The Slow Dance of the Infinite Stars
"You and I and all that we are came from the centre of these lights."

What researchers discovered was surprising: Those who are described as ‘agreeable, conscientious personalities’ are more likely to follow orders and deliver electric shocks that they believe can harm innocent people, while ‘more contrarian, less agreeable personalities’ are more likely to refuse to hurt others.

The study also found that people holding left-wing political views were less willing to hurt others. One particular group held steady and refused destructive orders: ‘women who had previously participated in rebellious political activism such as strikes or occupying a factory.’

Psychologists Have Uncovered a Troubling Feature of People Who Seem Nice All the Time - Mic

u dont fucken say

(via 3liza)

haha hoho I am not surprised in the least that people who prioritise niceness are more likely to be morally bankrupt

(via frith-in-thorns)

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