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[–]zjqj 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Ok, so I'm fairly new to regularly using Reddit so I'm not sure that this is even worth posting now cos the thread is a month old at this point, and I'm not sure that replying to the most popular post is the best way to get attention to it but fuck it, I've gotta say it somewhere....

This is my dad [seriously].

I'd been using Reddit regularly for a couple of weeks and subscribed to subredditdrama when I saw this... I thought "wtf, that looks like my dad" and read through everything, then checked out the original that's linked to - then did a google image search (and found a load of links to the same image)... and started to feel a bit blown away... My dad died a couple of years ago so I was doing a major 'eh' face during this.

First thing I did was copy the image and emailed it to my mum, then called her and asked her about it. After she'd had a look at it she said 'yeah, it's an uncanny resemblance but he never wore his watch on his right wrist, so it can't be him' - my mum is a fairly staunch technophobe so I explained the mirroring to her and she was kind of freaked, but she said she didn't recognise the shirt or the place so we didn't mention it again until a few days ago.

She called me to tell me that her friends had been around for dinner, and she'd shown the picture to them - at which point one of the friends - basically my dad's best mate - had immediately said 'Yeah, that's Frank in Lefkas when we holidayed there around 2004' He's not sure who took the picture, but there was a swimming pool just behind where the picture was taken from, and he remembered getting a bit drunk with a bunch of guys and it was likely one of them that took the picture.

Anyway... to me this is something of an insane coincidence, but probably means little to anyone else here but I had to share this, and have been meaning to for a week or so now. Maybe I should crosspost this to r/coincidences if there is one...

There's also an amusing sub-story to the picture regarding a rubber chicken and a tiny pair of sunglasses, but I'll wait to see if anyone is actually even reading this before I go an about that :)

[–]DEATH-BY-CIRCLEJERK[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

A few things:

  1. I'm sorry about your dad's passing, and if this indeed is your father I want to apologize because I posted this and the subsequent lie as a joke, and now I feel rather bad about having done that.

  2. If you'd like to contact the original poster of the image, here is the original post and here is the user who posted it.
