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We are Emily and Alice

plu/plur/plurself for Alice

fawn/fawns/fawnself for Emily

We will post space and nature related things. And also probably some anime and music. I hope you all enjoy!

You will be followed back by emilydeerkin :DDD

Vegan No Hate Otherkin PRIDE

Anonymous asked: (Dumpling here) I was just wondering if you know of any other food/edible otherkin. Some of my otherkin friends are constantly telling me that I can't identify with dumplings, because they're not "technically alive", and that's really triggering for me. I'm wondering if you have any tips on how to deal with the stress of being misidentified, since you've handled the negative onslaught of TiA so well. Thanks in advance~♥♥♥

The only one I currently know of is cupcake-kin. Sweet is super nice and friendly, you should check out sweets blog (◠‿◠✿)

And every otherkin identity and valid and if your friends are trying to tell you otherwise then you might wanna get new friends (◕︵◕) because real friends don’t do that to friends.

And as for TiA. Basically you just have to not take it personally. It helps to remember that most of them are just anons or empty blogs, they’re just bored kids in front of a computer who have nothing better to do than be mean to others. I actually find it kind of sad. What a lonely life they must live. But yeah, I just basically understand that they’re just trolls and they won’t really mean anything in the long run. 

But yeah (●´ω`●) if anyone is foodkin or knows anyone that is foodkin you should totally like/reblog/comment on this post so dumpling can check out your blog and know that dumpling is not alone  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
