I want 140 characters which will end rape
So men, what do you want to hear?
Not all men are like that? You’re not like those other men?
Let’s say I tell you men that you are wonderful, kind, heroic and humble. Will these words of praise stop the girl enslavement called “child marriages?”
If women change tactics from demanding the return of girl children stolen in Africa, if instead we engulf men in a cascade of compliments assuring men that we know they are decent and devoted, will men return our generosity by raising the average age a girl enters prostitution out of the early teen years?
So men, if it is not flattery you want from women, what are the words you want to hear? What can women say that will cause you to finally stop what you have always had in your manly hands the power to end?
Women have been forgiving of what men have done to us. We have to if we want to leave our homes. We have to forget what pornography shows us men like to masturbate to if we want to go to work or buy food while looking into the porn-soaked eyes of the men around us. We have to forget what happened the last time we went out, and the time before that, and we need to remember the times nothing happened.
I’ll remember that you are the good ones and that most violence is really the fault of madness or money. I will forgive and forget whatever it is you want of me if you tell me what you want to hear women say. Then good men like you will stop telling us how we’re doing feminism wrong, because we’ll be doing it exactly as you command.
Then men will stop the violence your mentally ill brothers and financially destitute brothers commit against girls and women.
Men will stop the violence.
Not because women have always begged men to stop. Not because women have always acquiesced to silent invisibility in the hope that men would respond with civility. Not because men haven’t kept masculinity’s vaunted promise to protect women and children.
Men will stop the violence because women will finally have spoken the word sequence whose non-utterance has kept the dignity of full personhood out of women’s grasp.
So men, enough with telling women when we speak the wrong words. What would you have women say to get men to end the violence sinking humanity’s ship, the result when something naturally balanced is forcibly tipped for too long?
You can go over Twitter’s 140 characters if you need to, or whatever Facebook’s limit is, but do try to keep it from becoming a 141-page manifesto if you can.
Just say the words and I will work tirelessly getting women to repeat them, then men will stop the violence.
Men will stop the violence.
Women will say what men want to hear and men will stop the violence.
And that will work this time.
Samantha Berg is a radical feminist journalist and activist. Her articles have been published in progressive media for over a decade, and in recent years she has organized several anti-prostitution political events in the United States and Canada. Sam’s websites are JohnStompers.com and Genderberg.com.
Im with you on this totally. Its about time men started telling us those magic words that will bring an end to their on going violence … after all, criticising is fine if its constructive … I’m all ears to hear what their solution to psychopathy towards the female of the species.
I haven’t got 140 magic characters but your post reminded me: I spoke to a group of teenage male rapists/sexual abusers over 20 years ago. They knew I was a survivour: I said, “Do you want to have children some day.” “Yes!” “What would you do if your child was sexually abused by a ‘you’”…Made a couple of them cry. Later I received letters from some of them thanking me for being a better person then they were to come in and talk to them who didn’t “deserve it”. They wrote, “It made a difference.”
Yes, exactly. And when women speak the magic word sequence, and men fail to respond and grant all women full humanity, the men who suggested those words will go after the offending men, even if only on Twitter, rather than further chastising the women that its their fault the magic words didn’t work, because something about their Twitter account looked wrong or probably made a man somewhere feel disrespected.
There is only one concept which will end violence and save humanity:
As a society and a species, we must practice and encourage everyone to understand this. Until we can comprehend what it means to feel another person’s pain, and subsequently feel our own unique remorse caused by inflicting that pain, all manner of violence will continue: Rape, war, bigotry, even simple bullying.
I am a pessimist, unfortunately. I think many human beings are broken, and are incapable of feeling remorse. So long as human beings with empathy live alongside those without, we are doomed to eternal conflict, abuse and violence.
The only way to make people stop killing and raping is to make them WANT to stop. We must make them WANT to be kind, instead of brutal. How do we find that?
…well after 5,000 years, all of humanity’s best and brightest have failed to find that path to world peace. It’d sure be great if we could stumble onto it in the next few years, wouldn’t it?