4:38pm June 2, 2014






So, I had a guy hand me his number today and he followed it with, "I mean no disrespect, but here—"

I told him I was flattered but had a long term, serious girlfriend, who I loved very much.

To which he responded, still pleasant and with polite interest,  ”She’s a lucky woman. How long have you been together?”

THAT is how you approach/handle a ‘no’, boys. take fucking notes.

Reblogging because this is freakin’ important

I hate how posts like this sound like they assume that all boys are unable to do whatever the post is showing a “good example” of. We’re not all assholes, girls.

You sir/madame, are part of the problem.

You got a “not all men” response. You’ve made it, I hereby promote you to a Level 9 Feminist, you now have the ability to turn into a dragon and the clearance to kill men with your fire.

Can I go by Khaleesi, now?

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