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[–]AvocadoLegsBMI 18.3 119 ポイント120 ポイント

What I really don't get is the transition to being bed-ridden. If you're not going to be able to walk if you gain any more weight, wouldn't you want to do everything in your power to lose weight so that won't happen?

[–]Nick005 86 ポイント87 ポイント

The way ive heard it explained is to imagine will power as a jug of water. Say the average persons is filled about 80%, during the day it slowly goes down due to the grind of life, dealing with shitty coworkers, going to the gym, when you are stressed it drains faster, etc. When you sleep you refill it and its back at 80% in the morning, maybe you had a great nights sleep and it hits 90% or you are a bit hungover and it only refills to 60%.

For an obese person their jug only gets up to 50% because they never sleep well and they are in constant low level pain which drains the water much faster than the average person. 1 year later and they are morbidly obese, they havent had a good nights sleep in months, and their jug is only filled to 30%. Every day activities drain them so fast that even getting out of bed requires considerable mental effort.

Im sure most would love to to be able to lose weight but they dont have the jug of will power to draw from because simple activities such as getting out of bed or simply surviving drain them so much.

[–]Spankedwife -20 ポイント-19 ポイント

Haha These people and their excuses. I go by my calorie limitations and workout no matter what the situation, and trust me I have felt sick, depressed, unable to get out of bed or out of the house due to weather or things going on etc. on days that I drink I simply add them to my calorie count. Since I know I'll be drinking I simply cut back on other foods and focus on lower calorie whole healthy foods (apples, eggs, etc). When I can't workout I make it happen. I leave the house in workout clothes so that at some point in the day I have to go to the gym. If I can't leave the house, I have a perfect 2.5 mile run in my neighborhood. People do have their excuses, but they are just excuses. There is always a way. Even working out inside the house. Buy workout DVDs and have them on hand for when there are no other options. These people love their excuses. Please. I have cancer and I don't have excuses. Like no . Lol

[–]Kittyginochko 25 ポイント26 ポイント

Mental health is a life changing thing.

[–]Spankedwife -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

Wow downvoted in the fat logic subreddit for being anti fat logic. Reddit amazes me.

[–]zarp86 11 ポイント12 ポイント

Wow downvoted in the fat logic subreddit for being anti fat logic. Reddit amazes me.

You can be anti-fat-logic and still civil.

[–]eeeezypeezy 7 ポイント8 ポイント

There's a difference between making excuses for someone being obese, and explaining how a person might have got to that point. Mental illness plays a role in cases of super morbid obesity, and you can't shoo that away with "but I manage a 2.5 mile run even when I'm feeling depressed or the weather's shitty."

Nobody's saying "it's okay to weigh as much as a piece of heavy construction equipment if you've got the sads," they're just saying "mental health needs to be addressed as well if these people are ever going to get truly well."

This sub is for mocking HAES and FA and other sick, enabling philosophies. Not for yelling "suck it up, fatty."

[–]Spankedwife -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Actually, it kinda is. That's pretty much what we are saying to the FA HAES people. Really? Ok fine. I wont be proud of myself. The people replying are treating me as if I had thin privilege and they were FAs. Interesting.

[–]eeeezypeezy 2 ポイント3 ポイント

lol, be proud of yourself, idgaf, just saying, you can acknowledge that mental illness is at the root of morbid obesity without being an apologist. Nobody (here) is saying accept the morbidly obese as special snowflakes who were just meant to not be able to wipe their own asses, they're just saying have some compassion. We want them to get better!

[–]Spankedwife -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Ugh. As I said before , if I think they can put their mind over their excuses then obviously I believe that they can overcome anything. I forgot, reddit makes people spell every fucking thing out.

[–]eeeezypeezy 2 ポイント3 ポイント

It's just that your first post was very much "lol, sure they're depressed, I have cancer and I run even when I've got the blues!"

Yeah at some point they'll have to take personal responsibility and get treatment for their depression and get on a human diet and get some exercise, but all the post you were replying to initially was saying was that there's a core of mental illness in cases of extreme obesity that gets downplayed or ignored.

[–]iCrackster 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Maybe it's because we're not all just mindless zombies clicking upvote at every hive mind comment

[–]GingerPhoenix 5 ポイント6 ポイント

I'm happy for you that you are strong enough to overcome the sickness and depression and all you have faced, but not everyone has that kind of strength. Just because you leave the house in workout gear doesn't mean you're forced to go work out, you still have to have the will to actually make it to the gym and to stay on the treadmill/elliptical/bike/weight bench once you get there. When your mind is in such a dark place that you barely have the will to live, that's not likely to happen. It can be debilitating. When I get into a bad downward spiral, I know that getting out and going for a walk, or turning on my favorite music and dancing, or making it to a yoga class will all make me feel better, but actually making that happen requires more effort than I have in me. On really bad days, it's like there's a big part of me that doesn't want to feel better at all. Sure there's always a way, but that doesn't mean it is easy or within that person's capability. I don't consider lacking the strength or will power to change as fat logic, but that's just my opinion.

[–]Spankedwife 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I don't think what your saying is fat logic. You don't sound like a person who makes excuses year after year to eat themselves to immobility. I have felt the same way and I have done the same in the past. For me. I found that it wasn't helping me to skip workouts and I would feel more depressed and guilty by not going. It was an endless cycle of not going, feeling depressed, which in turn made me not want to go. 3 years ago I stopped doing that after I started going to school for psychology. I learned a lot about viscous cycles and promised myself to stop it. And I did. Humans can make very drastic changes if they need to. I am being hated here because I am saying something that is true. Any psychologists would tell this woman, if she had been their patient, the same thing. In fact, when I was younger and in therapy, the psychologist told me the same thing. Exercise actually helps the endless cycle of depression.

[–]Jumpingjellybeaner 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I just commented on one of your other comments and called you a jackass. After reading this, I feel the need to recant what I said (although I'm not deleting my comment, gotta stand by your words). I think if you had posted your first comment in this tone, you would have been the top comment. It's good to see that you understand how debilitating depression can be and you can see the downward spirals and vicious cycles that claim so many people. I apologize to you for calling you a jackass, it's just depression is used soooo often in today's world, that I think society has turned a blind eye towards it and people just write it off as others wanting attention. That is certainly not always the case. Regardless of all this, though, I'm happy that you are able to stay fit given your situation. It must have been incredibly difficult to make it this far.

[–]Spankedwife 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Thank you that is very nice..I mean we all make mistakes or misjudge especially online where it's harder to find out how a person means to say something. It's hard for me to really decipher which posts are made in jest and which are [serious]. Maybe people should start tagging [serious] so we know when to leave the jokes aside and use the post as a forum for serious discussion. In all honesty, depression and all mental illness is a real problem..I'm both fascinated by it and respect it..I chose psychology because of if. I guess I just talk about it so much that it's easy to know when a case is serious and when it's not in real life but not online :/ I honestly never heard of the woman so I just thought it was all in jest..i assumed she didn't have any serious addictions or illness..I didn't even know she died :/ anyway sorry to anyone if it came off like that..we have to start tagging [serious] :/

[–]BovinusX 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Damn, you got lots of downvotes. I guess your tone is a bit condescending but you are right. For me, your comment is uplifting because everyone has the fucking capacity to be healthy and make good decisions. We often just don't. I will say that once the pounds start to rack up, it is a very slippery slope. See a little a love handle forming in the mirrior? Ya..putting on weight but I'll be able to fix that next week. It's 11:30pm but I've been drinking so I want that frozen pizza/burrito. I'll work it off tomorrow. Our brains want the easiest and fastest route to pleasure and, unfortunately, the modern world caters to this pretty easily. I mean, here I am on Reddit at 8am.

[–]Spankedwife 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Thank you! I really thank you for being the only person to read and understand my comment. That's why I asked who can explain why they downvoted because for the most part people on this site tend to bandwagon vote, which is why I only vote up because at least it's positive and there's nothing bad about that. If not then I don't vote at all. That's exactly what I meant too. I am a psychlogy grad so I have seen exactly what your saying. The power of the human mind. We can overcome anything (like we have for thousands of years) and yet we can also use that same mind to convince ourselves that's things aren't so bad (meaning keep gaining weight). This is sort of an evolutionary trait meant to protect us from stress and just keep going no Mayer what.

[–]AHerdOfHamPlanetSix Doubledown meals and a diet coke please. 2 ポイント3 ポイント

This sub is just filled with fat people and fat logic now. The amount of down votes is proof. This sub may not be about fat hate but it is about hating fat logic.

I agree with you and think people who make excuses are lazy and need to better themselves. If you are butthurt by that, you probably need to go for a run right now because we're talking about you. And trying to help.

[–]Spankedwife 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Thank you sir/ma'am I applaud you for understanding my point! I really have to get gold so I can have if for times like this!

[–]cookiesvscrackers 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Everybody has their issues.

How were your grades on school? How much do you read now? How good are you at social situations (sounds like you have some empathy issues)? How well do you control your anger?

You're good at everything? Congrats, your unique.

Very few people are good at every aspect of life. Some struggle with math and some struggle with weight.

[–]Spankedwife 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I have empathy issues because I stated that people make excuses to throw their health away. On this subreddit. Yeah ok.

[–]Spankedwife 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I wish the downvoters could write a detailed essay with references as to why they didn't like what I said ^ sorry but, I like to workout and stay healthy for my cancer?

[–]Aruu 12 ポイント13 ポイント

It's not necessarily what you said, it's how you said it.

It's impressive that you're able to keep so fit and active while you have cancer. It really is, I know how brutal the treatment can be, I've seen my mother suffer through it. It's great that you are able to plan your life out where you can eat healthily, where you can make sure you exercise. No-one is judging you for that.

It's the way you're casually dismissing the fact that people can't do what you do. Depression comes in many forms, and some of it is so awful that people just can't do what you do. It's not an excuse, they just can't do it. People dismiss mental illness so easily, but there's a reason people suffer from it.

Please. I have cancer and I don't have excuses. Like no . Lol

That's pretty bloody condescending. You don't know why people might not be able to do what you do. You're so quick to assume that their excuses are nothing but excuses, when the reality is that there is lots of reasons why people can't do what you do.

Fat logic aside. Mental illness, chronic pain, actual conditions.. these can take over someone's entire life. Not everyone is able to do what you do, and that doesn't make them less of a person.

[–]Spankedwife 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I didn't say they were less of a person. The fact that I think these people are making excuses proves that I think they are capable caring about themselves. Some of the things I have seen people say in this subreddit, and what I said is the one thing that is viewed as offensive. I didn't know we were talking about mental illness. I didn't know she was mentally Ill I thought she was the typical lazy fat logic person who just wanted everyone else to be like her. I'm a psychology grad. I know mental illness. Real mental illness is not being fat and making excuses to kill yourself with food. It does involve serious eating disorders (I.e. Bulimia) and addiction. If we are going to start getting this serious in this subreddit then everyone should get the memo. I have seen disgusting comments that got upvoted. But I'm learning more and more that reddit tends to bandwagon vote so one downvote and everyone downvotes without understanding.

Thanks about the positive part. Some people I know make excuses like "it's the middle of the week there's no point" "I have a show to watch" "I went last week so I'm good" etc it pisses me off when im doing it for actual health and those people don't have the same limitations that I do, and simply chose to throw their health away. Excuses. That's what I was trying to say :/

[–]lipoicacid 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I don't see it as a bandwagon vote. Your tone was just rough and not helpful at all, whether you had 0 or 20 downvotes it sounded equally bad. Just my two cents.

[–]Aruu 3 ポイント4 ポイント

But aren't there cases where mental health is the cause of being extremely obese? I've read a story or two where a morbidly obese individual is that way because of horrors in their past. Because they were molested or abused as a child, and because food became a comfort to them.

I'm not saying that every obese person is obese for those reasons. The majority of the time it's down to not exercising and not eating correctly. But there are cases where mental illness can contribute to someone being as large as the woman in the picture OP posted.

[–]Spankedwife 1 ポイント2 ポイント

No your totally correct! A childhood trauma or poor upbringing can absolutely train someone to eat more and more with no regards. But people don't understand that the depression is stemming from issues that originally were not what they are now. Meaning, therapy to deal with the real core issues and an active participation in change and progress is what's necessary. What these people are trying to say is that it's ok not to diet or workout because they feel bad. No! The core issue is not being fixed when you deny yourself healthy food and exercise! Do you see what I mean.

[–]AHerdOfHamPlanetSix Doubledown meals and a diet coke please. 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Because they are fat people who want to believe that laziness is a mental illness. Also your cancer makes their made up mental condishuns look even more flaky.

[–]Spankedwife 0 ポイント1 ポイント

That's why I'm thinking people are lurking in this sub, secretly down voting people..and then I asked for LEGIT explanations because I knew what it was: bandwagon voting and hidden trolls. Ugh. And yeah I'm proud of myself for being a badass despite my health...makes them realize that their excuses are lame.