why does anyone have a problem with otherkin
no really y
because im not otherkin but thy dont oppress or hurt anyone so why does anyone fucking care
why does anyone have a problem with otherkin
no really y
because im not otherkin but thy dont oppress or hurt anyone so why does anyone fucking care
thinking of not watching any shows that don’t have female-presenting or POC leads.
And then I realized this would mean giving up sherlock and the vast majority of my favorite shows.
internalized misogyny in a patriarchal society rocks :/
Just thought I’d share this story with you guys. Because of my introversion I tend to be uncomfortable posting (partially why it took me so long to grow a clit and POST on TUMBLR lol) but toward the end of my junior year of high school (2014) I was sent home for my attire.
I was wearing a maxi…
Bumping myself because this is important.
Men will take literally anything and make it all about them. I feel like the #killallmen hashtag is mostly men complaining about it. Why do men have to show up and make everything about them?
Men have taken a tag focused on…
You are gross.
If you really think #killallmen is about men then I don’t think I can even entertain this conversation.
Men will take literally anything and make it all about them. I feel like the #killallmen hashtag is mostly men complaining about it. Why do men have to show up and make everything about them?
Out of all the examples of men being ignorant, out of the millions of things you could have said, you said that.
I cannot fathom your stupidity.
Do the Internet a favor and never use it again because clearly you don’t know how to use it.
I’m fine with criticisms but a lot of people actually DON’T know how to use the Internet so this strikes me as very classist and americocentric.
Men will take literally anything and make it all about them. I feel like the #killallmen hashtag is mostly men complaining about it. Why do men have to show up and make everything about them?
Men have taken a tag focused on violence and sexism towards men and made it ‘about men’.
Shut the fuck up you moron.
It’s not literally about killing men though. I don’t want to kill any men. I just want to end maleness, masculinity, male supremacy and gender.
Just thought I’d share this story with you guys. Because of my introversion I tend to be uncomfortable posting (partially why it took me so long to grow a clit and POST on TUMBLR lol) but toward the end of my junior year of high school (2014) I was sent home for my attire.
I was wearing a maxi dress (so it reached the floor) but I was told it was inappropriate. I have a very youthful face (I’m 18) but I have very big perky boobs (and I normally don’t need to wear a bra for comfort so I don’t) and a tiny waist (22” last I checked) as well as a big ass that I’ve *heard* rivals Iggy Azalea (can we STOP naming white women the queens of big butts by the way? I kind of can’t stand it when people tell me this. No, my ass is my ass. It’s not Iggy’s and even as a white person I can see why his is fucked up.) But anyway I’m pretty sure it was MY BODY, not the dress, that upset the administration.
Listen, I know it’s important to not dress like a slob or be unprofessional at school (like, I wouldn’t want boys going to school shirtless) but it’s a long dress. I don’t understand how anyone can be so transparent in sexualizing my body when I’m only 18. But whatever, I’m used to it. I pretty much can’t go anywhere without being sexualized, propositioned or asked out. And I don’t even date men, I am fucking kinkqueer.
Just wanted to get this off my chest because I hate seeing all these girls being told that their bodies and the sexualization of those bodies is more important than education :/ although as an anti intellectual I think the educational system is highly racist and classist, but I still think given the current climate of the country girls should be able to learn.
Men will take literally anything and make it all about them. I feel like the #killallmen hashtag is mostly men complaining about it. Why do men have to show up and make everything about them?
i dont get why anyone talks about getting crushes on straight girls.
straight girls are boring. like even for straight guys.
who wants them
"I just hate all extremists." is just code for "I’m privileged and I’d rather support oppresision than fight it."