[Land of Stars.]




i could masturbate to this article that’s how much it pleases me

everything about this screams fedora 

oh my god this is fucking incredible oh my god

holy shit

and when you go to a restaurant and eat something cooked by man, that’s where another man put something inside your body that I didn’t. And when the male dentist looks inside your mouth, that’s where another man invaded your mouth. And when the male cashier sells you those clothes, every time you wear them you will think of him, not me.





i could masturbate to this article that’s how much it pleases me

everything about this screams fedora 

oh my god this is fucking incredible oh my god

holy shit

and when you go to a restaurant and eat something cooked by man, that’s where another man put something inside your body that I didn’t. And when the male dentist looks inside your mouth, that’s where another man invaded your mouth. And when the male cashier sells you those clothes, every time you wear them you will think of him, not me.

  1. lazylunatic reblogged this from honey-andtar and added:
    Motherfucker didn’t even stop to think about the possible existence of female tattoo artists
  2. 11-could-flirt-with-a-brick-wall reblogged this from sassbutt-casbutt
  3. blackwallflower reblogged this from slutgard3n
  4. iatethepomegranate reblogged this from babsbatgirl
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  9. stuckintheinterwebs reblogged this from concernedresidentofbakerstreet
  10. problemspoof reblogged this from 50shadesofgreenapplesplat and added:
    Apparently the writer of the article has no idea that there are a lot of incredibly talented female tattoo artists.
  11. castiel-strider reblogged this from 221bitssmallerontheoutside
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  18. comic-nick reblogged this from amaranthnymph and added:
    bhahaahaaahhhhaa fucking moron
  19. nervouscrab reblogged this from thepageofhopes
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  22. slutgard3n reblogged this from honey-andtar
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  24. nextdoor-letsgo reblogged this from agrippina-minor and added:
    Reblogging mostly because in many ways I have never quite stopped hero-worshipping agrippina-minor. YOU SO GREAT LIZ.
  25. honey-andtar reblogged this from musick-magick-maryjane and added:
    Yuck what the fuck did I just read?
  26. ethereal-grxce reblogged this from thepageofhopes
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