". I get what you're saying but that's only one part of it.

If you don't know what is forever alone and can't relate to it, I can't explain it to you. From the way you write I guess you don't.

You went to school I guess. Remember that shy kid who got picked on? What do you think, what was life like for him after high school? I guess he "grew out" of being picked at, right? Yeah, maybe in American movies. Now imagine what thought process that kid has about meeting new people. That is just one scenario. How about mentioned above + being ugly? How about all mentioned + having a some sort of a disorder? People are dying to get to know somebody like that right? There are lots of reasons for being forever alone.

Complaining about nobody wanting to date them.

There were guys who asked literally 300 girls out, and every single one rejected them. How are they supposed to feel about it? "Have you tried, I dunno... working on yourself?" "Gee thanks, I never really thought of that. I'm now gonna go work on my personality."

I can say, hands down, I would never date these men because their behavior and understanding of women is so poor that it would be like trying to clean up a train wreck with a dustpan.

And where are they supposed to gather that understanding of women from? We're talking about Forever Alone. Sitcoms? Porn? Why do you think their understanding of women is the way it is?

Coming up with some formulaic number rating system, like math is why they aren't getting dates. And then acting like women all use something similar when deciding if they will date a guy are not. Agreeing with each other as to how attractive people are the problem and how if they find girls "in their range" the girls still go for hotter guys. They rarely mention a girls personality or attributes that aren't physical other than "we get along well" and then they seem to think women are only after looks and that's why they can't get a date.

I agree, but I can almost guarantee you would think similarly if you were in their shoes.

[–]Crosstitution 4 ポイント5 ポイント

no i would not act like them and i have been single for 3 years and i do not go around degrading people based on their looks, life choices and who they date.

They just refuse to change their shitty ways and find ways to excuse it

[–]djTyeDup 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Sorry, I'm going to have to agree with SwansonSamsonite. Some of the people on there could probably improve their situations, but not all of them can. People become jaded at a certain point. Believe it or not, once that line has been crossed some people can't just come back. Egos can be extremely fragile, and every person is different. Go to foreveralone, and ask some of those people for a picture. Or take a look at this guy...

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

And when I see that I think, yeah, that's guys not very attractive and he's only concerned about getting laid, since he posts about being a virgin right off the bat.

I'm a relatively attractive woman that has had to deal with "creepy" guys my entire life. Some are attractive, some are not. The ones that are attractive still don't get my attention because they are still creeps interested in me only because they like my tits.

You can easily spot them, because they have no interest in my work, my schooling, or my hobbies.

[–]ispeelmydrink 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I've only ever seen them degrade themselves. It's almost as if they have self-esteem problems. Weird.

[–]Alixxsupergr8 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

There were guys who asked literally 300 girls out, and every single one rejected them.

And where are they supposed to gather that understanding of women from? We're talking about Forever Alone. Sitcoms? Porn? Why do you think their understanding of women is the way it is?

Befriending and talking to women with no ulterior motive?

[–]ByronicAsian 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Hard not to get attached if you've literally never spoken to a woman outside of a professional and academic context since middle school. Mind you, I actively keep an emotional distance to prevent this from happening. But obviously that makes becoming friends hard.

[–]SwansonSamsonite 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Might wanna check the actual sub before writing something like this. I bolded Alone for a reason. I meant to say "WHAT women" with it? "Befriending a woman", well, that doesn't sound too hard for a forever alone.

[–]rqnadi 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Don't let any of them see this! They will remember your user name and down vote your entire post history into oblivion, and do it several times too. That is what they did to me for posting encouragement there. I try not to post at all there now because it's just so ridiculous. A few of the posts there are legitimately venting but for the most part I have to agree with you on all counts.

[–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

I don't really care about imaginary internet points, so tell them to bring it on.

I also have severe panic disorder and change to a new account every couple of months to avoid having too much "history" in any one account.

I can totally believe what you're saying from what I've read. And I don't think they want help from anyone, they want to continue believing that hot guys and women that "should be in their league" are the problem.



    [–]DualPollux[M] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    would you mind replacing the link to that sub with TRP? They search for mentions and then brigade communities using Metareddit.

    [–]rollswithandywarhol 9 ポイント10 ポイント

    Well a lot of these people don't want to admit they're bringing this on themselves' and they can do something about it.

    They could lower their standards or they could get in better shape but they'd rather just have this defeatist attitude and go have a pity party.

    Its a defense mechanism like the fat women that seriously think they're going to get with an attractive man and then go whine and scream about how real men would appreciate their rolls curves.

    [–]ceruleantornado 12 ポイント13 ポイント

    /\ fat girl with a super hot husband. He married me round. He loves ME- fat doesn't make you less of a person or less deserving of an 'attractive' person. We met online. I am SO AWESOME and he recognized that. It's about attitude, not fatitude.

    [–]PotatoMusicBinge 6 ポイント7 ポイント

    God forbid a fat person should ever be happy. I really don't get the fat hate around here.

    [–]Buttstache 14 ポイント15 ポイント

    Youre displaying some of that shitty attitude right now with that last paragraph.

    [–]Wiskie 4 ポイント5 ポイント

    I believe that it is double standard.

    You can't make other people like you, you can only change yourself.

    Someone who gets upset when a guy doesn't like them is the same as those guys in forever alone. You can be happy with yourself and love who you are, you can curse the person of interest and the ground they walk on OR you can do something about it...

    One if those things is more difficult than the others.

    [–]rollswithandywarhol -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    I figured if I was going to dump on the forever alone guys I should dump on the female equivalent.

    [–]sadtastic 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    I looked at it because I thought it was for people who chose to not be in a relationship. Instead it was a depressing self-pity parade.

    [–]YaBoiTibzz 3 ポイント4 ポイント

    You think people would act like that in real life? In all likelihood FA people are very nice and polite to girls in real life, probably a bit too much. I imagine many of them have social anxiety and are quite shy in real life. My thought is that their behavior does lead them to be dateless, but it's because they're timid and/or excessively bland IRL, not because they have such an unpalatable worldview. The unlikeable perspective on women comes after the fact, and is likely still never expressed IRL.

    Additionally, like the rest of the Internet, the demographic is mostly young males--appearance does play a bigger role among youth (or at least I believe so).

    [–]eyesareitchy 3 ポイント4 ポイント

    I post on /r/foreveralone because its like /r/depression without all the bullshit uplifting garbage.

    You're reading a sub full of intensely depressed people and telling them how much you hate them. You're literally validating their every opinion.

    [–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Yes, I generally hate people that treat me like a commodity instead of an intelligent, successful woman with interests, hobbies, and passions.

    [–]eyesareitchy 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    You've only been there for a couple hours? One night? Are you really qualified to make blanket statements about all of them? (Us?)

    I don't really want to get into it with you, but...your 1 night interpretation isn't accurate for most of the posters there. Its very (very) accurate for a few prolific posters, I'll give you that. Not for the majority though.

    [–]littledeadloveghoul[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Well, this was me venting about what I had read on there. I did spend a great deal of time on the hot and top posts and it just seemed more of the same. Plus the comments were all the same thing over and over and over... If that isn't you though, you can completely disregard this rant. You are not the intended audience.

    [–]phweeb 3 ポイント4 ポイント

    HUngghhhhhhhhhhhhhh ikr. "o m g why do she juz wane to be fransWZ??!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!" x infinity

    nothing turns me off from a dude quite like "IM IN THE FRIENDZONN" like girls aren't allowed to have male friends or something jfc bro im sorry males are 50% of the worlds population but get the fuck o v e r it

    [–]JimTigernuts 7 ポイント8 ポイント

    I'll likely be a lone voice here, but honestly, even though this is a rant, you sound like a pretty hateful individual. You've made your mind up that they are "whiny, annoying brats" and have firmly entrenched yourself in an "us and them" mentality.

    I read through it far too long last night until I wanted to throw my phone I was so angry.

    Why? Do you enjoy recreational outrage? Why should something that has absolutely no effect on you offend you so? Really, what is it to you if the members of ForeverAlone are the way they are? Just leave the sub be and move on. An attitude of "OMG how can these people be like this?" is not going to help.

    [–]limejingle 6 ポイント7 ポイント

    Are you a woman? If not, you won't understand what we go through on a day to day basis with people like this. Seeing it all in one place is like looking at a train wreck- it's so awful you can't look away.

    I understand her anger...because I've been there so many times. It's a difficult process to try to tune it out - I mean, the way they reduce all women... how can you expect all women to sit idly and simply say, "Oh. How silly." and not be bothered? It's one thing to just read it on the internet. It's quite another to read something that happens IRL, to you, with maybe one or two guys you've met so far. You begin to think maybe they're few and far between - and then you find a whole hoard of them online. It's infuriating.

    [–]Wiskie 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    They are forever alone because they are unwilling to change to make themselves attractive to the women they find attractive, not because they have standards...

    If someone isn't attractive to me, I can't change that. My standards are prewired. I can change myself, and that's where these guys fail.

    [–]comedicallyobsessedd 5 ポイント6 ポイント

    I got into a conversation the other day with someone who said that his girlfriend left him for his friend because that friend beat him at Mario Kart and laser tag. He said that relationships are a competition and implied heavily that women will leave men in an instant if they find someone stronger/better looking/what have you.

    It's so frustrating reading things like that. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with it much in person, but even just reading these views online is upsetting, because I don't particularly like seeing people think all (or most) women are backstabbing, selfish, cruel people.

    [–]littledeadloveghoul[S] 4 ポイント5 ポイント

    I s**t you not, one guy on there last night complained about this exactly. He dated a chubby girl "so she would be in his league" and she ended up dating a taller, more attractive guy who was better at his favorite video game. And he basically said (or implied) that she was "dating up" from his attractiveness value for her and he didn't understand how a chubby girl could land a tall, attractive man. It was nauseating.

    [–]comedicallyobsessedd 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Ugh. Some people just have such messed up views of relationships. I wish I could fix it in some way, but it doesn't really work like that. You can't usually change someone's world-view through a reddit comment :(

    [–]PotatoMusicBinge -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Maybe she did though? People can be weird sometimes.

    [–]comedicallyobsessedd 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I don't think he was lying. If he was he probably would have made a better example. I think either she did, or it was for some other reason but the guy just thinks it was because he lost.

    What bothered me was that he thought all women are like that; they just flock to the guy who wins the most things without a second thought.

    [–]MEXISHIT 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Life is hard for everybody, not just you, or women in general.

    [–]jessabelle1288 -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    She didn't claim life is only hard for her or women in general. She's talking about one specific hardship that mostly pertains to women.

    [–]littledeadloveghoul[S] 5 ポイント6 ポイント

    Yes, I'm incredibly hateful to misogynistic assholes who think I owe them a date because they like my tits and because my teeth are crooked, thus, I get knocked 2 points down in their arbitrary rating scale into a number they feel entitled to date.

    I stayed hoping to find that it wasn't 100% horrible. I was wrong. I wanted to throw my phone because they were INCREDIBLY offensive to me as a woman. I did leave the sub and moved on to here. I'm never going back.

    [–]Psimitry -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    I'll join you in this. This person being pissed isn't going to change the fact that they're lonely and depressed. It's not going to get them to suddenly change and become fully functional individuals. It's just hating on people who don't know healthy ways to deal with their issues.

    [–]jessabelle1288 -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    This sub is for people being pissed. She probably knows one post isn't gonna change their shitty ideals, but she's, you know, "getting it off her chest".

    [–]Java48 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Then she should go on /r/angry

    [–]anonymmonsta 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    Thank you, OP. Contrary to popular opinion I really love reading this stuff. I was out of dying unrequited love declarations and this sub will totally fit into my rotation. P.S. They sound like such morons... attractiveness has little to do with looks, chumps. That's why you're losing the game.

    [–]Wiskie 4 ポイント5 ポイント

    Attractiveness has little to do with looks? I'm not sure if go that far.

    [–]katyne -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Yes. Being attractive (or at least not creepy/repulsive) is 90% skill and 10% luck. You cannot become taller, or change your facial symmetry without major surgical intervention, but you can lose weight, get in shape, learn to dress well and be an interesting person to have a conversation with. That means branching out from their fairly limited set of interests, which by the way mostly consist of consuming entertainment content (how much will you enjoy discussing a videogame you don't play, or music you don't listen to with someone else? What if they didn't watch your favorite show or don't like anime? How many common topics of discussion can you think of then?) "Oh but that means we don't have anything in common and I want someone who shares the same interests" - bingo. They want other people to be interested in them, their hobbies, their opinions, their personality, their "intelligence", while they couldn't care less about yours. They don't look for someone to talk to, they look for a recepticle, someone who would listen to them and admire them and ask all the right questions to keep them engaged - while being obnoxiously dismissive and critical of anything you have to say that don't happen to intersect with their narrow set of views. When you have that attitude, being physically attractive quickly becomes the only redeeming quality - and that's why they're so convinced girls only like handsome assholes.

    tl:Dr - winning a genetic lottery helps a bunch but it's just like winning a lottery - it only happens to a few people, yet you don't see the rest of us starving to death

    [–]franckhimself -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    I love your tl;dr! As for my experience, I've tried giving advice there and was told that I was condescending and must be super attractive. But guess what, I'm a 5'4 dude who's pretty average looking and I still manage to meet amazing people and land dates with super interesting and gorgeous women.

    Stop being an asshole who thinks he is entitled to dates and start working on your personality.

    [–]anonymmonsta 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Initial attractiveness has a lot to do with looks but I've seen men with very average or flawed physical traits pull it off way better than your Herculean naturally handsome types. Don't ask me about the math. I can't solve for attractive x after sunset.

    [–]anonymmonsta 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Well okay if you're hideous, it sucks to be you. But even a chiseled mangod can be repulsive the second he opens his mouth so...

    [–]ispeelmydrink 0 ポイント1 ポイント


    [–]nightoq 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    1. As someone else mentioned: foreveralone is also a meme and so it's "standardized". My guess is that this flat notion about attractiveness is a returning theme included in to the whole vocabulary encompassing that meme, just like every other group has their special words/phrases. I think it gives a feeling of belonging to that group

    2. To me it looks like the sub is like a collective pat on the shoulder telling people they're in fact not alone. So I'd say they're venting there like you said

    3. The theme of "it's not my fault it's them" is to relieve stress. If you get rejected your very first thought is "I'm not adequate, it is me". I read a comment on reddit somewhere where someone said this let him "breathe" for a moment....

    [–]superluser 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    Hey, littledeadloveghoul,

    I hear your frustration. I regularly post at the subreddit and I can get the same sense of frustration sometimes. The people who post there come from all sorts of backgrounds and have had a large variety of experiences. Some people handle the situation with more grace than others.

    As for me, I'm working very hard at starting to date at 33, but I know that someone with a complex medical history like me (stroke, mobility impairment, epilepsy) has some disadvantages when it comes to love.

    I certainly don't complain about other people for not wanting to date me, though. Everyone has preferences for relationships, and I do not want someone to settle for me if they would be unhappy. That just doesn't make sense.

    The numerical rating system is certainly not something that I focus on when I think about dating. I know that there are studies that show that there is a consensus on physical attraction, but that that's not what people base relationships on. I try to find women who share some common ground with me and who I think I will get along with in a long term relationship rather than an intense, volatile, and brief romance.

    But I've never had a girlfriend, and thus it's a bit hard to describe the personality of someone that I'm attracted to in any depth, as most of the women I can describe the personalities of are married.

    I don't know what to do; I'm already in therapy working on developing intimate relationships. I find it helpful to talk about my situation with others in the same boat, though. I know that there are a lot of people in that subreddit with negative perspectives or issues with misogyny, but it's one of the only places that I can go where I can read other people's experiences that are similar to mine.

    Does that help to explain things?

    [–]littledeadloveghoul[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Then, kind sir, you can completely disregard this rant. It was in no way, shape, or form venting at you.

    And yes, I can see how people end up FA. I have several friends, my ex-husband was FA before I got him at 26, and my current SO was a FA before we started dating (and was perfectly ready to live life alone). But it's completely nauseating to read those posts, and see that you could substitute in words for cuts of steak, and the sentence would not lose meaning. "I went for a (fatty t-bone steak) instead of a (lean sirloin) because it was more in my budget."

    [–]sour_peach -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Sounds like they all need to haul themselves over to /r/AskWomen and learn a thing or two.

    [–]precambrianpark 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    We don't need to haul ourselves over there. Whenever one of our threads gets noticed in AskWomen or BluePill, it's filled with people who come over to talk down to us, single-shame us, call us Fedora-wearing neckbeards, and tell us that we're a bunch of disgusting misogynists who deserve to be alone forever.

    [–]sxeQ 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    When you've had no, or very few relationships, in your life it's easy to think that you never will, and thus - /r/foreveralone is born.

    [–]krishol -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    I thought that was what TRP was for

    [–]Sprezz_ -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    TRP gets a bad rap, but seriously a lot of those guys at least are trying in life, albeit with some warped philosophy, but they are trying.

    [–]krishol -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Nah, treating women like they're beneath you isn't trying. Subs like /r/getmotivated, /r/fitness, /r/selfimprovement, and others have all you need to better yourself.

    [–]ScarsTheVampire -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    They're a bunch of neckbeards. It's fucking called forever alone.

    [–]ReallyLegitAccount 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Look OP, I see where you're coming from. That sub can be all too often full of misogyny and pointless self-pity, which is terrible, but you seem to imply that anyone can get a date or find love if they have a great personality and a good outlook on life. While it's true that many ugly, overlooked people can indeed end up happily in love with a ton of optimism/confidence/money/status/etc., it's very idealistic to assume they ALL can if they just "work on their personality". Louis C.K. explains it best.

    For some people it's just like a support group, they connect with people with similar life experiences and share advice for coping with day-to-day loneliness.

    [–]Stthads -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Fuckers need to hit the gym hard and start running. They are forever alone because they choose to be.

    [–]Sprezz_ -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

    I seriously think more Elliot Rodgers will become the norm.

    So many broken men (man-childs) out there.

    Everyday I see women out performing men on all aspects. They aspire for more, work out more, want more from their partners, and they get a bunch of manchilds who do nothing but play video games and watch porn.

    Seriously, video games and porn has ruined so many of these men. Simply that. In another era they would be soldiers or warriors, now they work some crappy retail job and masturbate and play video games and complain.... until they snap.

    [–]littleguyinabigbody 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    Elliott Rodgers was a psychopath, let's not forget that. He wasn't a normal, functioning human being, and a poor representation of the "community". Don't assign that value to everyone because they share some of their life's struggles. That's like saying all homeless people are crack addicts because they all have homelessness in common.

    [–]Sprezz_ -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    Alright fair enough, but Elliot Rodgers is short hand for male killer killing out of sexual frustration.

    Any suggestion I can use?

    [–]littleguyinabigbody 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Well people are fucked up, if they're going to kill someone, they'll find an excuse. Elliott Rodgers was kind of a special case, he was a misogynist and lazy, he never asked a single girl out. Most people like those that frequent /r/foreveralone are more likely to hurt themselves than anyone else. So psychopath is what I'd suggest, because that's what he was and if he's what you want to refer to than that's it.