top 200 commentsshow all 304

[–]BuddhaLennon 318 ポイント319 ポイント

We can do much better than that. Let's start an Own the Podium program and aim to be come the most negative subreddit.

[–]Mahat 214 ポイント215 ポイント

Fuck you.

[–]amnesiajune 149 ポイント150 ポイント

That's the spirit! Go fuck yourself

[–]liquidpigBritish Columbia 95 ポイント96 ポイント

Hey, fuck off buddy!

[–]Dylan_Innes 53 ポイント54 ポイント

He's not your buddy, guy.

[–]mazelaar 42 ポイント43 ポイント

I'm not your guy pal!

[–]DomenickbQuébec [score hidden]

I'm not your pal, buddy!

[–]nikkynak [score hidden]

We've never met before pal, you are not my buddy, chief!

[–]Frommar [score hidden]

relax yourself chump!

[–]manlydishwasher [score hidden]

you can't spell cheese in french, you Frommage? Fuck that shit, neither can I. I love you man, but we have work to do here.

[–]Marcanadian [score hidden]

It's not 'pal' you idiot, it's 'friend'. Jesus, haven't you ever watched South Park before?

[–]JipipQuébec [score hidden]

Stop fucking focusing on the details

[–]stravadarius [score hidden]

Who let Scott in here? He's a dick.

[–]Marcanadian [score hidden]

Shut the fuck up Ugly Bob.

[–]SnakeskinJimNova Scotia [score hidden]

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker!

[–]BenHalp [score hidden]

I'm not your guy, friend.

[–]amnesiajune 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Hey, don't try and tell me who's my friend, fucker

[–]wolfeward [score hidden]

What do you have against truckers?

[–]amnesiajune [score hidden]

They're all bitches!

[–]Prettyniceguytoo 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Hey I want in:

Everybody go fuck themselves, I'm not even sorry about saying it!

[–]wolfeward [score hidden]

Takes one to know one.

Am I doing this right?

[–]PootieSlang [score hidden]

My exact thought

[–]Mahat [score hidden]

You are a lying shit weasel.

[–]PootieSlang [score hidden]

You fucking bully

[–]Mahat [score hidden]

Cram it sausage link.

[–]liquidpigBritish Columbia [score hidden]

Take off eh!

[–]RageLife [score hidden]

This time, Canada's not sorry.

[–]momoneymike [score hidden]

Needs more upvotes, you insufferable pricks!

[–]NiceShotMan [score hidden]

Tough to compete with Australia, they have Tony Abbott

[–]cantbeserioushere [score hidden]

We can always re-elect Harper next year.

[–]SleepWouldBeNice [score hidden]

We've got Bieber. The reddit hivemind loves to hate Bieber.

[–]Deverone 11 ポイント12 ポイント

I am positive that we can do it!

[–]kochevnikov 8 ポイント9 ポイント

If only we had any idea what counts as negative or positive since the website doesn't say.

edit: found it

[–]HertzToupee 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I disagree.

[–]ImNotGivingMyName 1 ポイント2 ポイント


[–]wolfeward [score hidden]

If everyone is sheeple, then I'm a drunk Irish guy with velcro gloves!

[–]badguy212 2 ポイント3 ポイント

You are challenging the fighters in the MMA subreddit? Good luck with that ....

[–]MothaFcknZargon [score hidden]

Who are we kidding, MMA Fans are as tough as professional MMA fighters just as much as hockey fans are as talented as professional hockey players. I think we'll be ok.

[–]emmerin [score hidden]

fite me IRL m8. I swear on me mum.

[–]Discitus 92 ポイント93 ポイント

A sample of 34 comments?

edit: Eh, apparently that's a fine sample. I'm not a statistician. I'm still wondering about how this would compare to a sample taken from a longer time frame than November.

[–]Cat_With_Tie[S] 45 ポイント46 ポイント

That's a good point. I didn't notice how small the sample size was until just now. I wonder how even the distribution of these comments is across the month of November. If they all came from one post that could completely skew the data.

[–]Ezk1eLQuébec 13 ポイント14 ポイント

The sample is enough for a 95% confidence interval. Like you said, if the sample is well picked, this is enough to produce significative results.

[–]Discitus 20 ポイント21 ポイント

I think something else important is what happened during the time frame of the samples. For example, November 2013 (the time frame of the samples) had the ''Duffy scandal'' in the news a lot, and Quebec tabled the Charter of Values.

[–]delleh [score hidden]

Also Rob Ford

[–]uhhNo [score hidden]

By well picked I hope you mean randomly picked.

[–]Ezk1eLQuébec [score hidden]

Yes but quality data also. Deleted comments, mods post, announcements regarding the subreddit, etc..

[–]alpacITAlberta [score hidden]

+/-20% is considered significative?

[–]Canuck314159Nova Scotia [score hidden]

This assumes that the comments looked at were independent. Reddit comments are typically dependent on each other.

[–]Chrisss88 6 ポイント7 ポイント

They obviously missed /r/hockey's weekly Trash talk thread.

[–]Lucky75Ontario [score hidden]

They obviously missed the playoffs in general. Or the /r/nba playoffs, that was awful.

[–]BlueBlurDown [score hidden]

The amount of venom being thrown between Nets fans and Raptors fans was something special.

[–]KyleGGAlberta 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Those comments were probably about Quebec too...

[–]tragicjones 5 ポイント6 ポイント

We should take the results with a grain of salt because it uses sentiment analysis, but the sampling seems fine. It was a random sample of twenty thousand posts, which is more than enough for a high confidence interval level.

[–]alpacITAlberta [score hidden]

You want a low confidence interval not a high one. Unless you mean confidence level. In which case for a CI of 5 at a CL of 95% in a population of 20,000 you would need a sample size of 377.

[–]arahman81 13 ポイント14 ポイント

/r/canada beating /r/worldnews ?

That deserves an award.

[–]blundermine 21 ポイント22 ポイント

They should rename that the CJI - Circle Jerk Index.

[–]Cat_With_Tie[S] 34 ポイント35 ポイント

Take this with a grain of salt. Even the author advises you to be skeptical.

[–]aint_it_greatQuébec 17 ポイント18 ポイント

But at the same time you have to say, the people in this sub will always find something to bitch about. Think about all of the bitching people do over when somebody asks "What is Canadian Culture to you?" the entire thread turns into a shit show about how inferior Canadians are to the rest of the world especially the US. I know that's just one example and not representative of the entire sub but those types of negative comments will often show up when discussing First Nations, the Military, Foreign Affairs, our Media, etc.

[–]Lucky75Ontario 14 ポイント15 ポイント

But at the same time you have to say, the people in this sub will always find something to bitch about.

Can confirm.

[–]HertzToupee 0 ポイント1 ポイント

HAHAHA! I don't think he's going to get the irony!

[–]aint_it_greatQuébec 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Oh I get the 'irony'. What he is trying to say is that I'm bitching about people bitching, but what he doesn't seem to understand and what you don't also seem to understand is that I'm adding to the discussion while both of you are just being idiots by trying to be funny and karma whoring. Anyway all I wanted to show is that this sub is at this times way to negative for no particular reason and try and start a discussion about the topic instead I get two guys going "hahahaha that was a sick burn bro!". But you know whatever, it's the internet you can't expect much.

[–]barosaGrinch 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I actually don't think he was going for that. He's a mod here, which means he spends most of his time on reddit getting bitched at about something. He gets bitched at about any post that's borderline rule-breaking, whether he removes it or whether he doesn't.

[–]aint_it_greatQuébec 3 ポイント4 ポイント

See I didn't know that, I don't really pay much attention to who the mods are. I feel bad now :'(

[–]HertzToupee 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I don't think you do, TBH.

But at the same time you have to say, the people in this sub will always find something to bitch about.

You are also "the people in this sub" and you are bitching about stuff. Non-stop.

  • when somebody asks "What is Canadian Culture to you?" the entire thread turns into a shit show

  • I know that's just one example and not representative of the entire sub but those types of negative comments will often show up when discussing First Nations, the Military, Foreign Affairs, our Media, etc.

  • what he doesn't seem to understand and what you don't also seem to understand is that I'm adding to the discussion while both of you are just being idiots by trying to be funny and karma whoring.

  • But you know whatever, it's the internet you can't expect much.

"I'm adding to the discussion"

Uh huh. "Adding".

[–]alkali_feldsparAlberta [score hidden]

They show up when discussing anything where people can have wildly opposing view points. Comes with the nature of the topics and anonymity of the internet.

[–]manlydishwasher [score hidden]

my salt dispenser is short a grain of SALT! who the....

[–]AbruptlyBlueSaskatchewan 8 ポイント9 ポイント

Can't even get bronze, just like the summer Olympics.

[–]cronchuck [score hidden]

But when it comes to winter, we're all bitching for those six months.

[–]SteveBuscemisEyes 45 ポイント46 ポイント

Uh huh. As a First Nations' person; I am very aware of this.

[–]aint_it_greatQuébec 18 ポイント19 ポイント

Preach My Brown Brother! Preach! So much Racism, So much hate. Sometimes I feel like it not even worth coming back to this sub sometimes the way people disrespect First Nations. When you try and explain you get downvoted to oblivion to make it worse.

[–]taitabo [score hidden]

It's double worse for you! An Aboriginal from Quebec! In r/Canada? Brave soul.

[–]aint_it_greatQuébec [score hidden]

Yeah it can be tough, sometimes I try and defend Quebec (I grew up in a bilingual household with a Metis mother and a native Father). So I understand some of their concerns when it comes to language preservation, but again that doesn't go over well in this sub, maybe someday.

[–]KofOaks [score hidden]

Most people know nothing about Quebec nor Natives in general, let alone Natives in Qc.

I went to a lunch at a native reserve in BC a few weeks back. It was super interesting to hear their point of view, their demands and learn about their way of life, traditions and beliefs.

I said it before and I'll say it again : Native languages and cultures (since every group has their own specificity) should be taught in school just like french and english. It's been done with great success in New Zealand. It may not be "useful" on a daily basis but it should be part of the curriculum nonetheless in order to curb bigotry, let alone the fact that it's a very important part of our history / who we are as a country.

[–]nDREqc [score hidden]

It may not be "useful" on a daily basis

It is my opinion that school isn't there to teach us what we need to live on a daily basis, it should be to teach us how to learn, so that we can learn how to live on a daily basis. It shouldn't matter if a student doesn't feel the need to learn about <insert-topic-of-choice>, the task is to practice learning, not learning <insert-topic-of-choice>.

I also firmly believe that learning multiple languages is a very good thing. I believe that communication is the metric of understanding.

[–]KofOaks [score hidden]

Too often I've heard "Math and English are useless" while in school.


Languages are fascinating, and aging and traveling made me realize that the same applies to music, being a language on its own.

[–]freedompowerQuébec [score hidden]

Why do people don't like first nations?

[–]SteveBuscemisEyes [score hidden]

Without getting too political (and personal), It's because we're given benefits unavailable to other citizens and we're seen to squander it away.

And yes.. I'll admit that reserves tend to incorrectly allocate funding (or even embezzle funds), but I've seen progress happen as well.

[–]phjorgAlberta [score hidden]

Metis myself and grew up around reserves, but in name only as thay way of life ended at my father. I agree with this. The benefits I can get over normal Canadians is insane should I decide to use them. And it pisses me off to see so many shit them away..

There are lessons for bands to follow like chief Louie. Need more leaders like him.

[–]halden 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Apparently we don't complain nearly as much as Aussies though.

[–]YRPWKR_am_human 4 ポイント5 ポイント

I think the common factor here is that citizens of both countries pretty much fit the global image of them, and the (generally younger, more liberal) portion of them that are on Reddit hate their current governments.

The main point isn't that these countries are negative, just the Redditor portion of their populations are.

[–]ChrisVolkoff [score hidden]

I'm subscribed to /r/Australia. It's pretty interesting.

[–]cyrilfelix 6 ポイント7 ポイント

The secret is that Canadians keep all their negativity bottled in... until we get on /r/Canada and let it all out

[–]Siendra 70 ポイント71 ポイント

Probably because the hive mind is so strong here. If one person is bitching about something, almost everyone ends up bitching about the same. It doesn't matter if it's factually inaccurate or an outright fabrication - bitching ensues.

This place bitches about the following pretty much daily:


The Harper Conservatives

The Federal Government


The Justice system


Other regular topics:



X Person in the US said Y


Any and all military procurement (Still waiting for a topic on pencils)


Oil Sands

I've basically just summed up 85-90% of the content on /r/Canada in a week. Almost all of it negative.

[–]momomo544British Columbia 25 ポイント26 ポイント

Fuck you, you Harper loving, french speaking conservative albertan feminist!!

Seriously though, you are right. This place sucks. I posted a picture of quebec city and (almost)all the comments were(it got deleted by the mods, which I agreed to.) hateful to the Quebecers.

[–]pascontent [score hidden]

As a Québécois, there's definitely a lot of uncalled hate for us. I'm still here because I like to keep informed, and I try to avoid getting into arguments because it's useless. Times have changed people! We got rid of the PQ because they started talking about the referendum. I can't remember the last time I've heard english bashing in my entourage.

Can't we all be friends?

Edit: Love you guys!

[–]taitabo [score hidden]

As an Aboriginal in r/Canada, I feel your pain.

PS, I love Quebec! Beautiful province, super friendly people.

[–]paranoidinfidel [score hidden]

I love your people and it is awful how they have been treated. I don't know how to fix it.

[–]momomo544British Columbia [score hidden]

I wish! I love quebec! I've visited and its beautiful and everyone is so friendly! For some reason people think all quebecers are assholes. I have no idea why :(

[–]FandagoDingoQuébec [score hidden]

<3 Quebecker here too.

I agree, /r/Canada disseminates a lot of hate towards us, but have you been to /r/Quebec? That place is scary.

[–]pascontent [score hidden]

Can't say I've been to that sub before! I come here for news I wouldn't hear about otherwise :)

But hey, morons are always the loudest!

[–]Astrokiwi [score hidden]

I moved to Québec! Everybody is nice! I haven't heard much English bashing at all really. Although the drivers here are pretty bad at indicating.

[–]pascontent [score hidden]

That's one thing that comes VERY often, how we are crazy drivers. While I haven't got much driving experience out of my own province, I'm always on the lookout for Taxis in Montreal. They are a separate class of no fucks given 24/7 :P

[–]OderdiggCanada [score hidden]

They are a separate class of no fucks given 24/7 :P

As someone who's taken a taxi in Montreal, you couldn't possibly be more right.

[–]ChrisVolkoff [score hidden]

You should go to NYC.

[–]pascontent [score hidden]

I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't notice any difference! There's an added difficulty here : road quality.

[–]stravadarius [score hidden]

I like Quebec. I think it's awesome.

[–]lynnangel [score hidden]

Don't forget Tim hortons and Canadian tire. Or any product that mentions canada or implies they're Canadian or advertises to Canadians specifically.

[–]Siendra [score hidden]

Ooooh, I forgot TFW's.

[–]le_canuckOntario 14 ポイント15 ポイント

Not to mention saying anything positive about a hot-button issue tends to result in a bunch of bitching about you not bitching.

[–]Resdrak [score hidden]

No kidding. This place is utterly ridiculous and you cannot post any sort of news link, or political link, and expect to have a reasonable discussion about it. I made a subreddit, /r/CanadaNews and we've got 700 subscribers but I just got a job recently and I haven't had the time to inject in as many posts as before.

I actually messaged the mods here, as well as the mods of every Provincial subreddit, and asked them if they could put our subreddit in the sidebar, and if I could make an announcement post. They all said yes to the announcements, some yes/no to the sidebar but I didn't even get a response from /r/Canada. I messaged them again a few days later asking if they got it, and I got this as a response:

Oh, sorry about that, didn't see it until now. Feel free to make a post about it. Mind you, this subreddit is also a mix of news and politics, so it's likely a bit redundant ;)

No. In my opening message to here I specifically said how I wanted it to be healthy for promoting discussion, and doing away with stupid joke posts or low effort bullshit. /r/CanadaNews is meant for discussion and conversation. No opinions are suppressed, provided that they're not just "What a pointless arsehole of an article" or whatever. Pretty sure that /r/Canada doesn't even come close to making any sort of subreddit promoting discussion on both sides 'redundant'.

[–]BenocratesCanada 9 ポイント10 ポイント

You forgot feminists and Indians.

[–]Siendra 8 ポイント9 ポイント

I thought about adding something about Native issues on there, but I could already imagine what all the stupid comments I'd get would say.

[–]CocaineIsTheShit [score hidden]

It's mostly met with no attention or back lash as to why they aren't on the same level as whites.

[–]taitabo [score hidden]

Also how we get free everything. I should be sitting in my free house, with ten PhDs driving around with free gas!

[–]CocaineIsTheShit [score hidden]

Just keep in mind that these people sit on their computer all day.

[–]aint_it_greatQuébec [score hidden]

Don't forget the free cars and four wheelers every 5 years and the free Hydro. AND NO TAXES!!!! EVER!!!

[–]yarrmama [score hidden]

Don't forget a guaranteed cushy govt job!

[–]goboatmen [score hidden]

Also the Beer store

[–]liloldadyoAlberta 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Hilarious how intelligent debate here can so quickly degrade to "Oh look we've found one of Harphitler's followers! Carry on folks".

It even happens in debates that literally should have NOTHING to do with government at all.

[–]majeric [score hidden]

Nice Try Harper. ;)

[–]movetonanaimoBritish Columbia 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Haha... The Great Whine North!

[–]shinymew2000 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Thanks Rob Ford!

[–]arahman81 1 ポイント2 ポイント

That's /r/toronto.

Damn was it nice when he was in "rehab". Really hope he gets turfed come October.

[–]Poppios 3 ポイント4 ポイント

We are negative so we can apologize afterwards.

[–]ABob71British Columbia 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Vitriolic best buds
TW: TVtropes

[–]jaxhaxManitoba [score hidden]

Fuck you I had shit to do.

In exchange I sentence you to the old r/canada Harperoo

[–]simanimosQuébec 5 ポイント6 ポイント

I believe it. Of all the subs I frequent, I would class this sub as one of the most highly negative. Its the politics that we talk about that drives everything negative, and politics polarize like a motherfucker. Theres also a left bias on this sub, which, I imagine, seems to lead to sand-in-vagina syndrome for the right.

[–]catherder9000Saskatchewan [score hidden]

It is mostly because you aren't allowed to have an opinion on most subjects in /r/Canada unless it is 100% PC and/or bleeding heart.

[–]OGLotharOntario 11 ポイント12 ポイント

Canadians like to complain. It's something I complain about a lot.

[–]MyAssTakesMastercardOntario 8 ポイント9 ポイント

Let's complain about Québec. I haven't done that in 10 minutes and I'm kind of on edge.


Oh that felt good.

[–]manlydishwasher [score hidden]

yes and to the OLF and friends, next time you come to a fast food counter and ask for a "hot dog", I'm going to make you eat the entire stock room full of hotdogs in one sitting.

It's Chien Chauds you linguistic horse blinder imbiciles.

[–]Acesolid [score hidden]

I think the best summary of many nonsensical anti-Québec tirades is this classic from a year or so ago:

''REMOVE POUTINE remove poutine you are worst frnch. you are the french idiot you are the french smell. return to france. to our france cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,quebec we will never forgeve you. acadine rascal FUck but fuck asshole french stink quebec tu maneg les genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead franch..ahahahahahQUEBEC WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget confederation .alberta we refine the oil , alberta return to your precious ukraine….hahahahaha idiot french and qubec smell so i can smell it. REMOVE POUTINE FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. ontario+newfondland+nova scota+manitoba=kill quebec…you will confederation/ trailer park boys alive in new brunswck, trailer park boys making movie of new brunswick . mockumentary traler park boys new brunswick. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of trailer park boy... you are ppoor stink french… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

trailer parks boys alive numbr one #1 in new brunswick ....fuck the nova scotia ,..FUCKk ashol french no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and provinc. trailer park boys aliv and real strong wizard kill all the french farm aminal with rap magic now we the new brunswick rule .ape of the zoo prime ministr pierr trudeau fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and quebec wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. new brunswick greattst provins''

[–]GordieHoHoCanada 4 ポイント5 ポイント

I blame Harper

[–]medymLest We Forget 17 ポイント18 ポイント

/r/guns is ranked higher than /r/canada? Thanks, Harper.

[–]momomo544British Columbia 4 ポイント5 ポイント

This place bitches about the following pretty much daily:


The Harper Conservatives

The Federal Government


The Justice system


Bam, proved his point right there.

[–]MrRtdCanada [score hidden]

There are very valid reasons for complaining/bitching about Harper/Conservatives/Federal Government. The others not so much.

[–]OderdiggCanada [score hidden]

You can't detect sarcasm I see.

[–]MastinalBritish Columbia 1 ポイント2 ポイント

/r/guns is a pretty respectful place tbh.

[–]bcausefuckuthatswhy 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Fuck all of you.

[–]manlydishwasher [score hidden]

but why?

[–]mark49sOutside Canada 2 ポイント3 ポイント

As a foreigner I was surprised at the negative overall feel of the sub, considering Canada is 'meant' to be friendly and open minded.

[–]MrRtdCanada [score hidden]

We are friendly and open-minded, just don't piss us off. Sorry.

[–]itskyalnotkyle [score hidden]

I love how GW is #2

[–]NahanniWild [score hidden]

fuck that

[–]isoceans [score hidden]

I'm not fucking sorry, fuck you guys, eh

[–]ROFLAWETSOCK [score hidden]

That's it? That is all you nerds can do? Here, let me contribute.

I voted conservative last federal election. I'm white.

[–]lennon011 [score hidden]

guess what ... ? I'm NOT sorry ... this time

[–]ajau_1Canada 5 ポイント6 ポイント

We have a country filled with uptight passive aggressive people with an entitlement complex and a whole bunch of hangups.

What does Australia have? We should be able to overtake them.

[–]barosaGrinch 4 ポイント5 ポイント

The hate against Tony Abbott is probably even stronger than against Harps.

[–]momomo544British Columbia 3 ポイント4 ポイント

To be fair, he is probably worse than Harps

also, calling Harper Harps is a great idea.

[–]swamoo52 [score hidden]

Yeah, Abbott is pretty bad...

[–]SlimJim84Ontario 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Those of us from Toronto helped contribute to that ranking. ;)

[–]Zephyr104Ontario [score hidden]

something something rob ford.

[–]surger1 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Canadians bitch. My god are we whiny.

Our countries history is about a whole bunch of people who wind up in the part of North America everyone else thought it was too cold for. Our entire history is about learning to get along up here.

We developed a culture that understands how different we all are. We respect others opinions. Except we only do publicly. We are all still humans. So you have a society that is incredibly polite. But when it gets behind closed doors with its own kind just bitches.

Over the last 100 years America has really started to push back into our country with their finances. Sure we are still "Canada". But go out and look at property, see what companies say "for lease". It is disturbing to track how many companies are owned out right or through investment by Americans. Throw in the effect they have on what businesses and products get here and Canadians have less control over their lives then American businesses.

All of this means we are in a position to live decent lives but we still notice all the things that piss us off and are unable to change them. We are too polite to say anything about it though. My god if you don't respect someones view point in public its worst than having a bad viewpoint. This means no one can ever push a strong opinion on anything, because Canadians react to people with strong opinions as rude. And with current global socio-economic issues there is little we can do.

So we go online and bitch.

edit: Hark a Vagrant put a comic out that sums it up pretty well

[–]loudmusicman4Canada 3 ポイント4 ポイント


[–]bunsofcheese 1 ポイント2 ポイント

maybe it's our overwhelming desire to stop being thought of as polite that's fueling this negativity...?

[–]BoobPuncher 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Fuck this shit, fucking wrong motherfuckers.

[–]alkali_feldsparAlberta [score hidden]

Interesting. This doesn't really surprise me, sometimes /r/canada can be a bit of a circle jerk, or full of comment flame wars. The top 10 positive ones are not really surprising at all, only one I wouldn't have expected is /r/guns being on there.

[–]Signal09Ontario [score hidden]

Wait someone actually cares about this?

[–]hawksaber [score hidden]

What do you expect with Lord Harper & his cronies in charge!? Disrespect for the highest seat in office (prorogued gov't not once, but twice!), the muzzling of federal scientists (who would like to speak out about the oilsands), and this attitude of "It's the Economy stupid" (while every year it seems climate change is getting worse). Yeah, we've got reasons to be negative.

[–]trickyrizzo [score hidden]

Our pessimism and paranoia makes us more prepared for an apocalypse

[–]Kadem2 3 ポイント4 ポイント

If you say anything even remotely neutral or positive about the the controversial issues a user above listed, you're downvoted to hell.

So nobody says anything positive.

[–]simanimosQuébec [score hidden]

I sure as fuck dont. Fuck that negative karma. Who needs that shit?

[–]J-RedOutside Canada [score hidden]

Both Canada and Australia have conservative governments and reddit is mostly liberal

[–]amnesiajune 2 ポイント3 ポイント

If only Mulcair wasn't so Angry whenever he comments :/

[–]CerebroJD 4 ポイント5 ポイント


[–]101E 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Yes, r/Canada really is a shit show filled with non stop bitching about how unfair the world is. Nice to see outsiders are aware of this reality as well.

[–]kochevnikov 1 ポイント2 ポイント

As opposed to your non-stop bitching about people with different opinions? When other people see opposing opinions they argue against them, not try to shut down the conversation by saying they are just bitching and have no legitimate political statements to make.

[–]ab_1717 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Maybe if the Conservatives weren't in power there would be less to complain about--maybe.

[–]barosaGrinch 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Probably not. There'll likely be a few months of a transition period where people are still hopeful that the new leader/party will be better, followed by mass bitching about how everything's the same.

[–]jamestporterAlberta [score hidden]

we thought the same way for the 14 years the Libs were in power. complaining about the ruling party never changes.

[–]hexxal 0 ポイント1 ポイント


[–]GRiZZY19Ontario 1 ポイント2 ポイント

The only 2 countries in the negative top 10 are led by Tony Abbott and Stephen Harper. Hahaha.

[–]3redradishes [score hidden]

The tone is set from the top.

[–]keithioapcCanada 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Not certain how they measure this, but starting now I will use only negative words to skew their data towards bad results. I have no motive other than being a hateful and spiteful person.

[–]the_only_muffin_man 0 ポイント1 ポイント

No wonder everything is fucked here. Don't we still use asbestos? Fuck all of you r/Canada for number 1 most negative subreddit

[–]ReallyShouldntBeHere [score hidden]

Were more negative than R/worldnews???

We need to rethink our stereotypes.

[–]XBravAlberta [score hidden]

[–]jfcyric [score hidden]

they should go /r/quebec, so much hate in there!

[–]LuckMaker [score hidden]

Damn the Australians are beating us in negativity, we have to step our game up!

[–]kukBone [score hidden]

O Canada...

[–]TObestcityinworld [score hidden]

I knew it, that's it, I'm out of this shithole.

[–]cheeseburgz [score hidden]

I mean I totally believe it. You can't say anything positive about anyone or anything around here without a myriad of initial downvotes and someone saying you're full of shit.

[–]Ebethron [score hidden]

We need to legalize Weed and smoke it more, lower prices of booze and put in more bike lanes... Trust me within a month everybody will be positive!

[–]Kingoftheneckbeards [score hidden]

It's probably because the users from /r/halifax use it as well.

[–]TheSubOrbiterOntario [score hidden]

good job. thats just fucking tremendous, the most stereotypically nice and polite people on the planet and we have the 9th most negative sub. either the stereotypes are wrong or a lot of people on here just like to be assholes, and the stereotype is there for a very good reason.

[–]SkoomaKing [score hidden]

At least Australia is worse right?

[–]eboy991 [score hidden]

Fuck off.

[–]jared_007 [score hidden]

I'm sure this hasn't been said before, so: sorry.

[–]smash2494 [score hidden]

thats it. im gonna crack someone over the head with my hockey stick,eh!

[–]radiofreebcCanada [score hidden]


[–]SilkyMitts [score hidden]

Surprised were not higher, lotta hosers in this sub.

[–]Dobbins [score hidden]

Well that sucks.

[–]BennyBenjamin [score hidden]

So true. Take a look at the comments for pretty much every post in this sub Reddit. Everyone is so judgmental and extreme with everything.

[–]cdcformatc [score hidden]

It used to be a joke that canadians would write a letter to voice their frustration. Now take the actual letter part out (no home mail delivery) and you have /r/canada.

[–]mountainroad [score hidden]

No surprise, R/Canada contains large numbers of disaffected malcontents who hate the current government and Canada generally seems to have a penchant for giving the loudest whiners the biggest soapbox.

[–]justinzoinksCanada [score hidden]

Posting this here is deeply ironic, you jerk.