Heavy Rotation on the CBC


Do I ask loaded questions? Maybe and sometimes. But I'm honestly a very jaded American who looks north and sees a competent land where people are respected and not seen as commodities.


Your answers are not loaded.  They’re ignorant and offensive.  You ask them without considering how Canadians feel about their country.  People aren’t seen as commodities?  What about the First Nations women bought and sold into sex slavery? Or the First Nations people who are fighting to keep American and Canadian frackers off their dear land?  The disabled Canadians who cannot get needed medical supplies because insurance varies by province and coverage is shit everywhere, especially in less-populated or poorer provinces, that is, provinces that are not Ontario.  The Arab Canadians who are called terrorists, just like in the US. The Muslim Canadians, whose religion is treated with ignorance an intolerance, who have to sit and hear how Islam oppresses “their women,” who get glared at on the Metro.  Black Canadians have a different history than Black Americans, but they are treated just as badly in Canada as they are in the US, whether they have lived in Canada since an ancestor escaped across the Detroit River, or moved to Regina from Gambia last week.  Poor Canadians?  Get the same rheotoric from conservative politicians that Republicans spew here.  Bootstraps! Self-reliance!  I’m a white male whose father paid for my university and I did it so you can as well! Eh!  Gay?  Well, your identity is still slang for “dumb,” you’re still at risk for violence, and the prime minister thinks you’re not part of the Canadian Way.  Trans*?  Triple the fears of gay Canadians.  Are you a woman?  Well, too bad friend, patriarchy is still living large in Canada. I know it, I was surrounded by old white guys as a grad student and professor there.  Men still use demeaning language, expect subservience, and rape women, so like Big Sis USA again.

I’m missing a lot of groups of people.  And someone far better educated than I could go into more detail.  But everything I’ve stated is paraphrased from an oppressed group who has been screaming this from the rooftops for decades, or the fucking CBC reporting. The CBC!  Like, this isn’t a secret. When you claim Canada is a magical fairy land of gay marriage, bagged milk, and smiling white mounties, you are ignoring the abuse, suffering, and oppression of thousands and thousands of Canadians.  Canada treats its “different” citizens terribly. Look up what the Canadian government and the RCMP are doing to the Elsipogtog people.  You know, the people who were here first.  This is some serious shit.  And then you come into my ask box and act like it’s no big deal asking these pop tarty single-sided questions without doing your due diligence, thereby slapping all of us oppressed people in the face.  I’ve seen you pull this in other disabled people’s ask boxes too. 

During my time as a Canadian temporary resident, I received much of the same treatment and a woman, queer, and cripple that I did in the US.  Man, have I got stories.  I also witnessed and heard of awful acts of oppression.  I remember waiting out the rain under the campus library’s eaves with a nice man about my age.  We got to chatting, and I found out through our conversation that he was from outside Winnipeg and was First Nations.  Buddy, he had stories.  I wasn’t uninformed, and I was still shocked. Every other First Nations person has stories like his.  Just like every LGBTQIA Canadian does, and every Canadian woman does, and every disabled Canadian does, and every Canadian POC does.  It’s a shitty country to a lot of people, me included. 

So your view of Canada?  Is complete bullshit.  Like, I’m assuming at this point that you’re a white, cishet, abled male, because that’s the only way Canada is going to work for you, just like the US.

This is a bit old but I’d love to see what my Canadian followers think of this.