Welcome to Payne Theological Seminary! Payne Theological Seminary is one of the oldest Black seminaries primarily concerned with the training of men and women for the ministry. The purpose of Payne has always been, to prepare men and women of faith to be spiritual leaders, intellectual leaders, and agents of constructive social change in the church and world.
Payne is proud to be the first Black Seminary in the United States with an on-line Master of Divinity Program.
Mission: Payne Theological Seminary, founded by the African Methodist Episcopal Church (1894), is dedicated to the preparation of African American and other leaders for ministry in the tradition of liberation, reconciliation, social justice, and the dignity of all humankind.
Limited Edition signed and numbered lithographs can be purchased for $200.00. Mitchell-Anderson Hall Legacy Wall Campaign
The Payne Experience…In The Field
Friends for Payne was honored at the 2013 Commencement Ceremony. |