saying some stuff
Female, 15, Russian, live in England and I hate western feminism(:
I slightly love you, I can't love you more because of the 2 year age gap otherwise I would. Aaaand that sounded dirty
asked by Anonymous

Yes it did sound slightly dirty, but ily anyway anon.

Stay strong. You have a right to your opinion and in many ways you are demonstrating true power and independence where as your detractors who claim to empower are merely bullies with their own personal agendas to push.
asked by seth200





Kill Bill

A Serbian Film

A Clockwork Orange



The thing about antifeminist women is that men are still going to hurt you. Men are still going to violate you. Men are still going to hit you. Men are still going to rape you. 

Men don’t care if you suck up to them. Men don’t care if you put down other women. Men don’t care if you’re an antifeminist. Men don’t care. 

All men care about is that you’re a woman. 

Fun fact: Anti feminist women aren’t anti feminists because they want to impress men or to suck up to them.
Another fun fact: Women can do just as much harm to women as men do.

Oh and I forgot: Antifeminist women aren’t trying to put down other women. Feminists, like you, are putting down women.
Rape isn’t


" -Rape is not regretting a one night stand.
-Rape is not when you change your mind afterwards.
-Rape is not when a “creepy” guy tries to talk to you.
-Rape doesn’t happen to just women, nor is it committed by just men.
-Claiming a false rape for whatever reason is a crime and only makes matters worse for actual rape victims.

Rape is when one person forces another person to perform or engage in sexual acts, regardless of gender. “

really, I need to "earn" it? since when have culture told men that they need to earn our respect?
asked by Anonymous



This isn’t to do with men or women. No one, regardless of sex, deserves respect simply because they are that sex. 

So in your opinion, newborns should start out as basically, animals or slaves until they PROVE their worth as humans?

Your response epitomises “missing the point”. Earning someone’s respect and being respectful towards someone and two different things. 

if you did some research of your own you'd see that a wage gap is a very real thing, from a simple google search you can see the evidence of it in graphs, charts and journals, and you obviously lack any substantial evidence to support your claims
asked by Anonymous

Oh really anon? Where’s your research? Where are all your precious graphs? 

This blog has plenty on why your belief in this fictional wage gap is bullshit.

Tbh that anon is dumb you're beautiful
asked by Anonymous

thank you(:

Just wanna say that I really appreciate you actively posting such sensible content, rather than just following the ridiculous propaganda feminists are putting out.
asked by checkyourlogic


for every dollar a man is paid a white woman is paid 77 cents, a black woman is paid 63 cents and a hispanic woman is paid 58 cents, yet you say there is no wage gap?
asked by Anonymous

have you actually checked this fact? Or have you just read it and accepted it as a fact? have you done any research? 

No, no you haven’t or you wouldn’t be sending me this message.