July 10, 2014

11:59am  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1L5rKWI
Filed under: post queer troll? 
  1. royal-fish-bitch reblogged this from p0key
  2. turncloak reblogged this from revlovejoy
  3. justhereforpie reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    Please be trolling right now. I beg of you!
  4. bubblewarrior reblogged this from theirishquestie and added:
    how about no? And what about non binary bisexuals lmao fuck you.
  5. bribzeydragon reblogged this from pyraisbored
  6. theirishquestie reblogged this from block-speedoggtan
  7. siberianninja reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  8. lollykittypants reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    I’m a bi woman, but I think I actually find the reason given for male bisexuality more offensive.
  9. bobbyis reblogged this from deadpan-gentleman
  10. moralvirus reblogged this from egyptiangodsforsocialjustice
  11. destructinator reblogged this from diamonddoges
  12. remelia-scarlett reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  13. egyptiangodsforsocialjustice reblogged this from transformersforsocialjustice
  14. nikiotto reblogged this from gighanamura
  15. flirtatioushairflipping-taq reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  16. equality-my-ass reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  17. abrightfeather reblogged this from malware-manticore
  18. yawhee reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    What the fuck
  19. transformersforsocialjustice reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  20. rileywrit reblogged this from asinsanity
  21. turtlecatbuscles reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  22. selenite1 reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    WTF indeed. I never could stand the way monosexual queers actively shit all over the rest of us.
  23. spacecat-chan reblogged this from sassyninfia
  24. wtfantisjws reblogged this from ughsocialjustice and added:
    yes hi i’m genderqueer and bisexuali dislike all of this-jin