いくらノルマンディー70周年とはいえ大丈夫ですかwww まあ、このBBCその他がヨーロッパ各国の訛を笑いものにしまくってるおかげで、どの国の人の訛も無問題で理解出来るようになりました…本当にありがとうございます(笑)。
European Commission endorses Telegraph view of the euro
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: June 13th, 2014
いくらノルマンディー70周年とはいえ大丈夫ですかwww まあ、このBBCその他がヨーロッパ各国の訛を笑いものにしまくってるおかげで、どの国の人の訛も無問題で理解出来るようになりました…本当にありがとうございます(笑)。
European Commission endorses Telegraph view of the euro
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: June 13th, 2014
I never thought I would live to see a serving European Commissioner suggest that it was "reckless" to launch the euro without a lender-of-last resort or fiscal union to back it up.
Or that EMU policies have led to a vicious cycle and a catastrophic double-dip recession that is entirely due to the dysfunctional character of the project.
Or that the Greek debt crisis was botched because Germany's leaders were playing politics with the North-Rhine Westphalia elections.
Or that that the internal devaluation policies forced on the victim states are cruel and inherently self defeating.
Or that EMU's stabilisation regime has not come close to putting monetary union on a viable footing, able to command political consent over time.
But we have one today from Laszlo Andor, and it is a corker, delivered in Berlin of all places. The European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs is very close to outright revolt, not surprisingly since his job is to deal with the terrible consequences of these policies.
At least someone is speaking for the moderate Left in this Europe of Omerta, where the code of silence stifles criticism from those whose political values are most injured. His proposal - for starters - is a pan-EMU unemployment scheme to act as a fiscal stabiliser and to share the burden of asymmetric shocks.
He is entirely right, on one level. The pro-cyclical policies of austerity cuts (beyond the therapeutic dose) in those countries already in the most trouble - without any offsetting cushion from intra-EMU devaluation or monetary stimulus - is intellectually criminal and will be judged in the harshest fashion by historians. It sets in motion a horrible spiral of labour hysteresis, investment droughts, and technological decline.
But his romantic proposal creates a different problem, one that is equally intractable. Mr Andor does not address the issue, and I can see why, since the implication is that EMU can never be made to work, and should therefore be dismantled in the least traumatic way possible before it does any more damage.
If there is to be a fiscal union with at least 5pc to 7pc of GDP going to a central budget, this automatically alienates the budgetary powers of the Bundestag and other sovereign parliaments to a transnational EU body. It eviscerates the core power of the national legislatures: the power tax and spend, (the principle on which the English Civil War and the American Revolution were fought).
It implies a full-blown political union under a higher sovereign parliament (or an authoritarian priesthood regime), with both the substance and the machinery of a unitary state. It means that the historic nation states must abolish themselves, becoming linguistic or cultural provinces of a federal union.
None of this is remotely possible. The German Constitutional Court has ruled in crystal clear language that any such move is a violation of the Grundgesetz and will be prohibited (unless the constitution itself is changed). You can perhaps read the European elections in many ways, but to suggest that the French people - for example - are clamouring for a further erosion of sovereignty takes a heroic willingness to overlook the facts.
But let us not quibble. Here are a few extracts:
ここに幾つか引用します。I believe it is my responsibility to share key conclusions from my four and a half years' experience as Member of the European Commission - lessons from years of financial and economic crisis that was unprecedented in EU history and that should never be repeated.Mr Andor said that the whole sequence of events that let sovereign debt crises spin out of control in early 2010 - followed by loan packages that merely bought time, without debt relief - has led to economic and political disaster.
Europe has been going through two crises and not one. The first we shared with the rest of the world, while the second one specifically originated from the inherent weaknesses of the current EMU architecture and brought us on a different path than the rest of the industrialised world.
時間稼ぎにしかならなかった債務免除なしの支援融資が続いた、2010年初頭の債務危機を制御不能にした一連の出来事は、経済、政治危機をもたらした、とアンドル委員は述べました。Debts from financial markets were replaced by debts from official sources, which turned the euro zone into a club of debtors and creditors, set against each other.Mr Andor said the eurozone had failed to abide by its treaty obligation, which establishes the "objectives of balanced economic growth in a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment and social progress."
The elected governments of Greece and Italy were replaced with technocratic administrations as the democratically elected ones were unable or unwilling to implement front-loaded fiscal consolidation.
From a fragile recovery we entered a double-dip recession in 2011. This became an existential crisis of the monetary union, and of the EU as a whole.
While Europe went into a second recession in 2011, the US economy was already steadily growing because the US had relevant instruments in place and the US Government and central bank did not hesitate to use them to generate growth and jobs.
The EU only started to emerge from the financial whirlpool when the ECB announced that it would be ready to act as a central bank in a crisis. In short, the sovereign debt crisis of the past four years has shown us that without a lender of last resort, a central budget or a co-ordination framework geared towards stimulating aggregate demand, EMU has been - at best - a structure for fair weather, but not for a financial and economic crisis.
The euro has also been a trap, because Member States can no longer adjust to economic shocks through tailor-made monetary policies and devaluation in their exchange rate, while at the same time being subject to strict rules on fiscal policy.
The EU has not only missed the key welfare targets agreed in 2010. It has gone backwards. The numbers at risk of "poverty nor social exclusion" has risen form 118m to 124m, with most of the damage concentrated in a handful of states.
Like others, he blames the original sin of EMU: a centralised monetary policy under the ECB without a fiscal counterpart.
つまり、財政的カウンターパートのないECBの下での中央集権的金融政策です。This means that instruments that were historically used to limit the social impact of crises were not available any more, while there has been nothing newly introduced to replace them.In other words, it is a Pareto Suboptimal, as this newspaper has argued from the start. EMU hurts everybody.
The point is that macroeconomic instability in Europe stemmed predominantly from the incomplete design of the Economic and Monetary Union: troubled countries could not unilaterally devalue, could not call upon a lender of last resort and could not count on any fiscal support from other Member States that would enable them not just to survive but to stimulate economic recovery.
The only mechanism through which troubled countries inside the EMU have been able to restore economic growth is so-called internal devaluation, i.e. cost-cutting in both the private and public sectors by shedding labour and reducing wages. Internal devaluation has resulted in high unemployment, falling household incomes and rising poverty - literally misery for tens of millions of people.
Moreover, it is a recipe that cannot be applied in many countries at the same time because it undermines overall demand. If many countries cut their wages and lay off workers, nobody wins in terms of relative competitiveness but everybody loses.
要するに、小紙が最初から論じているように、これはパレート・サブオプティマルなのです。At a time when Europe would need to invest significantly in its human capital in order to cope with the growing demographic challenge, we have allowed a financial crisis to push millions of people out of work and into poverty. This has damaged Europe's economic potential and social cohesion for many years to come.The dangers of an orphan currency with no fiscal union were explored as long ago as 1970 in the Werner Report. It argued that the currency would act as "a leaven for the development of political union, which in the long run it cannot do without".
The Marjolin Report of 1975 proposed a "Community Unemployment Benefit Fund". The MacDougall report of 1977 said monetary union would need a shared budget of 5pc or 7pc of Community GDP.
1977年のマクドゥーガル報告書は、通貨同盟には地域GDPの5%または7%に相当する共同予算が必要だと述べています。The proposal was in fact that regions with a current account surplus should contribute and deficit regions should draw down funding, as normally happens within nation states, so that social cohesion and aggregate demand could be maintained.This is of course exactly what EMU has become. It is a 1930s, beggar-thy-neighbour, deflationary race to the bottom.
Did Helmut Kohl, Francois Mitterrand, Jacques Delors and other founding fathers of the EMU not understand that the incomplete structure they were setting up would be prone to crises? Was it not reckless for them to launch an irreversible monetary union without a proper fiscal pillar? Did they not care about the possible social consequences of macroeconomic adjustment based predominantly on internal devaluation?
In fact, political leaders in the early 1990s were far from ignorant about the importance of social cohesion, but they believed that it could be essentially achieved through legislation and social dialogue.
As the Single Market was being constructed since the mid-1980s, an important body of labour law was developed. For Jacques Delors and other leading politicians at the time, the social dimension of the Single Market and of the EMU was predominantly about preventing a race to the bottom in employment and working conditions.
Mr Andors calls this the Delors paradox.
アンドル委員はこれをドロール・パラドックスと呼んでいます。On the one hand, we introduce social legislation to improve labour standards and create fair competition in the EU. On the other hand, we settle with a monetary union which deepens asymmetries and erodes the fiscal base for national welfare states.Well put Mr Andor.
Social legislation cannot make up for the absence of a euro zone budget or a genuine lender of last resort. Delors' idea of Social Europe is unfortunately offset by Delors' model of the EMU.
That is not to say that the EMU was fundamentally unfair at the time. To borrow a famous metaphor, EMU may have well been designed behind a veil of ignorance (Schleier des Nicthwissens). Nobody knew exactly how well the euro would work for any particular country.
ユーロがあの時、根本的にアンフェアだと言っているのでない。有名な言い回しを借りるなら、ユーロは無関心のベール(Schleier des Nicthwissens)の背後で設計された可能性があると言える。特定の国においてどれほど巧みにユーロが機能するかなど、誰も正確には知らないのである。
However, it is quite clear today that EMU's functioning in practice has not been fair. We know now that the EMU contains an inherent bias towards internal devaluation as the prevailing if not the only mechanism of adjustment to economic downturns. With such asymmetric allocation of costs and benefits, the EMU is not functioning well and its sustainability cannot be taken for granted.
In the history of the European Communities, two attempts at monetary cooperation have already broken down because the system was not resilient enough. The existence of a single currency in itself should not be seen as a sufficient guarantee against such a breakdown to happen again.
The EU cannot live together for too long with the risk of monetary breakdown, which also would bring with itself social and political breakdown. If our Economic and Monetary Union is meant to be irreversible, it must also be fair and it must be based on solidarity. Either we give up the dogma of 'no fiscal transfers' in the EMU, or we give up the European Social Model