Grammar schools priority areas map

Priority areas for grammar schools

The priority areas for Warwickshire grammar schools are shown on the map below.

Please enter your child’s home postcode in the search box and click search.

You can click on the property location to display the relevant priority area.

A more detailed view is available by clicking the satellite button in the top right corner of the map.

  • Grammar schools

The locations of all Warwickshire grammar schools are shown as points on the map. Please click on the individual school location points to display the relevant details.

For further details of the priority area for Ashlawn School Selective Entry please contact the school directly.

If your child resides outside of either priority area, you can still apply for a place at a Warwickshire grammar school.

Residing within a priority area does not guarantee an offer of a grammar school place.

Parents may apply for a place at any preferred school.
If you live within a school’s priority area you have more chance of your child being offered a place at that school.

Living within the priority area does not guarantee an offer of a place at that school, as there may be more applicants living within the priority area than the number of places available.

Any queries regarding priority areas or if you cannot find your property please contact the Admissions Service.

Grammar schools priority areas map was last updated on April 25, 2014.