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james78787878 asked:

Thanks for that reasoned response. "if father’s wanted men’s rights, then they would listen to feminists", so you want men to listen to feminists but only so long as we don't call ourselves feminists or have any kind of voice within the feminist domain, unless it's directed at precisely what you consider to be worthy of attention. Can you see why people have a problem with your perverted branch of 'feminism'? I'm more of a feminist than you.

go away you’re annoying

4 notes

  1. whinwinchester reblogged this from stfueverything and added:
    Why is it so hard to understand feminism isn’t about men. It’s about women. It benefits men significantly and you can...
  2. there-was-a-girl said: Ugh. I hate these dudes who like to think they know feminism better than women everywhere.
  3. kawaiistomp said: I don’t understand how men can’t have a voice in feminism when i follow plenty of men who are feminist ALLY’S and they don’t sound half as condescending as this fuck. True ally’s do not speak over us. If you can’t handle that GTFO seriously.
  4. stfueverything posted this
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