Keith's Counterpoint

日本の印象(日本で見た、印象深かったものたち)――Impressions of Japan (impressive things I saw in Japan)

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1. Perfumeのライヴ
JAPAN NIGHT〉(2014年5月31日にその長い歴史の幕を閉じた、東京の国立競技場の最後の音楽イヴェント)での彼女たちのパフォーマンスは、まさに〈圧巻〉のひと言。世界に通ずるレベルの高いショウだった。彼女たちの放つ雰囲気そのものが、ユニークかつジャパニーズなもの。ステージに立ったのはもちろん彼女たちであるが、個人的には舞台設定、照明、映像、振り付けと総合的なコーディネーションを担当した振付師兼舞台演出家のMIKIKOにもぜひ拍手を送りたい。海外からの外国人記者も多く参加したこのイヴェント、やはり皆のお気に入りは圧倒的にPerfumeであった。




3. シーナ&ザ・ロケッツ
インディー系のクールなイヴェント、〈SHIMOKITAZAWA SOUND CRUISING〉でライヴを観ることができた。ステージは鮎川誠の焼けつくようなギターインストで幕を開けた。それは、熟練ヴァイオリニストがギタリストに転じたというような感じではなく、がさつで激しいパブ・ロックでの演奏を思わせる弾き方。そこにシーナがスモーキーな声で唄いながら登場。意気揚々とお尻を、そんなにプリプリに若いお尻ではないが、それでもなかなか素敵なお尻を陽気に揺らしながらの登場である。カヴァー曲が多かったが、その中でも彼ら流のキンクス“You Really Got Me”や“Lemon Tea”(元ネタはヤードバーズが歌って一躍人気を博した“Train Kept A Rollin'”と言われている)はとくに気に入った。このパフォーマンスを彼らは1978年からやっている。通算36年のキャリアだ。彼らがこれまでロックンロールだけで大金持ちになるような売れ方をしたとは思わないし、したとしてもおそらく何年も前の話と思われるが、今でもあのロックぶりが健在なのは、彼らがそれを心底愛しているからだろう。私もそうであるように。


AC/DCを少し織り交ぜたグリーン・デイといった印象の4人組パンク・バンド。同じく〈SHIMOKITAZAWA SOUND CRUISING〉でライヴを鑑賞。よくあるパンク・バンドとは違い、このバンドは正真正銘の骨太。とくにギターのエンドウはぶっ飛んでいる。でもだからと言って、シンプルでキャッチー、面白おかしくおちゃらけたようなポップ・ソングが作れないわけではない。正直、キングレコードと契約していることと、最初のEPのプロデューサーがアメリカ人のジム・ワートだったことぐらいしか知らない。同名のバンドは韓国などほかにもたくさんいるので、調べるのはなかなか難しいかもしれないが、彼らは本当にロックしている。パンクが好きでさらに楽しいことも好きなら、ぜひ彼らのライヴに出かけることをおすすめする。


5. でんぱ組.inc


6. 坂本慎太郎 『ナマで踊ろう』


7. Nujabes
Nujabesとは、DJ/プロデューサーの瀬場潤(せばじゅん)氏。大変悲しいことに2010年に交通事故で逝去している。まさに型破りなアーティストで、ヒップホップを起点にジャズエレクトロニカなど様々な要素を織り込んだスタイルだ。国内外のミュージシャンとコラボしながらも、常に自分のサウンドはキープ。自分のしたいことを実行し、自分のレーベルからリリースしていた。アニメサムライチャンプルー : SAMURAI CHAMPLOO」が人気を博していることもあり、すでに他界してしまった今でも、USではますます熱狂的ファンは増え続けている。しかし、iTunesSpotifyだけでなく、かろうじて生き残っているごく少数のCDショップでも彼の音源を購入することができないため、USではNujabesの音楽はかなり入手困難な状態。


8. haruka nakamura


9. マキシマム ザ ホルモン “え・い・り・あ・ん”
もうこのバンド、大好き。なぜかごく最近までこんな素晴らしいMVを観逃していた。彼らはなんとなくUS(というマーケット)を無視しているのでは、と思う。というのも、2008年までUSツアーはしていないし、iTunesやSpotifyでも音源は入手できない。それでも、彼らの楽曲がアニメ「DEATH NOTE」のテーマ曲に使用されていることや、こういうオモシロビデオを作っていることなどから、USでの人気は上昇中だ。


10. おにぎり





Impressions of Japan
(impressive things I saw in Japan)

I came back to Tokyo for a visit after some months away, and as before Japan remains mesmerizing. The massive population and the pressures applied to maintain a polite and politically correct society push against the human spirit, people's need to examine in the universe and express themselves, and makes for a special creative tension. The music business is in an interesting transitional phase, and art and commerce are swirling together to make some interesting new things. Following were things that impressed me on my trip –

1. Perfume live- their performance at "JAPAN NIGHT" was nothing short of amazing, truly world class show. Their whole vibe is uniquely Japanese. The girls delivered, but I also offer a standing ovation to choreographer and stage producer MIKIKO, who handles the staging, lights, video, dancing, and overall synchronization. Many foreign journalists attended the event, and the overwhelming favorite amongst them was Perfume.

2.BABYMETAL- while I did not see their live show, I was fortunate enough to sit in on a couple of interviews they did. For international media they right now they are a huge buzz. Fans from all over the world are making cover versions of their songs, copying their dance steps, and in numerous other ways obsessing about them. The concept of idol and metal together is completely crazy, and people love it. The girls themselves are so young and innocent, and in person quite humble and charming. Also their producer Kobayashi-san is a clever guy with guts and good humor. I think Babymetal’s upcoming shows in Europe and Canada will go over very well.

3. Sheena & the Rokkets - I saw them play in a Shimkitazawa club at a cool indies geared festival called "Sound Cruising". The start was Makoto Ayukawa playing a searing guitar instrumental, not like a virtuoso violinist turned guitarist, but in a crude crushing pub rock type way. Then came Sheena with her smoky voice, and shaking her ass vivaciously, a not so young ass, but still pretty charming one. A number of their songs are covers, esp. liked their version of the Kinks "You Really Got Me" and "Lemon Tea" (which essentially a reworking of "Train Kept a Rollin'", made famous by the Yardbirds). They have been doing this since 1978, that's 36 years. I don't think they ever became rich from rock'n'roll, and if they did it was probably some years ago, but they still rock on like they do it because they fuckin' love it, and so do I.

4. GEEKS- are a four piece punk band that remind me of Green Day, with a little AC/DC thrown in. I saw them also at "Sound Cruising". Unlike a lot of punk bands, these guys really have chops, esp. their guitarist Endo. but they don’t let their skills stop them from writing simple, catchy, funny, goofy pop songs. I don't really know much about them, except they are signed to King Records and made their first EP with American producer Jim Wirt. There are a number of other bands called GEEKS, including a Korean one, so a bit hard to look them up, but these guys rock, see them live if you like punk and want to have fun.

5. well overall I am not a great fan of idol music, it is often cliché ridden, cute, corny, high calorie but ultimately flavorless. However Denpagumi are a new type of high energy idol, who are almost a parody of idols, and a riot of nutty costumes, comments and unique comic sense, who make me laugh and get my thumbs up rating.

6. Shintaro Sakamoto – "Nama de Odorou". This guy is weird, in a very good way. I was a fan of Yura Yura Teikoku, as were quite many foreigners. They were a spacey, strange psychedelic band with a unique voice, never afraid to wander in a different direction, not overtly pop-sounding, but definitely something that made me want to hear more, and hear again. I bought his solo album, and so far like it a lot. Still weird, still cool.

7. Nujabes- is the DJ/producer Seba Jun, who very unfortunately died in an accident in 2010. This guy was a maverick, using hip-hop as a starting point, but adding in jazz, electronica, and all kinds of other elements. He also collaborated with a wide range of Japanese and foreign musicians, but managed to always keep his own sound. He did his own thing, and put his music out on his own label. Even though he has passed away, he is growing a cult following in America, mostly due to the anime "Samurai Champloo", which is popular in the States. Unfortunately his music is not on iTunes or Spotify in the States , or in the few surviving CD shops, so hard for fans to get his music.

8. Haruka Nakamura- I was introduced to the music by Joe Takayuki of No.9, who had collaborated with Nakamura-san. My experience is that many of the best recommendations about interesting musicians come from other interesting musicians. It was certainly the case here. Again I don't really know his history, and his website just features his work but no background info. He has made three albums on his own, all on small indie labels, as well a number of collaboration albums. All of the stuff I have heard is intriguing, a mixture of ambient, electronic and acoustic and other sounds. Sometimes with guest vocals. For a while I thought he must be pretty minor, despite the quality of his quite original music, but I notice his albums on iTunes electronic chart frequently, and his debut album "Grace" from 2008 is almost always on the chart. Much respect to this mysterious musician. And I should mention that his new album "Melodica", features a number of collaborations with the late Nujabes and his cohort Shing02.

9. Maximum the Hormone- "え・い・り・あ・ん". I love this band. Somehow I missed this great video until just recently. They are kind of ignoring America, they didn't tour the States since 2008, and they don't upload their music on iTunes or Spotify, but still they are getting popular, partly from their music being used in the very popular anime "DEATH NOTE", and because they make funny videos like this one.

10. onigiri- one thing I miss about Japan is onigiri. So simple, so delicious and available in many places. I ate every day on my trip. Snoop Dogg is eating one in the new Psy video.

Thank you Japan for your creative energies.


キース・カフーン (KEITH CAHOON)

キース・カフーン - 家族代々カリフォルニア育ちの4代目。人生のほとんどを音楽に費やしてきたその職歴には、サクラメントでのレコードショップ店員、輸入盤/インディーズ盤の販売会社経営、ロンドンでのA&R業務、日本のタワーレコードの社長兼CEO、iTunes Japanの取締役、自身が立ち上げた音楽出版/コンサル会社のオーナー兼経営者、はたまた多種のメディアでのライターとしての数々の幅広い活躍が含まれる。昨今はアジアおよび北欧の音楽シーンにも深く携わり、造詣が深い。28年間の東京生活を経て、現在はカリフォルニア州バークレーに在住――Keith Cahoon is a fourth generation Californian, who has worked in music most of his life, including stints as a record store clerk in Sacramento, running an import and indie distribution company, doing A&R in London, CEO of Tower Records Japan, Director of iTunes Japan, owner/operator of his own music publishing/ consulting company Hotwire K.K., and as a writer for a wide range of media. He has also been extensively involved with Asian and Nordic music. After a 28 year of living in Tokyo, he now resides in Berkeley, California.
