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[–]MadMasculinist 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Generally feminists refer to a man as creepy when they want to put him on the defensive, but want to make sure he can't defend himself. Since creepy doesn't mean anything, it refers to how one make another feel, there is no way to prove that one is not "creepy."

"Creepy" is an empty word that implies that the person so described is a source of fear for women. It allows women to ostracize a man for existing.

[–]Brachial -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

The Red Pill is strong with this one.

[–]MadMasculinist -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

"Red Pill" is the new "creepy." Just more feminist smear tactics, since you people are incapable of actual arguments.

[–]Brachial 2 ポイント3 ポイント

You realize that feminists aren't out to get you and most women don't care about you existing unless you cross their boundaries, right? You know, they're like normal people?

[–]MadMasculinist 1 ポイント2 ポイント

You realize that feminists aren't out to get you and most women don't care about you existing unless you cross their boundaries, right?

You realize that dancing around the actual argument and attacking the person making the argument, even as subtly as you are here with your snide implications of personal grievance and paranoia, does absolutely nothing to refute the argument itself, right?

You know, they're like normal people?

Nothing I've said indicates feminists are any different than "normal people." Self-righteousness, mendacity, disingenuousness -- all perfectly normal, human traits.

[–]Brachial 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I'm not arguing your argument because your argument is absurd. Seriously, sit down and think about this, you are treating women and feminists(not the same thing) as having ulterior motives to put all men down. Like it or not, that's Red Pill, that's what Red Pill advocates. No one calls someone creepy to put them on the defensive or to ostracize a man for existing. No one cares that you're a man. If you are creepy, you can be a woman and be creepy, it's something that crosses genders.

[–]MadMasculinist 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I'm not arguing your argument because your argument is absurd. Seriously, sit down and think about this, you are treating women and feminists(not the same thing) as having ulterior motives to put all men down. Like it or not, that's Red Pill, that's what Red Pill advocates.

::eyeroll:: You are the one being absurd. I will explain this very slowly so you can keep up:

Some people hold beliefs because those beliefs are emotionally satisfying. People who believe things because it is emotionally satisfying often are not capable of rationally defending those beliefs. We place a strong emphasis in our culture on being able to rationally defend one's beliefs. Because of this, those people who believe in things because they are emotionally satisfying often cannot admit to themselves and others that they believe things because they are emotionally satisfying, because that is embarrassing. It is akin to admitting that one is irrational.

When a person believes something for emotional reasons, and their sense of self, ego and identity is wrapped up in those ideas, they become exceptionally defensive of those ideas being challenged. When the ideas they believe are hostile to the mainstream of belief, they are challenged often enough that they develop defense mechanisms to prevent criticism of their beliefs. This is the stage at which ideas begin to become ideologies. Most of these defenses take the form of thought terminating cliches.

Feminism is an ideology. While there are some feminist ideas worth considering, for most adherents feminism is emotionally gratifying. It provides an all-powerful, omnipresent but invisible enemy ("Patriarchy") for which all of one's personal failings can be blamed, it provides its adherents with a sense of righteousness, it provides a sense of belonging, etc. Thus one encounters many poorly educated feminists who are incapable of effectively arguing their positions, which are mostly held as a result of the feelings of righteousness and moral superiority that such positions provide, and the justification they give to act in a lazy, self-indulgent and self-righteous manner.

Feminists routinely make statements that are offensive to men, generally statements that proscribe irrational and manifestly malign motivations to men's actions and habits. Men often attempt to argue with feminists from their own experience of being male. Because many of these feminists cannot effectively refute these counter-arguments, they have a pressing need to shut down dialog and end the argument -- particularly arguments from men.

An accusation of "creepiness" is one of many ways a feminist can shut down such an argument. Because there is no real definition of creepy, and it only refers to an emotion felt by the person making the accusation, it is impossible to defend oneself against the charge except to say "I'm not creepy!" -- at which point the feminist has successfully derailed the conversation.

There is nothing "Red Pill" about this observation. Similar patterns can be seen in other ideological groups. For example, Red Pillers use the word "Beta" in the same manner. If one contradicts the observations of a Red Piller, one is accused of being "beta." Since only a beta would argue that he's not beta, there is no effective way to defend oneself against the charge -- if one has to prove one is alpha, one is not alpha. By labeling the person making the criticism a beta, the Red Piller changes the topic from what is being criticized to who is criticizing.

[–]Brachial 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I'm not talking about the validity of feminism, I don't care about that. Quite frankly I don't really care to argue plus you aren't really saying anything substantial here either. All the things you're saying could be applied to men's rights, there isn't anything really defining here. I could replace the word feminist with MRA and patriarchy with feminism and I could use the same post. If I can replace subjects in the post with ones of my own choosing and the post could still be used, it's not a good argument.

I don't suppose I could use the same argument for MRAs and say that their all powerful, omnipresent enemy is Feminists?

I dunno, top comment for this post did give a pretty good explanation for creepiness.

Yeah except that you did the same pattern in your original post.

Sorry dude, feminists aren't going to call you creepy just to shut you down and women don't really use it without something backing up the work creepy. I guess a persecution complex feels really good, but it's not valid in this case. There are plenty of other things you might be persecuted for, this isn't one of them.

[–]MadMasculinist 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Quite frankly I don't really care to argue plus you aren't really saying anything substantial here either.

Meaningless noise. You are a stupid, ignorant person who is incapable of actually engaging with the ideas I am presenting, so you are spewing out thought-terminating cliches to dismiss my points without actually addressing them.

In other words, you are a useless douchebag. You can kindly go fuck yourself.

All the things you're saying could be applied to men's rights, there isn't anything really defining here. I could replace the word feminist with MRA and patriarchy with feminism and I could use the same post.

Yes, that would accurately describe some MRAs. It would describe Red Pillers even better.

If I can replace subjects in the post with ones of my own choosing and the post could still be used, it's not a good argument.

Don't be asinine. That you can make analogous arguments to the argument I made regarding other ideologies does not mean its a poor argument, it merely demonstrates that all ideologies are structurally similar.

I don't suppose I could use the same argument for MRAs and say that their all powerful, omnipresent enemy is Feminists?

You certainly could. It's my most frequent criticism of the MRM, and why I often argue that if the MRM is nothing more than "Bizarro Feminism" (i.e. feminism with men in the victim role), then the MRM will only attract the same lazy, self-indulgent and self-righteous types that feminism attracts and both will be equally useless.

I dunno, top comment for this post did give a pretty good explanation for creepiness.

The top comment gives a good explanation for how creepy is used in "real life," but OP was specifically asking about how it's used by SJWs, SRS, and other online activists. Since no one can see you and you have no physical presence, the us of creepy online is different and tends to follow the usage I outlined.

[–]Brachial -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Well fucking myself would be better than fucking you. I'm really amused that you both told me to go fuck myself and agreed with me. I mean, I'm not really up for arguing at all right now. I could, I just really don't want to because I'm at work and I was sick last night when I first posted.