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[–]Strazhakov 23 ポイント24 ポイント

Close Ramstein next pls.

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

Tell your politicians to step-up to the fucking plate and actually take the European Union's security & hard power seriously instead of pigeonholing it too my country because they find it politically advantageous.

Real shit. They stick the continent's entire security burden on the United Kingdom, France & my country. They don't want to spend more money on your military. They're against nuclear weapons as a deterrent. They don't want to risk German soldiers for other Europeans' national interests. They don't ever want to go hard on Russia because of the economic repercussions. They want us to do all that for them and get our hands dirty.

So pls do.

[–]Olorin_Took 3 ポイント4 ポイント

So which country is your country? Are we supposed to guess?

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple -1 ポイント0 ポイント


[–]Olorin_Took 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Who, me? Nope, I'm not. I'm guessing he means the USA, but claiming US is defending European interests by spying on them does seem slightly far-fetched.

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Look at my name.

Look who you originally replied too.

Look at my flag.

And where the hell did I ever claim we were defending European interests by spying on them? Read what I wrote. Where did you get that?

[–]Olorin_Took 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Sorry, I'm on Alien Blue, so there's no flags for me. Which is a drag sometimes.

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Than my sincere apologies.

But I am American. :) Sorry.

[–]Olorin_Took 2 ポイント3 ポイント

No worries man. :)

[–]United States of Americashoryukenist -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Calm down dude.

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple 0 ポイント1 ポイント


I acted like a dick, though I did apologize to the dude.

[–]United States of Americashoryukenist 1 ポイント2 ポイント

True. I'm actually almost identically aligned with your position in re: American troops in Europe, so I like the message to be delivered nicely. :-) Of course, I am insane for thinking a reddit convo has any meaning!

[–]FryslânTheByzantineDragon -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Are you retarded?

[–]Austriavioletjoker 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Security from who? Only danger to the EU is the US.

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Why don't you go tell your politicians to keep building Southstream despite it being against the interests of your fellow EU member-states, and I would even say, the European Union as a whole.

Then cite neutrality as a excuse to put your own national interests above the collective interests of the European Union.

Also, take a look at Ukraine and the history of some of your neighbors. Than tell me how the only danger to the EU is the US. In fact, the greatest ally of the EU is the United States whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Whether talking militarily (through NATO, even if your country isn't in it), historically (Fulda Gap, Marshall Plan) or economically (largest trade partners).

Going even further than that, I'd even take the position that the EU wouldn't even exist without the security & stability the United States helped provide to it's predecessor organizations after WWII & through-out the Cold War, giving it the necessary foundation it needed to become what it is today.

[–]Austriavioletjoker -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

The Nato has no longer an enemy so it is completely outdated and unnecessary.

Going even further than that, I'd even take the position that the EU wouldn't even exist without the security

That doesn't matter and I doubt it is true.

Why don't you go tell your politicians to keep building Southstream despite it being against the interests of your fellow EU member-states, and I would even say, the European Union as a whole.

Oh yeah that 40km from one EU member to another truly hurt the Union.

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Go tell those former Soviet Republics & satellite states (whom are EU member-states) that the deterrence against Russia provided by NATO, and underwritten by American power projection (specifically in regards to the geographic positioning of the Baltic states), is outdated & unnecessary.

Although I get it, your country is "neutral", but if you didn't want that kind of shit hanging over your country than your politicians should've never joined the European Union and agreed to it's Common Defense & Security Directive.

And yes, it is true. The European Coal & Steel Community and European Atomic Energy Community would've never developed into what they were, or evolved into the foundation that gave birth to the European Union, without the United States helping provide a secure & stable environment on the continent for them to grow (in my opinion, feel free to disagree, but that's my view on it). don't think you quite understand how pipelines or political symbolism work......

EDIT: And it's 50km ;)

[–]Austriavioletjoker -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

I just stumbled over you other comments in the other thread on the /r/europe frontpage about this issue. There is nothing to gain from this discussion with you or your submissions. I can watch American Dad when I want your PoV on something.

Your definition of a stable environment amuses me. Europe was parted and on the edge of war.

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple 0 ポイント1 ポイント

And America was at the very edge of that war for damn near half-a-century. We garrisoned the place where Europe was parted for damn near half-a-century.

Is Europe not stable now? Is the European Union not borne from the allies we pledged to protect, whom we stood side-by-side with, through-out the Cold War? Did we not pledge a significant amount of aid through the Marshall Plan to speed up the Post War recovery? Did that commitment not bring about security and stability that helped foster the growth of the European Coal & Steel Community and European Atomic Energy Community which went on to provide the foundation for the European Union?

An I don't understand why a united European Union with a integrated military and common foreign policy is a recipe for disaster and the harbinger of a unstable Europe, but hey, whatever floats your boat. :)

And I actually do encourage you to watch American Dad. Great show, always like the writing more than Family Guy. Though kinda worried about the next season given one of the show runners left the team. :(

[–]United States of AmericaAdmiral_Arzar [score hidden]

Did you cut yourself on that edge?

[–]CrimeaAmericanWAYofDeath -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

Only danger to the EU is the US

This is a truth that more people are realising.

[–]leSwede420 [score hidden]

Only danger to the EU is the US.


[–]tobiasu 0 ポイント1 ポイント

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Not a damn person would oppose Germany stepping up it's military commitments to the European Union or NATO right now other than Russia. Nor do I believe it would go against the terms of the treaty.

The United States has literally been begging for it so we won't be distracted from our "Pivot to the Pacific".

Germany can do a lot more with what it has, and it can increase it's military budget a lot more so it can match NATO's 2% recommended percent of GDP spending.

[–]Belgica!FrodoTheHobo [score hidden]

If it was up to me ever american Official would be thrown out with a notice to come and pick up your nukes before we accidentally lose them.

[–]drstins_n -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

yes of course, because what US really wants is a UE heavly armed and at least at same level of them.

[–]Dirty SouthJohnnyTheApple 0 ポイント1 ポイント

No, we actually do.

U.S. Proposes 'More Positive' Vision of NATO-EU Partnership

The policy shift elevates the European Union military capability to the same level as NATO. "It is clear that in the future NATO will no longer be the only major multilateral structure with a role in responding to crises, including military crises, which could affect European stability and security," Cohen said.

Will the U.S. ‘Rebalance’ Its Contribution to NATO?

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is on his way to Brussels to have a difficult conversation with his fellow defense ministers in NATO. The point of contention is the continued reduction of the military capabilities of our allies and their growing dependence on U.S. support.

Hagel will repeat to European allies the stark message made by Robert Gates on his last trip to Brussels as defense secretary. Gates made international headlines with his warning of “a dim, if not dismal future” for NATO if it continues to be divided “between those willing and able to pay the price and bear the burdens of alliance commitments, and those who enjoy the benefits of NATO membership… but don’t want to share the risks and the costs.”

U.S. military says it may have to cut Europe budget by fifth

(Reuters) - The United States may be compelled to cut its military spending in Europe next year by as much as a fifth in the latest round of reductions under "sequestration", America's top general in the region said on Thursday.

U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove, who serves as both head of the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) and as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), said the reductions will require NATO forces to work more closely together and train "smarter".

Breedlove also noted increased competition for Pentagon resources, particularly from Asia, to which President Barack Obama has said the United States will "pivot" its resources as part of a strategic rebalance.

America is trying to "Pivot to the Pacific", not get stuck in a old Cold War scenario with Russia. With the next century nicknamed the "Asian Century" and China on the rise, we don't want to be distracted & tied down by Europe.

Especially since the European Union is not only capable of taking care of it's own backyard, but a natural ally of ours to boot when dealing with other international players.

The United States doesn't fear competition from the West; it fears being the only West left.