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[–]redbrickbeer [score hidden]

First off, Georgia State is the one who sold off the WRAS slots. Other than this situation in particular I think GPB is awesome and has great news / programming. I just don't want it instead of my WRAS music.

Secondly, are people really going to throw their arms up because GPB made a business decision to fire a guy because he wears a shirt that not only uses one of the if not the strongest curse word in contemporary American English in respect to a local county?

I'm all for the fuck cobb county shirts but come on, if I wore that I'd get fired from my job too!

EDIT: Didn't realize he didn't wear it to work. Either way, he is in the public eye and he is a representative of the company whether he wants to be or not. Everybody here gives a fuck when Rob Ford smokes crack in his free time but when a guy wears a fuck cobb county shirt all the sudden he's a victim!

[–]cew0719巴克黑德 [score hidden]

If he wore it to work, yes. If he wore it while proclaiming he worked for GPB, yes. But wearing it just as Joe Citizen on his own time, away from work? That's reaching pretty far. What else in your life do you want your employer to have a say in? Who you sleep with? What you read or watch? Maybe your boss wouldn't like that violent video game you played last night at home in your basement. Sorry, you're fired!

[–]TransATLGrant Park [score hidden]

Maybe it's against GPB's religious beliefs.

[–]thehambeastGrant Park[S] [score hidden]

If only he had incorporated himself, then the first amendment would apply.

[–]parasitemiteEAV [score hidden]

I am Clay Bolton, LLC... and we believe Cobb County is the devil. Forever hold my peace ATL.

[–]cew0719巴克黑德 [score hidden]


[–]TerminusXL [score hidden]

It's not like he wore the shirt to his job though.

[–]OmgTom [score hidden]

He just didn't wear the shirt though. He let CL feature his name and face wearing the shirt. But wait, there's more, he was making and selling them too.

[–]cew0719巴克黑德 [score hidden]

Does GPB prevent other employees from making/selling other stuff? Are employees forbidden from appearing in any media even when not identifying as employees? It is still a huge overreach by GPB, or any employer.

[–]OmgTom [score hidden]

"I was told by HR that I had violated policies related to political activities and the code of ethics." yes. are you really this dense? or have you never worked at a real job?

[–]cew0719巴克黑德 [score hidden]

Thank you for losing your argument by making personal attacks. Maybe you should lose your job because of your reddit comments? Who do you work for, the Chinese Communist Party? An employer who fires people because of their off-duty political activities that have nothing to do with their job is ripe for being sued out of existence.

Oh, you've got a campaign sign in your yard for a candidate the boss doesn't like. You're fired! Boss sees a bumper sticker on your car promoting a liberal cause, well, can't have those liberals working here, you're fired!

[–]rocksauce [score hidden]

So. He wasn't wearing it at work and he was motivated enough to come up with an execute and idea. That's the type of person you employ, not fire. It's not even that offensive. It's just a word. It's not even taking a shot at a person or group. "Fuck the Cobb county commissioners" would have been more appropriate, but a little long for a shirt.

Our country and state are both full of angry violent people. I really think people need to get over themselves and actually look where ethics and morals really are being neglected.

[–]OmgTom [score hidden]

Listen to yourself.

It's not even taking a shot at a person or group.

Um... Cobb County and the Braves aren't people or groups?

[–]rocksauce [score hidden]

The shirt doesn't mention the braves. It says "Cobb county" not the people of or people in. What's your point? That your job gets to determine what you do, say, wear, support when you are not a work? Why don't you listen to yourself?

[–]OmgTom [score hidden]

the braves logo doesn't count as the braves? or are you reading this with brialle right now and can't see the logo on the shirt?

[–]totes_meta_bot [score hidden]

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[–]read-the-article [score hidden]

he wears a shirt that not only uses one of the if not the strongest curse word in contemporary American English in respect to a local county?

Having a shirt saying Cobb County Cunts with a tomahawk isn't more offensive than fuck? I can think of a few more :)