all 4 comments

[–]eelsfeels 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Do you genuinely consider Edward Snowden to be a terrorist, and believe he actually belongs in Guantanamo Bay? I'm not going to touch this shit with a ten foot pole. You scare the shit out of me. You seriously fucking terrify me. If you're worried about the direction of the country you claim to care about, you should seriously reconsider your thought process on issues like this.

[–]KittenBandit 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I agree with you on what you said for the most part. Nothing Obama has done has helped anyone cept maybe the terrorists. I haven't heard anyone say how much they're doing now that Obama is pres. Look up Cloward and Piven. Amazing how much it makes sense what Obama has done when looked through that prism. You sound young. I am so hopefull that more your age will see how bad the liberals have been and really that this country has to turn back to the Bible before it will get better. It's sad when you start thinking that Putin would be a better potus then the one we have now. Keep paying attention. You and your age group that are listening may be able to turn this around. And yes impeachment should be on everyone's mind. The problem is that if we succeed in getting Obama out of office then wouldn't that put Biden there. OMG Noooooooo. Lol Good luck kiddo. :)

[–]bunknownConservative 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Maybe it's because I really only began adulthood during this administration.

You need to read some books son.

I don't care. If it protects America, spy the fuck out of whoever you want.

Really? Just no.

and ask if I'm crazy for thinking this

Yes, yes you are.

[–]DontBuy123 -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

Well some people who claim they care about the country have a funny way of showing it. Like the congressman who stand there and pout until our credit rating gets downgraded. There's a group of people like Snowden etc who are willing to wreck the country in order to show how patriotic they are.