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[–]fatduck 107 ポイント108 ポイント

wut. i don't think i've ever seen any popular streamer post their own content here. their viewers do it for them.

[–]AvailableRedditname 23 ポイント24 ポイント

Yeah but unpopular ones who are making good content need a way to get their names out.

[–]DangerAndAdrenaline 20 ポイント21 ポイント

The 10-1 rule is a good idea in default subs, but in boutique subs it is pretty silly.

[–]GiaLoTa_HS 8 ポイント9 ポイント

It is done in 10-to-1 reddit rule.

[–]estomagordo 1 ポイント2 ポイント

What is this rule, for every self-promoting post, post 10 general links/comments?

[–]Dysthymia_ 8 ポイント9 ポイント

It's in the sitebar

✔ 9:1 content ratio

Reddit is a place for sharing ideas and content, not a dumping grounds for self-promotion. Please keep our community healthy. If more than 10% of the content you link is your own, you risk a Reddit-wide shadowban.

[–]estomagordo 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Thanks. I should pay more attention to the sidebar.

[–]VelocitySteve [score hidden]

So do comments count? Or do you have to find actual links?

[–]TimeToFightBackNow [score hidden]

actual links, but afaik it can be to any sub. When it happened in Dota 2 some guys jokingly stated to put up a lot of cute and aww and funny photos in different subreddits like "cats with hats" or something.

[–]Zenocide_1 6 ポイント7 ポイント

That rule sucks dick. Why can't mods do what mods do and delete/ban submissions instead of creating this lazy rule.

[–]mattiejj 7 ポイント8 ポイント

because this would change every subreddit in /r/advertisement

[–]ignorethisone 5 ポイント6 ポイント

I prefer "post 9 pieces of bullshit so you can post your one advertisement"

[–]Zeabos 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Or those people could try and contribute to the site as a whole. If all they are doing is just looking for the fastest way to get their own content on the site, then they deserve to be banned.

[–]II1III11 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Say you want to make one promotional post per week with content the community generally enjoys. How many people honestly see 9 things a week they actually feel are worthy of submitting and haven't already been by others? I switched accounts (maybe I'm secretly chanman) a week ago, but I've been on reddit for 3 years and have submitted maybe 10-15 links. Another couple years and I could qualify for a second self promotional post!

I'd rather it be more like 1 self promotion post a week, you don't have people spamming 2 news articles every day and people can still submit something they particularly want to share without worrying they are going to get shadowbanned for it.

Granted, someone is only going to get the attention of the mods if they've submitted a certain amount of stuff, and hopefully by then they can earn a fan or two that submits them.

[–]Zeabos 0 ポイント1 ポイント

You are allowed to submit your own stuff, you just can't do it constantly without producing other stuff. That's the point everyone seems to be ignoring here. They got banned for persistent abuse of the system. If you are popular enough and your content is good and consistent enough it will get posted by others.

[–]imrooniel 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Reddit is a link accumulator. Their contribution to the site is the content they make, lol.

[–]kaiks 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Just as they can post own good content instead of advertisements. The 9:1 thing is just a bad rule [here].

[–]Zeabos 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It might be somewhat cumbersome, but I dont want the mods, admins and/or community to constantly have to be vetting who can abide by the rule and who cannot. Just because he posts some good content, he is immune?

What if mcdonalds made 3-4 funny commercials, now they are immune?

What if Chanman's stuff started being shitty. Do we then have to revoke his immunity?

Should we just sticky post everything from Chanman at the top of the subreddit? Since the content is so great anyway, why make him have to go through the trouble of having it upvoted.

[–]ColbyP 0 ポイント1 ポイント

With how Reddit works, it shouldn't be a matter of immunity so much as a matter of quality. Someone posts a bunch of their own stuff, but it's actually really good? Then it'll likey get upvoted and people will see it. Someone posts a bunch of their own stuff that's pretty much complete shit? It'll likely get downvoted and people won't see it. The community should be self moderating enough through voting that such a rule becomes unnecessary.

[–]kaiks 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It's not immunity. Just because you produced something, doesn't mean it's an advertisement of your person. Just be allowed to post your own stuff, as long as it's not an ad.

I'll ignore the last part of your post, as this kind of hyperbole is just childish.

[–]Elune_ -1 ポイント0 ポイント

OR, they could be pardoned and not have to abide by this bullshit of a rule. Instead of forcing them to do something stupid in order to get their work out into the public, maybe you should just let them be able to get their word out in the public without having to spam useless posts.

But noooo, we have to take the hard way.

[–]Zeabos 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Or they could produce good content and let other people post it for them. It's how the site is supposed to work. If their content is good enough, people will post and upvote it.

I reiterate -- I dont want them to post 9 shitposts to post their own content: I think that spamming the site simply to post your own stuff is pretty lame.

[–]MrGryphian -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Reddit offers paid adverts

[–]KIRB__STOMP[S] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

They very rarely do, but they don't post nine other things before/after each This affects upcoming guide/deck/content makers moreso than those with established followings.

As mentioned, some of the most popular recent content has been the Lore videos and guides by Blackacre and those with his level of popularity. If the rule is enforced then none of this will be permitted without them spamming in between each.

[–]Eadwyn 9 ポイント10 ポイント

It only applies to self-promotion. If content is good enough it should be easy to have someone who is not the creator post the link.

[–]KIRB__STOMP[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント

That's stupid though, at least in my opinion. That promotes having multiple accounts, which we just ruined a career over.

[–]Dysthymia_ 3 ポイント4 ポイント

It didn't "Ruin a career", but I agree that it promotes alt. accounts.

[–]Eadwyn 9 ポイント10 ポイント

If you're referring to the guy that was banned, AFAIK it wasn't due to the 9:1 rule, it was that he had 40 accounts and was manipulating votes.

[–]alienware 3 ポイント4 ポイント

That wasn't his point at all.

[–]undeadgoat 1 ポイント2 ポイント

The power of the first few votes on Reddit is enormous. When was the last time you clicked a zero-karma post? If some jerk downvotes your new content it may never see the light of day. If shitty content gets its first upvotes from friends or bots, it will still get downvoted; but whether good content gets in front of appreciative eyes on most subreddits is essentially random.

[–]KIRB__STOMP[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

If you had read my post, you would have noticed that I am aware of the difference between what Chanman did and the 9:1 rule

[–]babada -1 ポイント0 ポイント

That promotes having multiple accounts, which we just ruined a career over.

Who is "we"? Is "we" the person who had multiple accounts?