top 200 commentsshow all 269

[–]thejoz 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Fucking nauseating...trophy hunting? What fucking year is this...2014 or 1914? This is nothing but slaughter for sport.

[–]madusa77 6 ポイント7 ポイント

The latest Facebook blow up. I just don't have enough information to judge.

[–]lenaxia 1 ポイント2 ポイント

That's the most amusing thing. I've been searching and both sides of the discussion are based entirely off of her facebook page. There are NO other sources at all.

You can trace every single bullet point from both sides back to her facebook.

[–]flipadelphia9 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Agreed. In some pictures I have seen online it looks like she is holding a gun (specifically in the elephant picture) and others a bow and arrow. I have seen a few quotes supposedly pulled from her Facebook (which I now cannot find) that talk about a vet drawing blood, body/head measurements, etc. That part plus the rifle makes me think this could be a tranq gun and they are tagging animals to track. That wouldn't make sense why she has a bow in some shots though.

All of this seems very odd from both sides and as /u/lenaxia pointed out all of the "information" is coming from Facebook and not a more reliable source.

Edit: I found a site with additional pictures I haven't seen. It appears some of the animals shown have been shot or at least they have been bleeding.. Link Still very confusing since this is all via a Facebook page.

[–]decreasethesuck 0 ポイント1 ポイント

From what I can tell, there was one recent picture of her with a rhino that was sedated to be microchipped and worked on by a vet, but the elephant, lion, all those were shot and dead.

[–]flipadelphia9 [score hidden]

It was very hard for me to tell in some of those pictures whether they were sedated or killed (except for the ones with a blood in the picture).

I have little to no knowledge about animal conservation so I am not sure how things operate around endangered animals, different countries/cultures, and different laws/organizations.

[–]decreasethesuck [score hidden]

I'm fuzzy on the topic - I just learned about this girl this morning and now I'm looking for something to be indignant about, basically, but apparently in certain areas where there are too many predators -like lions, problems arise with what and how much they kill. So they sell permits to hunt big game like this. I won't pretend to be an expert on the subject, or even remotely informed. I just feel like if there are population problems with a species that is endangered, there has to be some way to control it without killing the animals, which seems completely contradictory to me. I wish I knew more about the subject so I could have a real informed opinion, but that's all I got.

[–]Cageweek [score hidden]

Unfortunately, there are just too many problems that are more easily solved by killing. Don't quote me on this but I believe one of the lions she shot was because it was a threat towards a female; it was going to kill her cubs in order to get to mate with her. We have to remember that animals essentially fight to have their own genes into the gene pool, and they prioritize their seed to be carried on, and they don't give a crap if they have to kill cubs for that to happen.

[–]bulldoozer 14 ポイント15 ポイント

This girls dad must be rich as fuck

[–]a2242364 3 ポイント4 ポイント

i will shoot my dick in her anis

[–]spareyacht89 21 ポイント22 ポイント

That vacant smile is fucking creepy

[–]iLLeT 1 ポイント2 ポイント

the sun tends you to lower your brows.

[–]arethereanynicksleft -1 ポイント0 ポイント

It also makes her seem stupid as fuck imo. I don't know her and I am not basing my opinion regarding this topic on that impression but that was my first thought.

[–]NoDiggityNoDoubt 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Well, she is a cheerleader.

[–]danza_manuver 4 ポイント5 ポイント

And a fucking piece of shit.

[–]BornTexan183 -1 ポイント0 ポイント

No that's you A piece of shit

[–]lenaxia 8 ポイント9 ポイント

I've been doing a lot of reading of this around the internet and there are lots of claims like this is on a wildlife refuge, was licesned etc, but theres absolutely no supporting evidence that any of this was the case except her own words.

In particular

  • Can anyone name the specific refuge or area in which this hunting took place. It's never been named. Anywhere.

  • Can anyone identify the organizations her money supposedly went to? Are they local organizations? Or are the international organizations that may be taking the lion's share (pun intended) of the costs and trickling little down to those in the region.

  • Can anyone identify the governing body that actually issued the licenses? Is it a legitimate government? Do they even have the resources to enforce hunting permits or is it lip service only for the facade of legitimacy.

  • What conservation groups is she working with? She claims to be spreading the message of conservation but her message skews significantly towards "Look at this cool animal I killed!" without any actual substance to her conservation claims.

As far as I can tell, no one has answers to these questions. The source of all claims of conservationism or charity all trace back to Kendall Jones' facebook page where no details are given other than "people benefited from this."

My main issue is that while culling of predator species is necessary to maintain a healthy environment, killing predators for food is extremely wasteful because they are so high up on the food chain. If the animal was sickly and weak to begin with, eating it would not make a whole lot of sense as it may be disease carrying. Alternatively killing an elephant for food doesn't make much sense either because their menstural and child rearing cycles are so long. Other animals like ungulates have much shorter cycles of pregnancy meaning a population that replinishes faster and is impacted less by loss of high numbers of individuals.

For all I know she truly believes in the conservation messaging, but she's doing a pretty bang up job of conveying that. That alone signals to me that conservation is pretty low on her list of priorities.

[–]bemoreal 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Kendall Jones: Banned from the internet.

[–]desolatexelevation 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I wanna fuck her, but also kill her. It's complicated.

[–]99TheCreator 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Why not both?

[–]PrimeNumber2 -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Kill Fuck Marry; why does it have to be three different people?

[–]wormhole123 2 ポイント3 ポイント

So does that mean we should kill humans because there are too many? You guys are talking about how one specie can affect the ecosystem. But guess what, the biggest threat that exists on earth is human nature. Let's just leave the nature alone please. Plus that smile on her face, she has no remorse towards that poor animal.

[–]Lord_Blackthorn 30 ポイント31 ポイント

She is on a designated wildlife refuge designed for this. They have people pay gobs of money to put down their weak,sick, already dying animals and it helps fund the place to support more animals. Also if the population of one animal is getting out of control and could compromise the ecosystem (like too many Lions but not enough food for them) then they may put one down to balance the system and allow it to grow at a stable and controlled pace.

[–]nicholasethan 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I wish more people could comprehend this. I mean, sure its fucked up that this girl gets her kicks from killing sick, dying animals and in some cases the animals literally just "sit there and take it" and then calls herself a "hunter"... but from all the articles I've been able to find about her, she isn't doing anything particularly harmful. In some cases the animals do seem like they were healthy; however, population control is a thing as you said.

The thing that pisses off me and probably a lot of people the most about her though is that she's doing it for the fun... its a hobby to her. She seems to call it hunting, but she's basically paying to walk up and shoot an animal, and trying to get famous out of this. I guess the money/meat benefits a lot of people and that's great, but I'll never understand the people that enjoy this kind of thing.

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

We don't know the context of this, so saying she's not a hunter would be pretty silly. Where I live there are many girls who hunt alone in the woods.

[–]nicholasethan 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Yeah, I'm not trying to say that girls can't be hunters or anything. I'm not a hunter so maybe I'm not qualified to say, I just have a hard time calling some of what she does "hunting" since many of them are supposedly sick and/or dying, or don't even care that you're at point-blank range.

Either way though, I can accept that what she does is necessary. It just creeps me out that people enjoy it.

[–]babylon_dude[S] 8 ポイント9 ポイント

I hope better, more educated Redditors will point all the half-truths in what you just wrote, however, what's much closer to the truth is that this majestic lion was likely perfectly healthy and was raised just so some ignorant, rich fool could come along and shoot it to make big bucks for it's owners. That is not any form of 'conservancy' I'd ever want to be a part of in my lifetime and I can only hope canned hunts for exotic, endangered animal will be made illegal soon.

[–]kevie3drinks 17 ポイント18 ポイント

Well yeah, it's too bad for the lion. But the money from these hunting safaris go towards stopping poachers, so rich people go over there, and kill an animal for 5 to 10 thousand dollars, then pay the customs fees to ship the body back over to the states for taxidermy, which is also very expensive, and the wildlife refuges get the money to improve their parks and help preserve the wild animals.

Teddy Roosevelt killed thousands of animals in his lifetime, he was also responsible for creating the idea of environmental conservation, if it weren't for hunters like that we would have no national parks, no national forests, and many animals would by now be extinct.

It's this spirit that experienced hunters practice. They have respect for the animals they kill.

Then there are the poachers who kill for money. It's very difficult to prevent, and very expensive.

[–]Clyde82 11 ポイント12 ポイント

This is the exact point people don't understand.

Also a lot of the meat goes to local tribes

[–]kevie3drinks 10 ポイント11 ポイント

Just to add, I know nothing about this girl, but apparently she is an experienced avid hunter and that is her life. Anyone I know that is that dedicated to hunting is more in touch with nature and animals than many of the people crying foul, who possibly have never seen these animals outside of a zoo, or the sunrise on the Serengeti.

It's as if she were instead an old bearded man she would have more credibility, but because the media has deemed her some Texas Tech cheerleader they assume she's some heartless bimbo.

Edit: Thanks for the Gold, I was running dangerously low!

[–]EpicFishFingers -1 ポイント0 ポイント

No matter who she is, anyone posing next to a dead lion would meet controversy.

If everything said here is true, why isn't she doing a better job of saying it herself. I've only seen her mention it once, but she should really spend some time to clear up her name if she really cares so much about these animals as people are making out

[–]kevie3drinks -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Yeah I wonder what her Facebook page says now.

[–]lenaxia 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Same message. She's been posting photos for a few years now and I've seen her pop up now and again. This is only the most recent iteration.

My main problem is that her messaging sucks. For all we know she truly does believe in conservation and that shes doing the right thing. She's doing a horrible job of conveying that then.

I volunteer at a museum and we have several leopard and lion pelts that were confiscated from illegal poachers trying to smuggle into the US. We use these to educate people about poaching and about animals. The fact that her messaging is primarily about her trophy kills and barely even tertiarily about conservation is what irks me. It glorifies trophy killing and only serves to increase demand for black market goods like poached pelts.

[–]CrackpotPatriot 1 ポイント2 ポイント

As much as I can't stand images like this and I agree that it sends a negative image, it's actually not her job to appease the masses.

[–]lenaxia [score hidden]

Nope its not her job I agree. But its her who is claiming it. If you read through her facebook she claims several times that she wants to spread the message of conservation and wildlife protection. Her words.

She's doing a shitty ass job of doing that and that's what I'm taking issue with. Her half asses efforts to spread conservation messaging demonstrate she doesn't actually care about it and is all talk. Actually hardly any talk.

But maybe she just sucks at it right? Well then her rich ass dad paying for these safaris is wasting money on her Marketing degree at Texas tech.

[–]CrackpotPatriot 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Maybe because she knows her intent; as much as I can't stand images like this, it's actually not her job to appease the masses.

[–]swoledier -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

they assume she's some heartless bimbo.

It's not an inaccurate assumption.

[–]miss_marty_mew 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Why not raise money by having people going to stay on the safari and observe the lions? Why must they kill them? I would pay to go out and watch the lions do whatever it is lions do.

[–]kevie3drinks 2 ポイント3 ポイント

They will take your money weather or not you kill a lion.There are also many preservation funds you can donate to.

[–]KelRen 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Agreed. I'm in no way anti-hunting, nor am I a "vegan, left-wing PETA person" but trophy hunting really turns my stomach. Here's the original article, if you're interested: I'm doubting there's any viable reason these animals were killed. I'd much rather spend money on a safari, observing the animals than letting rich people go slaughter them for sport.

[–]llieaay -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Is slaughtering animals for fun really that much different ethically than slaughtering animals for pleasure? In developed countries, we don't need animals to thrive, so why should slaughtering for one sort of pleasure be any different than another?

[–]KelRen 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I'm assuming by "pleasure" you mean for "sustenance". That's not a bad argument, but I don't see any proof that this trophy hunter is utilizing the meat from the kills, and even if she (and other trophy hunters) are, why shoot endangered species? Are American deer not "challenging" enough? Why pay all that money to hunt these animals in Africa? I understand it's their money and they can spend it how they please but this just seems like "Hey, you know what would be cooler than a regular swimming pool? One filled with rhino blood!" Yeah, it's your money, but where does excessive "luxury" end and excessive wealth become an excuse to do unethical things like slaughter already struggling species for sport?

[–]llieaay -1 ポイント0 ポイント

You would be killing for sustenance if you didn't have a perfectly viable option that did not require killing. Since humans can thrive on vegan food, you are killing for preference. Not for food. If the animal's life matters, then it's pretty immaterial whether we eat the animal after killing him. Neither of us really think eating the lion would change the morality of this situation -- unless there is no other source of sustenance.

"Hey, you know what would be cooler than a regular swimming pool? One filled with rhino blood!"

I could turn this around. "Hey know what would be better than plant foods -- the flesh of an animal! I want to eat something someone had to die for!"

If you think that killing a deer is really better than killing this lion, then I have to think that means you aren't concerned with this creature as an individual, their experiences or whether he or she wanted to continue living. You perhaps like that more species exist. I mean, this hunt was even set up in a way that it's not really endangering the species more. So, I guess I don't know what that means.

Another general comment is that I see people who eat "normal" meat from a grocery store condemn hunting. People who hunt condemn the far crueler lives and mass slaughter on factory farms. No one wants to look at what they are doing - so for all this condemning what other people do, no animals actually end up better off.

[–]lenaxia 5 ポイント6 ポイント

If you think that killing a deer is really better than killing this lion, then I have to think that means you aren't concerned with this creature as an individual, their experiences or whether he or she wanted to continue living.

Speaking for myself, you're right. I don't care that one individual lives more than another. What I care about is the survival of a population. Killing predators has a much greater impact on their populations because they are much higher in the food chain.

On the other hand killing ungulates like antelope could garner the same amount of meat but at a much smaller impact to the population because they are primary consumers (versus secondary/tertiary consumers that predators are)

So it begs the question: Why kill a threatened, high food chain predator, when killing a non-threatened, low food chain animal can provide the same amount of meat if its just for sustinence?

Kill all the cows you want, they aren't threatened. Lions are. That's the difference.

Here's what I'm talking about

[–]dragon_nipples 0 ポイント1 ポイント

watch this whole documentary. This explains how these preserves are the only reasons some animals are alive.

[–]dragon_nipples 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Its more like 250k for a wild hunt and 50k for a game preserve hunt. IDK what she paid.

[–]kevie3drinks 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Yeah. It might depend on the animal.

[–]Formula2 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Roosevelt also wouldn't kill a bear that was tied up for him to shoot, hence the phrase "Teddy Bear." You think there was any sort of challenge or "sport" in this kill? Please, there was probably zero chance for that lion to survive.

[–]retiredknight -1 ポイント0 ポイント

You think there was any sort of challenge or "sport" in this kill?

Yes. I'd say there was considerable challenge in taking down an adult male lion with an arrow.

[–]Formula2 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Yeah while you're protected by a full squad of armed guides and probably behind some sort of armored vehicle or high up in a blind. Please.

[–]agray20938 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Have you been hunting in South Africa? Have you ever hunted with a bow? hunting big game like lions, especially with a bow is never done in a blind. the only possible exception is for a leopard, who live in the trees.

[–]Egineer 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Immediately assuming you are more educated than those that don't share the same view as you doesn't make you right, it just makes you arrogant.

[–]lenaxia 2 ポイント3 ポイント

No, but trusting the word of a 19 year old girl on the internet without question makes you stupid.

Every single argument, article and accusation that has flown around the internet can be traced back to her facebook. Thats the only source for any of this.

[–]CrackpotPatriot 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Why can't a 19yr old girl know what she's talking about? Is it the age or the gender you take issue with? I ask because by nineteen I'd already been in the military for two years. If this were a season grizzly adams, would you have the same response?

[–]lenaxia [score hidden]

I would have the exact same response. Also, being in the military for 2 years doesn't mean anything to me either. I wouldn't trust your word if you came to me claiming something without proof. Why should I? Just because you went though basic?

When was the last time you trusted the word of a complete stranger?

[–]NeedMoreCowBen 14 ポイント15 ポイント

however, what's much closer to the truth is that this majestic lion was likely perfectly healthy

in what way are you qualified to make that assessment

[–]Shongaloo 7 ポイント8 ポイント

"hehe ill call him Lord Blackheart instead of Blackthorn...thatll teach him to not call me out on reddit..." - babylon_dude

[–]me_gusta_poon 0 ポイント1 ポイント

The only ignorance here is your own. You obviously didnt take the time to inform yourself and made this comment on pure uninformed emotion. You don't have to guess what happened here. The information is widely available. If you had taken the time to read up on what occurred here you'd know exactly why this particular lion had to be put down and how auctioning off the hunt helped benefit the rest if the population.

[–]retiredknight -1 ポイント0 ポイント

You appear to be the one who is uneducated as to wildlife management practices. The person you replied to posted correct information.

[–]Chipperhof -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

All did is google her and there are many pictures of her with dead animals. I believe your 100% right. This sick person uses the sick and dieing excuse to justify her actions. Sadly one day she will break through the barriers she has created, and all the remorse she is hiding will crush her spirit. Hopefully she is able to find closure, and perhaps can make right at some point.

[–]somecasper 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Too many lions? How the hell are 19 y/o first-world consumers qualified to evaluate or dispose of that kind of information? Last I checked, they're dwindling rapidly in numbers. I know conservation hunting, in theory, can actually help grow populations; but I have yet to see one credible study that this hyper-privileged model has had any positive impact.

[–]Lord_Blackthorn 10 ポイント11 ポイント

Its per environment. Having too many of a specific species within the wildlife reserve can make it unstable and risk collapsing the entire system. It does not matter this girls age/race/nationality. It only matters why its possible. It should not matter that she is a young girl vs an old man or whatever else.

[–]somecasper 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It matters when there's no valid explanation why a locally equipped, professionally seasoned animal caretaker couldn't be used to solve a problem. Making it a leisure activity for wealthy white people absolutely creates room for massive doubt.

[–]Lord_Blackthorn 12 ポイント13 ポイント

Well as per the article here:

and here:

“The rhino was a green hunt, meaning it was darted and immobilized in order to draw blood for testing, DNA profiling, microchip ping the horn and treating a massive leg injury most likely caused by lions. People try to say that lions will not attack a hippo, rhino or elephant, quiet the contrary. Lions attack and kill the young of these species. The adults try to fight the lions off and are regularly successful, but do get injuries in the process,” Jones continued.

“Lions that have come in and taken over a pride, not only kick the older lion out, but will also kill all of his cubs so that the lioness will come into heat again. Controlling the male lion population is important within large fenced areas like these in order to make sure the cubs have a high survival rate,” Jones said.

“Now to the leopard, this was a free ranging leopard in Zimbabwe on communal land,” Jones wrote later. “The money for the permit goes to the communal council and to their village people. Within this area of approximately 250,000 acres, 107 head of cattle was killed in a single year due to leopard kills. Leopard populations have to be controlled in certain areas. So yes, my efforts do go to conservation efforts and are all fair chase, not canned hunts. In fact these are very mentally and physically challenging hunts, on foot tracking and walking miles and miles a day.” She also explained elsewhere that meat from some hunts goes on to feed villages.

So in this situation the money spent and animals killed go to the local environment (communities, reserves, maintenance, growth, etc.) It is possible they are using financial tools like this to maintain their efforts.

There is not much of a difference between this policy and charging for toll roads, entrance into national parks, publicly funded zoos, and any other project that needs outside support.

The participants are helping the reserve. Keep in mind that not all of her "animals" were killed. The rhino for example was just tranquilized to measure it and give it antibiotics.

[–]blrghh 2 ポイント3 ポイント

The Blaze and the Daily Mail. Okay.

[–]Lord_Blackthorn 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Better than the nothing everyone else is citing

[–]merriment_ -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

...which is all and well, until she decided to take pictures like that.

[–]Lord_Blackthorn 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Where she really messed up was her Facebook privacy settings. Shouldn't matter about the pictures. It's her page she can post what she wants. But she should of had it on friends only just for her sake

[–]somecasper -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

Those are all fantastic reasons to shoot an endangered animal. It doesn't change the notion that they're tainted excuses since these hunts were done as for-profit leisure excursions for wealthy westerners with no accredited expertise.

Edit: thought better of the word "fact."

[–]Lord_Blackthorn 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Yah. I hate it when people earn money and then spend said money on activities that promote the local community where they are spending it. Why can't they all just spend it at Walmart like the rest of us?

Note: 1. Westerners are not their only customers 2. This leisure activity promotes the region 3. The food from it ( when they do kill ) feeds the poor 4. If the family earned the money they have a right to spend it as they choose within the bounds of the law. (Meaning be upset at policy and not the girl)

[–]somecasper 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I've never made any comments to the girl's detriment. It's the practice (if not the lack of policy) that I'm upset by.

[–]bemoreal -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Its the situation, he's mad at, uhh the situation.

[–]bemoreal -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Its the situation, he's mad at, uhh the situation.

[–]Lord_Blackthorn 4 ポイント5 ポイント

And for the record, I don't think that killing endangered species should be an option.

I do believe though that it is the laws that should be judged. Not the girl.

The most important thing here is this: We Don't Know.

We don't know why the reserve has this as an option, the finances involved, the long term gain/loss, if any options to tranq and send it to another reserve, zoo or wild were options or if there was a specific reason to put down instead of transfer some of the animals. We just don't know

Too many are getting hyped into anger without us finding all the information.

[–]dragon_nipples 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Listen bud. there are game preserves where you pay 50k to take a lion. These preserves have turned farmland into animal sanctuaries and prevented a species from going extinct.

These places are great for keeping biodiversity safe and lions are even raised to be released. So the fact people come and kill some means the practice should be outlawed?

The game preserves do more good than harm.

[–]PrimeNumber2 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Hey dummy, the wildlife refuge funds itself by letting people pay to kill these terminal/problem animals. Can't you read?

If the caretaker does it, they get nothing. If the rich white girl does it, they get tens of thousands of dollars.

[–]retiredknight 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Too many lions? How the hell are 19 y/o first-world consumers qualified to evaluate or dispose of that kind of information?

The people issuing the licenses make the determination.

Last I checked, they're dwindling rapidly in numbers.

An excess of males does not improve population growth. The dwindling number is due to poaching which license fees help pay to combat.

[–]hollandak 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Hey - I'm trying to find the research to back this up but when I took my hunters certification in Texas, the instructor at the state agency stated that whitetail deer were estimated at under 500,000 over 30 years ago and once they created the licensing program there are now over 4 million whitetail. I will keep looking for a citation…

[–]somecasper [score hidden]

Whitetail deer and a handful of elk species owe their existence to the concept. When the animals are worth more as a population than a pelt, you can shut down the incentive to poach or conduct extermination hunts. I don't dispute that ethical hunting can be a driving force for species preservation, and I'm not against hunting-as-recreation. I just question the value of a notoriously corrupt nation commercializing it to the ultra rich, and using extremely endangered or vulnerable species to do it.

p.s. The argument that the wildlife refuge's fundraising is a valid reason for this is demonstrably bullshit. Very little--if any--money gets re-invested in broader conservation efforts in the best case scenario; and in countries like Zimbabwe and Tanzania, it's anybody's guess. Almost no disclosure is required.

[–]Docist 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Is there a source for her actual story so I can shut some Facebook "activists" up?

[–]lenaxia 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Nope. I've been digging around and the only source for all arguments on both sides of the discussion is her own facebook page.

Yup, all these people are basing their arguments off the word of a 19 year old girl on the internet. What could possibly go wrong?

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It's such a shame the most upvoted reply is this far down the page.

[–]GumbyTM 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Shhh. You're upsetting the ignorant mob's circle jerk.

[–]Lord_Blackthorn 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Yes I see that. Lets follow their lead and immediately assume we:

  1. Have all the information about the situation based on a few pictures.
  2. Assume this girl is an over-privileged and has not earned her own way by any means.
  3. That she was maliciously hunting rare animals with the intent of destroying environments and ecosystems.

I love it when the "jury" of Reddit comes together to persecute someone with almost no information at all about the topic.

[–]kevie3drinks 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Her dad must be so rich.

[–]AiwassAeon 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Probably is and the rich can do anything in this world. ANYTHING.

[–]kevie3drinks -1 ポイント0 ポイント

See, money CAN buy happiness.

[–]KelRen 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Well, it buys a lot of dead, endangered animals. Yay?

[–]martilynnred 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Here's to hoping something eats her.

[–]99TheCreator 4 ポイント5 ポイント

God I hope so. What a little fuck. Lions are threatened. I dont care what you people say she should not have killed the lion. Let's hope she gets in the path of one of those conservationists that has a "shoot on sight" agenda against poachers, which she is.

[–]Cageweek -1 ポイント0 ポイント

What if the lion was dying, in pain or diseased?

[–]deckchair 2 ポイント3 ポイント

you came to the wrong place for a logical discussion

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Clearly. People are too quick to judge based on pics. Please guys, read an article or two about it. The pics are way too misleading.

[–]deckchair 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Similar stories have popped up before and people have a knee jerk emotional response and completely disregard facts.

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It happens far too often, yep. I hope Facebook ignores people's plead to remove her from Facebook. It's so childish to react so spontanuously to such images, instantly taking to the streets over what appears to be something it's not.

[–]njt002 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Big hairy pussy. The lion is cool, though.

[–]dalumpz 0 ポイント1 ポイント

hunters should respect hunters...

[–]kvnsdlr 0 ポイント1 ポイント

In NY about 40 odd years ago before I was born they were going to have a deer drive, culling the herd. (deer are like giant rodents if given the means). Activists stood their ground and the hunt was called off. There was an uptake in vehicular deaths due to deer in the roadways and they eventually died out in mass numbers due to overpopulation and starvation.

[–]ShieldoftheWolf 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I totally respect the sport of hunting but unless she eats it, this seems disrespectful to me.

[–]oddun 0 ポイント1 ポイント

ITT - Americans trying to justify ridiculous shit that other Americans do.

[–]idontweedit 1 ポイント2 ポイント

anyone ever read any Peter Capstick? Made me really appreciate what goes into hunting and the connection between hunters and conservationists:

Also scary as shit! The comments on the huffpost article are talking about how this is unsportsmanlike because "you have a gun" but that doesn't always do much good if you can't hit the vitals of a charging buffalo in the split-second you have before you're crushed to death. Even with guards it's hard to make things really safe. She's not shooting sleeping bunny wabbits in their burrows. Add to that the fact that the woman in these pictures seems to be hunting with a bow and arrow. Unless she's shooting shit from a helicopter, in which case I agree with all the hate (see: Norman Mailer's "Why are we in Vietnam?").

[–]NSRT4 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Anyone can kill something from a distance completely out of troubles way. Give that woman a sword and tell her to really earn her kill

[–]OneTimeUser666 3 ポイント4 ポイント

She used a bow and arrow. Not exactly the "long distance weapon," in which you speak of. It was probably coming right at her!

[–]99TheCreator 1 ポイント2 ポイント

yea, no. It wouldnt have gotten within 100 feet of her before the militia of people behind her riddled the thing with bullets. She was not without guard, and she probably did not kill it either.

[–]OneTimeUser666 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Man you are so smart! Can you also see into the future? Wait can you see me now? Quit reading my thoughts!

[–]LAshotgun 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Ok, let's just say that this was a perfectly ethical kill. It's just that... She doesn't have to be so damn proud of herself.

[–]dragon_nipples 3 ポイント4 ポイント

The funny thing is she is doing more for conservation and supporting animals than the internet PETA liberal pussies ever do.

The fact she pays so much money to hunt these animals goes towards conserving the wild life and pays the salaries for catching poachers.

Lets not get into the game preserves which is the only thing that has kept some animals from going extinct.

She is doing nothing wrong folks. Hunting isn't evil, its been apart of people longer than you have lived and long after you die.

She gave a great rational response, go read it and get off your high horse.

[–]a_hundred_boners -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Then just donate the money and take a fucking picture of it and go home, if you have to, tranquilize it for your cool pose. This has been part of people longer than we've* lived? Really? Humans have been driving around in jeeps shooting guns at things since prerecorded history? You retard.

*I love this attack on "PETA liberal pussies", you know, because there are totally tons of PETA supporters here. I'm sure you could find me at least one. So sure. This pampered person is giddily smiling over extinguishing a life without giving it a fighting chance, not at the prospect of conserving anything, fuck her.

[–]AiliaBlue 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Citation Needed.

[–]ghambone 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Why do all of these people come from America? Dear world, please believe me that we aren't all like Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent.

[–]AvalancheofNeed 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Mother...FUCKER! Why can my hometown never be in the news for ANYTHING good?!

[–]Floogen 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Just so I'm clear, there is no way that you can donate money and resources to the needy villagers without a kill? I mean, is there not a way to avoid it?

It's almost like if I wanted to help cancer research, I would need to blast the sickest cancer patient in order for the cancer fund to get my money. I feel like I'm missing something here. All these hunters just say "you just don't understand"

[–]babylon_dude[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Great idea!

I think you'd find a lot of Texans that would love to hold caged manhunts in Africa just to shoot up some black folks. Just think of the money that could be raised for AIDS and cancer research if Zimbabwe would just let us hunt their weak, sick and dying citizens!

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Why do you hate Texans so much?

[–]SueZbell 0 ポイント1 ポイント

The word that comes to mind rhymes w/itch.

[–]singeorgina 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I think its not just the fact that she is hunting these animals that is so upsetting, but the sort colonial references that go with her white person from America coming to Africa to conquer one of its most treasured resources, its wildlife. It's that spray tanned face with a big grin and one foot on top of a dead animal...just off putting in so many ways.

[–]pointblank87 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Wow... everything about this picture and situation is super fucked up.

[–]BackwardsMAN-kind 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Yeahhhh let's just kill all the elephants and lions until they're at an alarming low rate

[–]Shongaloo -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

I'm all for preserving big game but am more sick of the pussies that go after a 19 year old blonde cheerleader on fcbk who they is more vulnerable to being beat down by PETA/lazy animal rights activists, rather than the Dallas Safari club and not going after the massive outfitters that are taking this girl along with 1000 other ADULTS to do the hunts. If your going to tear into someone, pick on someone who has a bigger impact on game population rather than a 19 year old girl whose daddy is paying for her to do the hunts, whom they know will actually cry about it. However, the lazy pussies that try to "Get Kendall Jones Banned from Facebook!!" (OMG so AwFuL!) wont go after the bigger fish (i.e the outfitters who make a ton of money selling these hunts/the people who could actually change how many big game animals are hunted), in an actual attempt to stop this kind of a hunt, because the outfitters and orgs like the Dallas Safari Club, are backed by much bigger fish, who could and would piss on the lazy/unemployed "activists". So yeah making a 19-year old girl cry on about losing her facebook page is about all they can do/willing to do. On another note, she is indeed hot.

[–]MrFreeman 0 ポイント1 ポイント

[–]lenaxia 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Indeed some lives are more precious.

  • Pigs are not a threatened species.

  • Those pigs were not wild and part of an ongoing ecosystem either.

  • Those pigs are not high food chain predators that take years to rear independent offspring.

  • Those pigs are not under thread of being poached illegally already.

I couldn't give a damn about individuals living or dying. The population however? That's what needs to be maintained and protected. And aside from Kendall's words, we have no proof that she actually cares about conservation.

When was the last time you went on the internet and trusted a 19 year old's word without question?

[–]milagrochan0404 -1 ポイント0 ポイント

I suppose it just pains me to see such beautiful creatures just... lifeless. I reacted out of instinct w/o doing my research with "What an asshole" and then I also thought about all of those other folks that head on over to trophy hunt. I'm pretty sure they don't just head on over to go aid w/population control. A lot of them truly are assholes which is why we categorized her as one to begin with. I'd have to keep reading, but my opinion has been swayed a bit.

[–]redberlin -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Pathetic, sad, and, I hate humans!

[–]herlwj -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Girls gone wild

[–]NextGenfuture 0 ポイント1 ポイント

What a fucking bitch. Hunters are so fucking retarded.

[–]spelbot -1 ポイント0 ポイント

You may be a shitty driver but you have good morals, I like you.

[–]Porkinscrash 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I hope she gets rufed at college

[–]DrH1N1 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Do not quit school Miss teen USA 2007 !!

[–]saytheworst 0 ポイント1 ポイント

From what I've gathered, the money she paid to go on the hunt is going to the surrounding villages and the meat from the kills are going to the villages as well. She posted this for attention and she got it. Probably not the attention she wanted, but imo she should have kept the pictures for herself and maybe friends. No reason this girl should be getting death threats about this, a lot more people do a lot worse things and it shouldn't just get attention because it's in the media now. If you want to do something about conservation of wildlife, do something about it, don't act like you're going to make a difference on the animals in Africa by hunting this girl down for killing a couple animals.

[–]westc2 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

It's pretty sad that the rich are allowed to PAY to kill animals. Pretty damn pathetic of whichever country allowed this.

I hope she gets mauled by a lion next time, but survives so she has to live with a disfigured face.

[–]FunIsGoingOn 2 ポイント3 ポイント

"I hope she gets mauled by a lion next time, but survives so she has to live with a disfigured face."

The high road must be closed for construction today.

[–]2soonman2soon -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

She's already living with a disfigured face.

[–]homelessscootaloo -1 ポイント0 ポイント

She's really hot.

[–]AiwassAeon -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Bet you she sucks a lot of dick.

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It's her job to kill animals that are on the brink of death, diseased, dangerous, or whatever. She's not a poacher. Read about it.

Edit: poacher, not poucher.

[–]jagstax -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

There goes my good mood this morning

[–]lol_poor_people_suck -1 ポイント0 ポイント

I'd give her 6 of the dangerous 7 if ya know what I mean.

[–]Clyde82 0 ポイント1 ポイント

[–]lenaxia 0 ポイント1 ポイント

The blaze is not a good source.

All it does is summarize her facebook page. There is no new information on there. There is absolutely no substance to their content. You're better off visiting her facebook page yourself.

[–]Luxangel7 0 ポイント1 ポイント

that's pretty messed up...I thought it wasn't legal to hunt wildlife like this anymore...

I'm not against hunting in general, but this is....just bad.

[–]GallifreyanBadWolf 0 ポイント1 ポイント

90% of animals activists go against what they preach. I mean, I am against animal abuse as much as the next guy but they treat some animals more importantly than others just because it's an exotic animal. I just had a discussion with someone about how "hunting deer was okay but hunting bigger game was wrong". Those were literally the words they said.

I mean, I am all for hunting and I think all animals are sacred.It is in human nature to hunt. It's a primal instinct and we have been doing it since we have stood upright. Now it is on the other hand wrong when you poach or hunt illegally without the proper documents. this leads me to why I bring this up. People on facebook are flipping their shit because a girl posted a few pictures of some game she had hunted in Africa.

Apparently, people think that she was hunting without proper documents or with out the say so of the locals. Now, it may be illegal in america to hunt endangered species such as a lion( which by the way, in my opinion, how the fuck can a lion be threatened?) but I don't remember seeing any lions in america and I don't believe she was in america. Ever wondered why she wasn't arrested? because what she was doing was legal in that country.

She also had the proper documents to do this and had the say so from the locals. I mean, people in Africa have been killing these animals for hundreds of years but I guess those aren't as important in the eyes of PETA or the animal activists. If an american does it, they think she should be executed.

Now, I do understand that some people in the world have not been exposed to hunting as much as I have and they are a little more sensitive on the matter. I can understand those people. Now, their are people who love to jump to action to only defend a certain group of animals, but only for a little while until the story dies down. I dont understand why people like to help out but only while it's interesting to them.

Now, if you truly wan't to be a animal activist, you have got to hold up to the entirety of what you are committing yourself to. that means, all animals are equal and should not get special treatment. Become completely vegetarian or vegan because eating a cheeseburger while wanting to protect animals is making yourself look bad. Also, dont do it just because you think it is some passing fad.

I am only aiming this to the 10% wanna be's that say they are a die hard protector of nature . If your a true animal activists, then I am glad for you, you have a purpose in this life. all the others are making you look bad though. You are doing something great.

So in closing, I fully support that hunter.

[–]lenaxia 1 ポイント2 ポイント

which by the way, in my opinion, how the fuck can a lion be threatened?

Over hunting is entirely a possibility, no? We've lost plenty of predators to over hunting. Here's a short list if you must: What's to say it can't happen to lions? (Here's another article from a hunting website

She may very well had the proper documents, but there has been no proof at all. I've done some digging and all claims of legitimacy trace back to her own facebook page where she makes the claim herself. There's no specifics given other than her own word. I know its blaspmehy to suggest that someone would go on the internet and lie, but I Can't help myself!

While that in and of itself does not make what she said false, it makes it suspicious. At least from my understanding of things in parts of Africa, there are areas that government enforcement of threatened species is basically non existent due to lack of funding and for all we know she could've just hired poachers. Again the only word we have is from her.

My other issue is that if she really does care about conservation, her messaging sucks. There's only one picture of her helping a vet with that rhino. All her other photos are trophy kill shots. More power to her if they were legal, but trophy shots do not promote conservation. They glorify hunting of threatened animals.

If that's what she's there for, and it's legal, then fine, go ahead and do it. But at least to me, her half assed attempt to pay lip service to conservation is the most irking. I volunteer at a museum and we have two leopard pelt and a lion pelt that we use for educating the public but were all confiscated as illegal poaches. Her actions glorifying trophy killing serve to fuel more demand for these black market goods by demonstrating that there is a source for them if there's enough money. That is what I am most upset with.

[–]Tatmom -1 ポイント0 ポイント


[–]kvnsdlr -1 ポイント0 ポイント

I would like to think that sometimes animals have to be culled (killed) to make way for the greater good of the pride and she got the OK to cull one before just killing it. I would like to think hunters are as responsible as I am.

[–]lenaxia 0 ポイント1 ポイント

You think correctly that animals have to be culled sometimes.

And as much as I would like to believe she is a responsible hunter. Her facebook page suggests she cares more about her latest trophy than being responsible.

I have been looking but haven't been able to find anything proving she got the OK to kill it. The only word we have is her own from her facebook page. From a 19 year old girl.

And I quoteth the internet "You think someone would do that? Go on the internet and lie?!"

[–]kvnsdlr 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Well, we don't know. I will leave it at that.

[–]lenaxia 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Right. We don't know. Problem is, people on both sides won't admit it and because of that the only thing that's flying around are spaghetti monsters and bananas.

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Actually, we do know. Professional hunters know the ecosystem and food chain far better than say, you and I.

[–]kvnsdlr 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Relax Francis, I was referring to her intentions, not the ecosystem. Reading comprehension much mutha-fucka, do you do it?

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Geez, calm down dude. Sorry I misread it.

[–]kvnsdlr 0 ポイント1 ポイント

[–]Cageweek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

There are also tenfolds of articles. Browse through this thread and see people post many articles here and there.

[–]lenaxia [score hidden]

I've read ALL of those articles. If you read them you'll notice there is no new or unique content that isn't found on her facebook page or the petition.

[–]Cageweek [score hidden]

Hm, good point. Still, it's silly to lash against her. I've looked through her Facebook and she's definately an avid hunter (duh) and a supporter of wildly preservation. The pictures are just really misleading.

[–]-Strider 0 ポイント1 ポイント

As somebody who shoots vermin (think things which are eating farmers crops, mainly pigeons) and only vermin, I find this, and shooting any animal which 'doesn't need to be shot' for a good reason despicable and disgusting.

[–]AiwassAeon -1 ポイント0 ポイント

[–]grisbert -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

Disgusting... Typical Texas...

[–]whybenormal25 -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

Stupid whore. Her family should be fed to lions, her too. Dumb cunt.

[–]trustworthyone -5 ポイント-4 ポイント


[–]krizo888 -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

i killed an animal daddy-- do you love me now ??

[–]nicholasethan -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Before totally demonizing her... I'd suggest people do a little research. There's a lot of sides to this. On one hand, it appears that the hunting she's doing is for conservation purposes. It doesn't matter if the lion, jaguar, whatever was perfectly healthy. Sometimes its necessary to take some out in order to avoid overpopulation of a particular area. In some cases (like with lions), it can actually help the population from dwindling. It sucks that innocent animals have to die, but sometimes it has to happen. As other posters have said... a lot of this is done to the benefit of nearby villages who get the meat.

On the other hand, I can see why people dislike her at least. She has tons of pictures of her sitting on top of dead animals, with that creepy smile. I can accept that this type of hunting is in many ways a necessity; however, I find it really odd that people get a kick out of it since in some cases there's no real skill involved. If the money they're paying goes to a good cause though, then whatever. There's much worse offenses out there when it comes to animals.