
janakiusa asked:

"aazadan said: I've seen a lot of new/casual players lately complain that board wipes are unfair. How do wraths poll with the segment of the playerbase that finds counters unfun?" ---- "Wraths have a place but development has felt that place needs to most often be greater than four mana." So is Mass Calcify the new normal? Do new players dictate what they know nothing about?

markrosewater answered:

The costing of mass creature destruction has nothing to do with new players. In fact, costing in general has nothing to do with new players.

I find that having no answers to a heavy aggro deck is even more so unfair. If a newer player knows he’s going into a match against a control deck they should understand that over committing is suicide. Work around the board wipes, magic is a thinking game and not one where you just dump your hand and go ham.

  1. krymsinviking said: Wraths being more than 4 mana is a bad decision. It was probably too strong at 4 when creatures were bad, but as creatures get better and better and wraths get worse it really hampers the ability to play control.
  2. afiemb said: OP says: “Cheap mass removal is good for the game.” OP implies: “New players know nothing. I am so much smarter than them.” OP actually means: “I keep losing to these new players without my 4 mana boardwipes.”
  3. circa-enough-ego said: 4-mana wraths have to exist in order to keep aggro from running a format. But you usually only have one.
  4. orphanfight reblogged this from markrosewater and added:
    I find that having no answers to a heavy aggro deck is even more so unfair. If a newer player knows he’s going into a...
  5. sarroth said: Sounds like from the quote development decided that all on their own OP.
  6. kerrjf said: I support wraths costing 5 or more. In the Aggro -> Contro; -> Combo pattern Aggro always beats control due to the strength of top decks, but a 4 mana wrath pretty much means your beating Aggro anyway, that shouldn’t be the case.
  7. pjweisberg said: I heard some new players at my LGS talking about how Colossus of Akros would probably get banned for being too overpowered. Seriously, costs are meaningless to them.
  8. yamijoey said: To be fair, short of Naya Blitz and other hyper aggro decks, a T4 Wrath makes control nigh unbeatable sometimes.
  9. xenarthrandynamo reblogged this from markrosewater and added:
    Fascists have efficient transport systems, you made the trains faster, why do you hate freedom?
  10. markrosewater posted this