We decided on this description politely.
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- Resort to insults based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs[2]
- Post users' personal information
- Editorialize submission titles[1]
- Make low content posts (including images of memes, scenery, or generic pictures, etc[6][7]
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Canadian subreddit network
A complete listing can be found here
- Barrie, ON
- Brampton
- Burlington, ON
- Calgary
- Durham region, ON
- Edmonton
- Fredericton
- Guelph
- Halifax
- Hamilton
- Kelowna
- Kingston
- Kitchener
- Lethbridge
- London
- Medicine Hat
- Mississauga
- Moncton, NB
- Montreal
- Moose Jaw
- Niagara
- Ottawa
- Pemberton, BC
- Peterborough, ON
- Red Deer, AB
- Regina
- Saint John, NB
- Sarnia, ON
- Saskatoon
- Sault Ste. Marie, ON
- Sherbrooke
- Squamish, BC
- St. Johns, NL
- Stratford, ON
- Sudbury
- Thunder Bay
- Toronto
- Vancouver
- Victoria, BC
- Waterloo
- Whistler, BC
- Windsor
- Winnipeg
Professional Sports
Post-secondary institutions
Sister subreddits
The moderators of r/Canada reserve the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their perception of the suitability of said posts and comments for this subreddit. Thank you for your understanding.
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[–]VelvetJusticeBritish Columbia [score hidden]
[–]KlugerHans [score hidden]
[–]Beanleaf [score hidden]
[–]Pocahontas_SpacemanBritish Columbia [score hidden]
[–]VelvetJusticeBritish Columbia [score hidden]
[–]Pocahontas_SpacemanBritish Columbia [score hidden]
[–]VelvetJusticeBritish Columbia [score hidden]
[–]Pocahontas_SpacemanBritish Columbia [score hidden]