cool stuff to get your kin friends: 

  • stuffed animals/figurines/paintings/ect of their kintype
  • cosplay items for their kintype (i.e. ears and tails specific for animalkin’s kintypes)
  • toys for their kintype (like chew toys for dogkin, you can actually get human chew toys made specifically for folk needing oral stimulation right here)
  • food items that their kintype might eat (kinfood has tags for different kin types, usually easy to make recipes)
  • movies/books/shows that are revolved around their kintype
  • clothing involving their kintype (as a foxkin i really love orange  or grey shirts)

give ur kin friends kin presents they deserve it

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    I just want wolfy stuff cuz I like wolves. Speaking of which, I NEED EARS OH MY GOD
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