Lefty Professor: 'Unconscionable' That 'Three White Men' Will Anchor Network Evening Newscasts
Shortly after news broke on Wednesday that Diane Sawyer would step down as anchor of ABC's World News and be replaced by David Muir, Temple University journalism professor Karen Turner ranted to MediaBistro's TVNewser blog: "In this growing multicultural nation, it's unconscionable that as of September three white men will lead their respective networks."
While Turner acknowledged that Muir, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, and CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley were "accomplished journalists," she warned: "The subliminal message this sends is these – white males – are the legitimate faces that should represent America."
Prior to joining the Temple faculty, Turner served as press secretary for former Democratic Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell. She currently teaches an online course entitled "Race and Racism in the News."