hi its eden fawnfaeryprincen (used to be anyway) if u could reblog this so that other ppl can find my blog that would be great.
since ppl will likely ask what happened, long story short, reddit assholes harassed me and insulted me.
Hi there! I…
Oh noes, tumblr reports! :’( It’s not like I can just make a new one and/or change my IP address, LOL.
BTW, you misspelled ‘xyr.’ Why am I the only one who can get these made-up pronouns correct? That’s hilariously ironic, LOL.
I’m not having a go at THEM for THEIR transgender status. I don’t care if people are transgender or non-binary. I DO care if they think being trans is a choice, though, and/or something glamorous to flaunt around to make themselves look like a special snowflake. It’s because of dip-shits like those that real transgender people have more trouble being taken seriously. And to add insult to injury, you label anyone who calls you out on this as ‘truscum.’ Good God, you people are disgusting. I have a boyish hairstyle, never wear ‘girlish’ clothes, and speak like a guy in Japanese. Does that mean I’m trans or non-binary as well? If I was a clueless, amoral poser like a lot of you idiots, it probably would!
I started trolling fawnfaeryprincen because they opened themselves up to it by saying “DON’T FOLLOW ME UNLESS I GIVE YOU PERMISSION, OR YOU’LL TRIGGER ME.” Ignoring the horrible and tasteless over-exaggeration of that word… Actually, no, I won’t ignore it. Why do so many SJWs insist on abusing the word ‘triggered?’ Being mildly inconvenienced/insulted online is NOT the same thing as being triggered, you stupid parasites. Do you have any idea how insulting it is for people who ACTUALLY get triggered when you to use that term? JESUS.
I also don’t approve of being forced to use made-up pronouns, least of all on tumblr. As I say here, I’m actually in favor of a singular third-person pronoun that doesn’t depend on gender. However, tumblr cannot make up its freaking mind on a universal one because everyone insists on using them like they’re a game or a way to make themselves look super-unique and special, instead of a grammatical function. Case in point, ‘cel’ and ‘bun.’ I mean, really?
It’s also very rude to TELL people to use your made-up pronouns. You know the pronoun-people I respect most on this site? The ones who give you a CHOICE between using ‘they/them’ and some simple, non-special variation, like ‘ey/em’ or ‘xe/xem.’ Giving people the choice and not using super-unique pronouns shows that you don’t want to be unique and special; you just want a better option than the singular ‘they.’ I can get behind that. And, as you might’ve noticed, fawnfaeryprincen’s pronouns are some that I actually like. But I am not going to use them because A) they didn’t give me the choice, B) they trivialize real victims of panic attacks when they pretend to get them OVER PEOPLE TROLLING THEM ONLINE, and C) they claimed cisphobia doesn’t exist.
I am not going to leave them alone until they admit that cisphobia is real and apologize for saying it isn’t. Is it anywhere near as bad as transphobia? Hell-no! I never said it was. However, if a trans person beats up a cis person for the sole reason that they’re cis, THAT’S cisphobia. And no, any amount of discrimination and violence the trans person might’ve gotten from OTHER cis people does not excuse taking out their frustrations on an innocent victim. That’s discrimination, and that’s sick.
Fawnfaeryprincen changing their preferred pronouns to a choice instead of a demand will also make me more sympathetic to their cause, as will ceasing to trivialize panic attacks. But, that’s not a requirement to get me to back off. The cisphobia thing, on the other hand, is. And my point from before still stands: If fawnfaeryprincen can’t handle a little trolling (pro-tip: the best way to get rid of trolls is to IGNORE THEM, not to continue responding to them), they should set their blog to password-protected, or, better yet, get off the internet and book themselves into some sort of clinic. They’re not going to last long in the real world otherwise.
Have a fantastic day. <3
I did misspell xyr pronouns and I’m sorry for that (note I did go on xyr blog to check for them, but couldn’t because xe had to shut it down due to harassment).
Ok you’re angry that young trans/ nonbinary kids and teens are using unique pronouns and aren’t trans in a way you find respectable. You’re policing trans identities, and that is transphobia. The most respected trans theorists (Toni D’Orsay and Laverne Cox you may have heard of) are saying nounself and other pronouns are great, and truscum and cis people policing trans people need to stop. Thing is, you say that ‘real transgender people have more trouble being taken seriously’ because of nonbinary teens using different pronouns etc. That’s victim blaming nonsense. Trans people aren’t given respect because of oppression due to transmisogyny and transphobia. Not because I have a friend who uses leafself pronouns. Like, look at the history and trans persecution, pleaseee. Even if it was an issue, no trans people want you campaigning against us for our benefit.
About the use of ‘triggered’. It isn’t only for use for people with panic and anxiety disorders, and is a well documented psychological thing. You’re saying the more casual use of it harms people who get very badly triggered. I get very badly triggered, as I have PTSD due to sexual abuse. It’s not insulting. Xe has the right to use the word in a causal or serious way, and I have no business asking what things seriously trigger xyr. Or anyone. Trust ill people when we tell you what triggers us.
Cis people have required pronouns. Our pronouns are required and you have no right to tell us they shouldn’t be. You have to use they/them pronouns for me, you don’t have the right to choose. You technically can choose to misgender me, but that is violence and transphobic. The same goes for doing it to xyr.
You’re not trolling, you’re harassing. An underage trans kids
Cisphobia doesn’t exist. (Also why would harassing someone until they agree with you work?) The word is used the majority of the time as a comparison to transphobia, and implies that it is on the same scale and functions in the same way. You’re referring to violence inflicted due to prejudice (against cisgender people). That is possible, although I don’t think there are any recorded instances of it (show me the receipts). But all societies existing are cisnormative (although not all have a binary gender system, binary cis dyadic people have privilege in all), and cis people possess institutional power over trans people (who are subjected to institutional denial to resources as well as subject to real physical violence, often and in a predictable and recorded way). In that sense cisphobia (which would be systematic oppression or violence against cisgender people) is entirely fictitious.
Stop blaming fawnfaeryprincen’s actions on the fact you’re harassing xem. Xe should be allowed to exist, running a tumblr, using whichever pronouns, etc. without a password protection or anything. You need to just back off.
Tagged: #transphobia / #misgendering / #eden don't look #ugh #ableism #harassment / #ptsd / #sexual abuse / #triggers / #trolls / #forced institutionalization / #violence /
3:39:51 @ 6/27/2014
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Reblogged from sorry-for-being-white
Posted by asexualfawn-deactivated20140626
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