Godspousery, Witchcraft, and Spiritwork in the Wildwood

answered with 22 ♥

Is there such a thing as spirits (gods, faeries, ghost, etc.) being your sexuality in a way? Because in "real life" I am attracted to so few people that it's borderline asexual, but I'm attracted to ( at least the idea of) a LOT of spirits. (The longest crush I've ever had was on Hades. It lasted 5 years.) and like the idea of having a relationship with one.


To add on to my ask about being attracted to spirits. I forgot to mention this but the thing that confuses me most is that I know its a hard and lonely path, and I’ve heard many stories, but somehow I can’t shake the want for it. It’s like ‘no this is not a fun life’ but at the same time, I can’t stop wanting to have no fun.

To be honest, I don’t know.  It’s entirely possible to only be attracted to non-corporeal, or extra human entities, I guess.  Hell, I’ve only ever been attracted to the Hunter.  I think it’s up to you to determine if this is a major part of your personality and identity, and therefore something that you want to work on labeling.

I once had a conversation with a friend, she was one of the few people in my IRL life who knew that I was a godspouse.  She desperately wanted to be a god/spirit-spouse, or to have some sort of super close devotional relationship.  She knew that it was hard work, and lonely, and she had seen how much the whole affair hurt me, how it weighed on my self-esteem, how at dark points I cried and fretted over how I could ever be worthy of Him, she even knew that I had thought of how nice it would be to die so that I didn’t have to be so far from Him.  But she still wanted it.  She confided in me that she took everything I went through as “side-effects” that proved my connection to the Otherworlds.  She thought it made me “more powerful” and “more connected.”  She wanted to be like that, and the torment that I was going through was like a status symbol.

I’m not saying that this is how you feel, Nonny, just offering a related anecdote.  

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