I blame you

Excuse my vulgar language, but fuck you to all the feminists out there that are too ignorant to grasp the true meaning of what you are claiming to be.

Backstory behind my anger:
I just had to explain that I wasn’t some crazy psycho bitch when I stated that I was a feminist.

If you look back, I posted what feminism really is, “the belief that men & women should have equal rights & opportunities.” That means you believe in men & women being equal in ALL things.

There are “feminists” who talk about how all men are cruel, evil monsters who don’t know how to control their primal, carnal instincts.

Cut that out. Stop it right now.

Men are people, too. Not all of them are messed up in the head, just like not all women are right in the head. Each gender has its fair share of psychos.

So, here.

I am a feminist. 100%. I believe that men & women are equals. I’m not siding with men & I’m not siding with women. I equally support both & think that both should have equal opportunities.

That is what being a feminist means.

Learn your definitions & what you’re advocating before you sound ignorant & make a bad name for women & feminists everywhere.

feminism equality ignorant educate yourself angry

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