
Anonymous asked:

How is pangender appropriative (I'm not pangender I'm just curious)? Is pansexual appropriative as well?

pride-flags-for-us answered:

Pangender is appropriative because there are genders that are specific to cultures and races. To say that you are every gender would include the genders that you are not allowed to partake in.

No pansexual is not appropriative afaik. Pansexual is just the attraction towards every gender, not that you are every gender.

- Mod Shane



Following stablvertigo’s post saying how the genderfluid flag is a bit straining on the eyes, here’s a more pastel and also a softened version of the flag.





You should check out their blog and some of their ideas for a saturated but slightly differently coloured version of the flags (they have an extra 4 versions).



Proposed color changes to the genderfluid flag! The top one is the original, and I’ve always loved the symbolism, but its colors don’t mesh well and kinda hurt my eyes tbh. I like the 3rd and 4th the most, but I made a wholeeee bunch of prototypes to see what might be nicer looking. For pride-flags-for-us, since you can’t submit photosets.


One of my dear friends has been struggling with a string of low spoons days lately, which inspired me to create this spoons meter so they could quickly and wordlessly convey how they were feeling that day. It works on a scale of 0 to 5, where five spoons means: “Hey, I’m feeling good! Let’s go out and see people and kick ass and crush the patriarchy!” and zero spoons means: “Spoon levels critically low - DO NOT ENGAGE”
I figured this might be useful for other spoonies struggling with chronic illness or disability, so I’m making it freely available! The meter itself is small enough to fit nicely in a blog description or anywhere else you may wish to conspicuously display your current spoons level.

You can download the full set here or check the user-friendly sidebar code here. It’s totally free to use (although, of course, credit and a note to let me know would be lovely!) Even if you don’t need this, please consider reblogging in case one of your followers might find it useful.
May all your spoons be polished and your silverware drawer be full! =3

This is amazing (my schema has changed!). I knew the concept of resources, that it takes resources for me to do things like get out of bed, take a shower, basically any activity, some take more than others like responding to a hostile anon takes more resources than playing some Minecraft, but I didn’t know they were also called spoons.
For people who don’t know, I suffer from anxiety and have had some really bad anxiety attacks this year and last year…I had to give a presentation final while having an anxiety attack last year and it was one of the worst moments of my life.

I want to add this to my blog, but idk how, because my computer programming skills and HTML skills are next to nothing. I will try to remember this exists, particularly so I will one day find some way to add it.

To OP: thank you for creating this!


One of my dear friends has been struggling with a string of low spoons days lately, which inspired me to create this spoons meter so they could quickly and wordlessly convey how they were feeling that day. It works on a scale of 0 to 5, where five spoons means: “Hey, I’m feeling good! Let’s go out and see people and kick ass and crush the patriarchy!” and zero spoons means: “Spoon levels critically low - DO NOT ENGAGE”

I figured this might be useful for other spoonies struggling with chronic illness or disability, so I’m making it freely available! The meter itself is small enough to fit nicely in a blog description or anywhere else you may wish to conspicuously display your current spoons level.

You can download the full set here or check the user-friendly sidebar code here. It’s totally free to use (although, of course, credit and a note to let me know would be lovely!) Even if you don’t need this, please consider reblogging in case one of your followers might find it useful.

May all your spoons be polished and your silverware drawer be full! =3

This is amazing (my schema has changed!). I knew the concept of resources, that it takes resources for me to do things like get out of bed, take a shower, basically any activity, some take more than others like responding to a hostile anon takes more resources than playing some Minecraft, but I didn’t know they were also called spoons.

For people who don’t know, I suffer from anxiety and have had some really bad anxiety attacks this year and last year…I had to give a presentation final while having an anxiety attack last year and it was one of the worst moments of my life.

I want to add this to my blog, but idk how, because my computer programming skills and HTML skills are next to nothing. I will try to remember this exists, particularly so I will one day find some way to add it.

To OP: thank you for creating this!








omg that last one 

the kilt it

I love seeing my friends gif’d :)

Check out Jenny Yang Comedy at jennyyangjokes

I’ve seen this multiple times and has been reblogged without criticism, so I guess it’s up to me to point out image 1 and image 2 are problematic.

Image 1 is fatphobic. It’s completely inappropriate, especially for satire, to attack one marginalized group in order to uplift another (remember the Colbert nastiness?). Being fat is portrayed as a negative identity for one (adding “white” doesn’t make this example acceptable satire, removing the words “white because your people are” leaves the message ”You’re so unlucky you’re just naturally fat” which reveals the fatphobia inside this statement, covered up by the innocuous “white” that must totally not  make this example okay satire, right? Which, personally, leaves to mind the white women jokes made by white men that are misogynistic, but are totally not acceptable because they add the word “white” right?), and two, satire is supposed to twist a statement to the extreme, becoming so far removed from reality that everyone loses their suspension of disbelief and will not read the satirical example as played straight. Image 1 uses a very real microaggression that is aimed at fat people often. I personally recognize, as I have faced these microaggressions all my life as an Asian American, that the content producer was satirizing the microaggression “you’re so lucky you’re Asian, because your people are just naturally thin,” which is both racist, as well as fatphobic again, because it relies on racist stereotypes of Asian people to erase fat Asian people. However, Image 1 failed to satirize the original fatphobia and only perpetrated fatphobia itself.

Image 2 fails to recognize microaggressions against ethnicities (even ones racialized as white) exist and perpetrates an existing and utilized anti-Italian, ethnic discriminatory microaggression. Because of this, Image 2 fails to effectively satirize the microaggression “You’re Japanese? I love sushi, mmmmm” because Italian people do face this microaggression and satire is supposed to reflect reality by using an impossible, extreme fantasy, not perpetuate the existing discriminatory systems we already live in.

Image 3-6 are fine and excellent satirical examples of microaggressions I have faced as a mixed race Chinese-American. I love Image 6 the most out of 3-6, because I’ve dealt with that bullshit too many times, and I finally have a gif to explain my anger when facing this microaggression.

For those who don’t know, Image 3 is satire of “I love Asian accents, ‘hey I eat dog’” which is a 2-for-1, Image 4 is satire of yellow fever attitudes and hypersexualization of Asian women, Image 5 is satire of “don’t you have trouble telling Asian people apart,” and Image 6 is satire of white people squinting their eyes and going “hey look at me! I’m Asian” which is a specific microaggression called yellowface.

The content poster should remove the sections containing Image 1 and 2, then make an apology to the marginalized groups.

P.S. I can’t view YouTube videos and certain other sites, as I’m currently staying in the People’s Republic of China, so keep that in mind. Also, I’m neither Italian nor fat, so members of those communities, please message me if I overstepped my bounds.

If you dare misuse my commentary to perpetrate a nanometer of anti-Asian racism, fuck you.