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[–]drunkasaurusrex 71 ポイント72 ポイント

"They" and "them" are actual words used by society. People can try and force the existence of new made up pronouns but the likelihood of any of them taking is pretty low. Making up new words is unnecessary when actual gender neutral words already exist.

[–]virtua -11 ポイント-10 ポイント

Every single word that has ever been used by anyone who has communicated verbally (i.e. to communicate using verbs which includes writing and sign language) is completely made up and completely arbitrary. Every single one of them.

As an example, "human" is an entirely arbitrary label used to describe the homo sapiens species (which is ironically another label). At one time, it was just as new and made-up and strange as any other new word that exists out there today. Yet, it still continues to be used today most likely because people decided it was practical and useful to use that label.

The same can be said for any of the "made-up" pronouns that Agdistus mentioned. If not, then the words will die out and no one will use them. For the time being though, we can't say either way whether they will serve a practical purpose for more people in the future or whether they won't.

[–]drunkasaurusrex 16 ポイント17 ポイント

It takes more than a need and a use for a word to catch on. People need to accept it and incorporate it into their speech. I don't see that happening with ze, zey outside of a very very niche group.