Dead Pixels








Tumblr could’ve done better, honestly.

In order:


Feel free to make your own one of these. I tried to include as many as I could onto a photoset, the limit being 10. B) If I messed up at all, feel free to tell me. I might make more later.

Wow way to be a fucking asshole about something that was fine, they used a rainbow because it’s the universal symbol for gay pride because this is pride month

not everyone is gay

translation: “be happy with the rainbows and gays because macklemore says so”

translation: Macklemore is an asshole for actually doing something to make things better for actual LGBT people and LGBT people are just not edgy enough: no the real heroes of the movement are the special snowflake teenagers who invalidate the entire movement by demanding not only entry but prioritisation in an oppressed minority so they can feel trendy and unique

This is hysterical. Nothing is ever good enough.

Yeah seriously. LGBT doesn’t need 12 more letters added to it in order for it to apply to every single specific type of sexuality. It’s an umbrella term. Pride is for all.

But they are just mad because tumblr isn’t catering to them specifically. Like. I could get why you would be mad if it links to the “homosexual” tag. But no, it links to the pride tag.

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    atleast they’re recognizing the lgbtqa+ community??? honestly would you rather tumblr just not support it? you all...
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    Are you fucking serious? Are you fuck heads never goddamned satisfied with anything? Why can’t you ungrateful assholes...
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