Mari McGee
Before you say yes, get him angry. See him scared, see him wanting, see him sick. Stress changes a person. Find out if he drinks and if he does, get him drunk - you’ll learn more about his sober thoughts. Discover his addictions. See if he puts you in front of them. You can’t change people, baby girl. If they are made one way, it doesn’t just wear off. If you hate how he acts when he’s out of it now, you’re going to hate it much worse eight years down the road. You might love him to bits but it doesn’t change that some people just don’t fit.

inkskinned, “My father’s recipe for the man I should marry” (via partygirlmeltdown)

This is very, very good advice.  You learn more about who someone really is when they are under stress or in an emergency than in a dozen calm years.

Stick him with an infant or toddler for an afternoon.

(via tamorapierce)

Seriously. print this out and put it somewhere you can see it after the infatuation fades.

(via dynastylnoire)
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