'Should we kill all women after menopause as a form of eugenics' Should we setup camps to exterminate women once they have reached menopause. What use are they at that age anyway? feminism sex lol funny misogyny misandry sjw justice humour rape
Should we setup camps to exterminate women once they have reached menopause. What use are they at that age anyway?
Since women become useless after menopause, should the Patriarchy just kill them at that point? feminism MRA
No Offence Feminists: But doesn’t it make sense to euthanize women after menopause? feminism funny lol misogyny gender sexism misandry MRA sex men's rights
Patriarchy - It makes sense to euthanize women after menopause because what good are they at that age!? MRA sexism misogyny
Patriarchy should genocide all women. Well..at least kill women after menopause when they can’t have babies anymore. gender feminism sexism rape men's rights MRA kill all women sex
Men’s Rights funny feminism sexism rape misogyny misandry kill all women sexual assault men's rights MRA equality gender