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[–]cinnamonkartoffel 68 ポイント69 ポイント

To be honest I don't know why this is on TiA, these are actual concerns we have to worry about. Acknowledging that problems do exist doesn't make someone an SJW.

[–]PM_YOUR_ISSUESGingersexual, Pansnuggler 69 ポイント70 ポイント

Statistically speak, a male walking alone at night is more likely to suffer physical violence than a female.

In fact, males are far more likely to be the victim of every single crime with the only exception being sexual assault. Which, sexual assaults are not even the most likely to occur crime, the only crime it beats is murder.

Therefore, virtually every single situation is far more dangerous for a male to be in than a female. Thus, the claim that females need to be the ones frightened at every single turn, that females need to worry about their safety constantly, is absolutely ridiculous.

It's absurd to say that this is something that you need to "actively worry about" when it is far less likely to happen than nearly any other violent crime. Does it mean that precautions should not be taken? No, we take precautions to avoid other crimes too. Yet we don't create a culture of fear around it. We don't constantly talk about how doors and windows should always be locked at all times because you are 72 times more likely to be burgled than sexually assaulted.

The culture of fear that is being perpetuated about women and sexual assault is ridiculous. It's a scare tactic meant to create emotional reactions that defy logical reasoning and that is wrong.

[–]brzcory 13 ポイント14 ポイント

"Men are more likely to be violently assaulted than women, the study found. Eighty-nine percent of 12-year-old boys can expect to become victims of violent crimes..."

"Nearly one in four men will be robbed, but only one out of five women."

And people wonder why I carry a gun everywhere.

[–]the_killer666 18 ポイント19 ポイント

And people wonder why I carry a gun everywhere.

To rob people, obviously.

[–]igrokspock 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Alright, ya got me...

Now put your hands up and dont you move motherfucker i mean it

[–]Jrex13 0 ポイント1 ポイント

you picked the wrong person to rob son!

I don't have any shit worth stealing!

[–]catatronic -1 ポイント0 ポイント

so that instead of losing your wallet you get charged with manslaughter?

[–]rsresnorTwo time silver medalist in the Oppression Olympics 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Not in a Stand Your Ground state. Thanks, Florida, for getting that started.

[–]Jalorconductor of the poop train 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Stand Your Ground almost never comes up in actual cases of self-defense. The duty of retreat only exists if you're attacked in a public place and you're physically capable of escaping, which is a tiny minority of all violent crimes.

Before someone cites George Zimmerman - his defense was based entirely on the fact that Martin had already pinned him to the ground. Accepting even the basic premise of his defense would rule out Stand Your Ground.

[–]suninabox 0 ポイント1 ポイント

And people wonder why I carry a gun everywhere.

Because you selectively read statistics?

Carrying a gun makes you more likely to die, not less.

[–]WileEPeyote 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Statistically speak, a male walking alone...

Human fears aren't based off of statistics and I don't know anyone with only rational fears.

[–]PM_YOUR_ISSUESGingersexual, Pansnuggler 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Correct, they are not.

I, for example, am irrationally afraid of swimming. I cannot swim in lakes, streams, or the ocean. If I do, I'll have a panic attack and probably drown. I get uncomfortable swimming in video games, Far Cry 3 nearly left me in tears with the damn sharks.

That's my fear, it is not based on statistics because, statistically, I'm perfectly safe. But I am not running around screaming "NO ONE SHOULD SWIM BECAUSE IT FREAKS ME THE FUCK OUT!"

You can have that fear, but that doesn't make it a rational fear and it doesn't mean you should encourage others to engage in your fearful behavior.

[–]CaptainLepidusKanyekin, pronouns: Yeezy/Yeezus/Jesus 0 ポイント1 ポイント

You're right, and a big societal issue is the way we teach women to constantly fear assault and men not to worry about it - rather than having gendered education, we should teach everyone to be careful.

In fact, it's likely that the high rates of male assault are due to the general (false) assumption that men are in less danger.

[–]headless_bourgeoisiePansexual spokesthing 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Which, sexual assaults are not even the most likely to occur crime, the only crime it beats is murder

Errr... What?

[–]imdabes42 26 ポイント27 ポイント

I agree. Women do have more to worry about in these scenarios. It's just a fact. Not that it happens all the time but it's a thing to be wary of that men aren't concerned with to the same degree. I think people here are losing track of what the actual crazies look like around here.

[–]RuomligNotorious P.I.V. 4 ポイント5 ポイント

As far as "being the victim of violent crime while walking home" thing goes, men statistically have more to worry about than women do. Women may be more afraid, that does not mean that their fear has any rational basis. I don't know about the roofie bit, but men are far and away more likely to be the victims of all violent crime, with the exception of rape, ( table seven) and 70% of rape is not committed by some stranger in a back alley, it's committed by a person the victim knows. ( Before you say "it's just a fact." Perhaps provide the facts you're talking about.

[–]cinnamonkartoffel 14 ポイント15 ポイント

Exactly. It's the one thing I really hate about TiA. We've gotten so wrapped up in making fun of SJWs that it's gotten to the point where any time someone points at that social issues actually exist, they also get berated too. Yes, crazy feminists are crazy. But it doesn't mean that girls don't have to deal with sexual harassment on a regular basis .

[–]TripleSkeet 1 ポイント2 ポイント

On a regular basis? No. They dont.

[–]Ayn_Rand_Was_Rightpansexual demiromantic otter-kin -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

I think it is more about how michelle williams hypes it up so it seems like every woman is going to get gang raped for just leaving the house. Hell, I have probably been gang raped more times than most women.

[–]blalien 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It's exaggeration for the sake of humor, genius.

[–]Ayn_Rand_Was_Rightpansexual demiromantic otter-kin -1 ポイント0 ポイント

I don't get that kind of stuff, kinda hard to see it.

[–]sawelter 5 ポイント6 ポイント

I agree (it's some good advice here) but I wish they'd ended it differently than

"You're telling me that women just spend their whole day navigating an obstacle course of sexual menace?" "Yeah, pretty much."

Because in this instance they're only talking about a) being drunk and b) it being late at night, which makes it considerably more dangerous than other situations. I mean I guess it could dangerous be during the day but if someone's in class, they're probably not in an obstacle course of sexual menace.

[–]EddieJimmyOlmosJaegerkin. Pronouns: Gipsy Danger/Coyote Tango/Striker Eureka 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Right? And how many times have you heard someone say any of the following: 1) Well, what did she expect, wearing an outfit like that. 2) Well, what did she expect? Doesn't she know to NEVER leave her drink? 3) Well, what did she expect? She came alone to a party.

If women talk about taking precautions, that means they think all men are rapists. If they don't take precautions, they are to blame for being assaulted.

[–]Greco412ANDROID 7 ポイント8 ポイント

The point is not to blame them. The point is to say there are precautions that you can take. Obviously the person that committed the crime is at fault but it is still your responsibility to protect your self.

[–]ankensamDebacles-kin 8 ポイント9 ポイント

What did he expect wearing a sign saying "I HATE NIGGERS!" in Harlem?

Oh, I'm sorry, are we not allowed to question the actions that might have contributed to an assault?

[–]Slinky21triggered by the letter 'e' 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Okay, see you're comparing blatantly antagonizing a group of people with a racial slur to wearing skimpy clothing. Are you being sarcastic, or do you see those things as being equally provocative?

[–]ankensamDebacles-kin 9 ポイント10 ポイント

I'm mainly referencing Die Hard 3

[–]Slinky21triggered by the letter 'e' 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Lmao! Oh, sorry, my mistake! Carry on.

[–]BarryOggAnita : sexism :: Jack Thompson : violence -1 ポイント0 ポイント



Was this supposed to be a trick question?

[–]theJalden 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I've never heard of a victim actually being blamed what happened is because of what they wore. A rapist wouldn't choose to rape someone solely based on what they wore, they would prey on those they thought were the most helpless. That is the most drunk and the most alone.

I've only ever heard the other things as a way to prevent becoming the victim, not to justify the rapist's action.

Seriously, if you plan on going to a party, especially one where you plan on getting drunk, go with at least two other friends.

[–]floppyblackhat 0 ポイント1 ポイント

This is the worst problem with TiA. Obviously the Daily Show was exaggerating a woman's reaction to some extent, but mostly that's a real thing. TiA takes anything that is remotely feminists or expresses real issues that women face in society and then tears those women apart for being paranoid or too sensitive. But in reality this shit happens and women are taught from a young age that they have to have their guards up in social settings and, just from what I've noticed with my own brothers, that doesn't happen as much with guys.