


Why you shouldn’t pour a drink on a black girl…

This episode changed my life.

he deserved worse

Took it like a man and let her continue to hit him

  1. destinysgodchild reblogged this from mintconditionfurbies
  2. dino-blankey reblogged this from thetomska and added:
    Nah that lil shit had it coming
  3. goddesszahelu reblogged this from mothermarygold and added:
    Yes Yes Yes!
  4. demigodbcneal reblogged this from daenerys-stormpoop and added:
  5. that-girl-with-wings-on-her-bag reblogged this from weloveshortvideos
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  14. thoughtseclipse reblogged this from thetomska
  15. a-her0-will-save-me reblogged this from weloveshortvideos
  16. killerducksfromouterspace reblogged this from thetomska and added:
    This is ridiculous and a total overreaction. I don’t understand how someone could be that immature.
  17. amemberoftheblackcommunity reblogged this from wanderlusting-for-home and added:
    I mean he shouldn’t of fucked with her, and he got what his dumb ass had coming to him, but at the same time, y’all...
  18. larz-a-muckleroy reblogged this from thetomska